AVON LOCAL DENTAL COMMITTEE Committee meeting Held on Monday 24 February 2014 in the Cornwall Room, Castlemead, Bristol Minutes Present: John Cantwell (Secretary), Lisa Davies, Brad Hall, Jon Jansen, Darren Hills, Andrew House, Simon Khoury, Aidan Moran, George Schofield, Tony Smith, Rob Snelling (Treasurer), Jane Timothy (Deputy Chair), Alasdair Miller(Guest) 1. CHAIRMAN’S ITEMS None. The Deputy Chair welcomed Alasdair Miller as Interim Chair of the BNSSGS LDN. He gave an outline of the history behind the NHS England development. The LDN is being established formally over the summer and in its current incarnation is developing workstreams and direction of travel for advice to the Area Team on commissioning dental services. The LDN is currently dominated by Somerset personnel and the intention is to equalise representation across the patch. There were some questions on the makeup of the LDN which were posed. Urban/rural, large/small practices, numbers of primary care dentists to attend. The first two issues seemed to engender artificial delineations and were felt not to be too problematical. There was a strong feeling that as the vast majority of dental commissioning occurs in primary care that two members each of Avon and Somerset LDCs should be part of the LDN. The core of the group to be kept relatively small possibly meeting every two months and distribute workload to dedicated Task and Finish Groups which will last six months or so. The LDC is mindful that the LDN is likely to be the Area Team’s primary contact and that as a body we must ensure the voice of the LDC is heard on behalf of the membership. Funding was discussed. Members of the LDC expressed concern that there was no explicit funding for the LDN activity and that it was being hoped that funds would be raised by the savings made in transferring work from secondary care to primary. We were very sceptical and nothing Alasdair Miller had to say on the topic offered any reassurance. His message was to go along with it at present and see if the Area Team deliver what they promise. The LDC view was that this was likely to be a repeat of past promises on funding from the commissioning bodies which were never carried out. New national guidance is due in April from NHS England so the situation may develop then. There was then a discussion to try and agree principles for service design. The LDC felt the principles to be sound but the underlying detail did not exist to sufficiently judge any further. This led to further discussion on the proposed tiering of primary dental care delivery at basic, intermediate and specialist level. Again, some agreement on how this would fit with the principles of service design and managed clinical networks. However, grave concern was raised about the funding of this in the long term. So many strategies have been developed over the years that have had inadequate funding that the profession as a whole and this LDC in particular feels that unless explicit funding is shown to exist that the changes will at best be fudged and at worst fail as has done the UDA system. Alasdair Miller was thanked for his input. The next LDN meeting is in a few days. J Cantwell would attend. 2. APOLOGIES Ian Biggerstaff, Tony Brooke, Carl Fullaway. 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes were signed as an accurate record of the meeting. 4. MATTERS ARISING NHS 111 still causing problems. Jane Timothy had been informed that the discrepancies are because 111 uses a different database than NHS Choices. Secretary to follow this up. Also Area Team has not responded to other queries raised last time – to chase up. Elections – number of nominations less than places available so all appointed. Some vacancies – two people wish to be co-opted onto the LDC. Paul Drugan and Matt Ellis – both voted in unanimously. 5. NEW CONTRACT Following the presentation from Alasdair Miller, the Committee discussed some of the issues. The primary concern was that funding would as has been the case historically be inadequate to serve the population properly. We agreed the Area Team must ensure that GDP input is heard. We voted unanimously that in the absence of Area Team funding that the LDC would reimburse members for attendance at meetings in the usual way. We would liaise with Somerset LDC. 6. TREASURER Healthy bank balance, levy about to be collected. . 7. REPORTS GDPC recent meeting on contract reform. Little new to report. Problems with PCR. Activity down some 40%. Treasury may end up determining PCR under new contract. Concerns about weighted captiation and how it will address inequalities. 8. CORRESPONDANCE Letter from N Soms GMP regarding related GDP. Attached report on how communication between dentist, PCT as was and GDC handled and some recommendations. Secretary to read and respond. 9. AOB Superannuation adjustments after associate/VT has left. G Schofield in detailed communication about the problems this creates. Will keep us updated. There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 20.08. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS FOR 2014 26 March (BGM) 19 May 22 September 24 November