Name: ___________________________________________ Ms. McHugh ELA Unit 3 Grammar- Action Verbs Directions: Underline the subject once. Double underline the verbs. Label the verbs as action AV or linking LV. 1. Mom and dad play golf on Saturday. 2. Six juicy hamburgers sizzled on the grill. 3. The workers cleaned the pool last week. 4. David had scored twelve points. 5. Our neighbors have a new car. 6. The ceremony began at two o’clock. 7. The cafeteria staff prepares lunch for the entire school. 8. Serena has read thirty books this year. 9. The icy rain blew through the open window. 10. Josh and his sister are arranging the flowers. 11. The children were quiet. 12. Every culture has its own myths, legends, and fairy tales. 13. The weather grew cold. 14. The twins are visiting their grandparents. 15. Our cat has disappeared again. Name: _______________________________________________ Ms. McHugh ELA Unit 3 Grammar- Direct and Indirect Objects Directions: Underline once the subject. Double underline the action verb. Circle the Direct object and place a box around the indirect object if applicable. 1. Kareem gave the crowd a big smile. 2. The eager salesperson sold the couple a new car. 3. The company promises its employees annual pay increases. 4. Sharlene made her brother and his friend costumes for the play. 5. Ms. Nishimura served her guests a traditional meal. 6. Mrs. Kowalski fed her favorite horse a carrot. 7. The Harrisons have left the university their art collection. 8. The parents’ club brought the school three new computers. 9. Muhammad writes his cousin a letter once a month. 10. Satch threw the last batter a slow curveball. Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________ Ms. McHugh ELA Verbs POP QUIZ Directions: Underline the subject once and the verb twice. Label ABOVE the verb as A (action) or L (linking). 1. Jackie jogs for her health. 2. My uncle is a plumber. 3. Tomorrow Jackie and Katie have a softball game. 4. Shelby feels unhappy. 5. Nick felt the dog’s tongue on his hand. 6. Grass needs rain. 7. Jamie has written his cousin a letter. 8. Lena seems a friendly person. 9. Mom is watering her plants. 10. Dorothy remembered her dream. Name: ________________________________________ Date: __________ Ms. McHugh ELA Action Verbs, Direct object, Indirect Objects POP QUIZ Directions: Underline the subject once and the verb twice. Label the verb as A action or L linking. If it applies circle the Direct Object and put a box around the Indirect Object. 1. An action verb has a direct object. 2. Jason forgot his homework. 3. Three plastic deer stood in the garden. 4. Bob achieved success with hard work and luck. 5. The stone goose wire a bright yellow raincoat. 6. Ms. Targe fed her dog some bacon. 7. Mrs. Dietz writes her grandma a letter once a month. 8. Mr. Patch threw Kevin the basketball. 9. Mr. Tobin gave the class detention. 10. Billy gave the crowd a big smile. Name: _______________________________________________ Ms. McHugh ELA Unit 3 Grammar- Predicate Nouns and Predicate Adjectives Directions: Underline the subject once and the verb twice. Label the verb as A (action) or L (linking). Circle the predicate noun or predicate adjective and label it as PN or PA. 1. Douglas looks handsome in his pirate costume. 2. Brigid is a teacher and runner. 3. A dark figure appeared in the hallway. 4. The orchestra sounds wonderful today. 5. Suddenly Bobby smelled smoke for the lab. 6. Sally became a writer later in life. 7. Mr. Menendez grows huge pumpkins in his garden. 8. Serena felt nervous before her performance. 9. Harry’s horse seems a sure winner in the next race. 10. The leaves are red and yellow in the fall. Name: ___________________________________________ Ms. McHugh ELA D.O., I.O., P.N., P.A. Pop Quiz Directions: Underline the subject once and the predicate twice. Label the verb as A action or L linking. If applicable, circle the D.O. and put a box around the I.O. If applicable, highlight the P.N. or P.A. and label it as P.N. or P.A. 1. The photos in the album are small. 2. The White House tour guide showed visitors the Green and Red Rooms. 3. The whistle sounds shrill. 4. The dog carried its puppies to the basket. 5. A triangle has three sides. 6. The painting was breathtaking. 7. I showed Sarah the letter. 8. Read the package directions carefully. 9. The blues is a form of music. 10. Billie Holiday was a famous blues singer. Name: ___________________________________________ Ms. McHugh ELA D.O., I.O., P.N., P.A. Directions: Underline the subject once and the predicate twice. Label the verb as A action or L linking. If applicable, circle the D.O. and put a box around the I.O. If applicable, highlight the P.N. or P.A. and label it as P.N. or P.A. 1. Ants at a picnic are pests. 2. The workers built a house. 3. A tornado’s winds are dangerous, 4. The new mother fed her seven infants formula from a bottle. 5. Tiger Woods has shown the world his talent. 6. The science field trip was sensational. 7. Follow your favorite sports on this channel. 8. Mother Teresa was a religious woman. 9. We rode a train from Boston to Providence. 10. The ancient Roman gladiator was a powerful fighter. Name:___________________________________ Ms. McHugh Unit 3 Review Do Now/Classwork: Complete the following: Date:________ ELA 1. A SUBJECT of a sentence is the ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. The two types of VERBS are __________________________________________________ How do you find the DIRECT OBJECT? 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ How do you find the INDIRECT OBJECT? 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ 3. What does a LINKING VERB do?______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How do you find a PREDICATE NOUN/PREDICATE ADJECTIVE? 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ Directions: Underline the SUBJECT once and the VERB twice. Label the verb as A (action) and L (linking). 1. The temperature rose to a hundred. 2. Samantha remembered her homework. 3. The girl’s face looks familiar. 4. Jackie looked into the next classroom. 5. The children were happy. Directions: Underline the SUBJECT once and the VERB twice. Label the verb as A (action) and L (linking). If applicable, circle the DIRECT OBJECT and put a box around the INDIRECT OBJECT. 1. The bus driver gave the passengers tickets. 2. The storyteller told the audience tales about growing up in Africa. 3. The catalog promises customers delivery within one week. 4. The president awarded Rosa Parks the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996. 5. Therese sent her friends picture postcards. 6. Ms. Sheridan offered her co-worker assistance. 7. Val tossed the dog a small ball. 8. David and Tony served the firefighters pasta and salad for dinner. 9. Jordan drew his sister a picture of her dog. 10. Carol made her family a scrapbook. Directions: Underline the SUBJECT once and the VERB twice. Label the verb as A (action) and L (linking). If applicable, highlight the PREDICATE NOUN or PREDICATE ADJECTIVE and label it as PA or PN. 1. All insects are invertebrates. 2. Their outer skeletons feel hard and brittle. 3. Their three pairs of legs are jointed. 4. Insects live all over the world. 5. They eat food. 6. Young insects often look different from their parents. 7. Some young insects are ugly. 8. Their bodies are smaller versions of adult bodies. 9. A silverfish is an example of one such insect. 10. The goliath beetle may be the heaviest flying insect.