Nervous Tissue in Detail

Tissue: Specific Types
Epithelial Tissue in Detail
Classification of epithelia
o According to _____________
 “simple” - one cell layer
 “stratified” – more than one layer of cells (which are named according to the shape of the
cells in the apical(base) layer)
o According to _____________
 “squamous” – wider than tall
 “cuboidal” – as tall as wide
 “columnar” - taller than wide
Classes of Epithelia
Simple Squamous Epithelium
o Descriptions:
 Single layer, flattened cells, simplest of epithelia
o Function:
 Allows passage of materials by diffusion and
 Secretes _____________ substances
o Location:
 Air sacs of lungs, lining of heart, blood vessels,
lining of ventral body cavity
Simple Cuboidal epithelium
o Descriptions:
 Single layered, cube like, large spherical central
o Function:
 Secretion and absorption
o Location:
 _____________ tubules, ovary surfaces
Simple Columnar Epithelium
o Descriptions:
 Single layer, tall, round or oval nuclei, some
bear cilia,
 may contain mucus-secreting glands
(_____________ cells)
o Function:
 Absorption, secretion of mucus and enzymes,
cilia propels mucus
o Location:
 Nonciliated lines the digestive tract
 Ciliated lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, parts
of uterus.
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
o Descriptions:
 Single layer w/ _____________ heights, nuclei
at different levels, may have goblet cells or cilia
o Function:
 Secretion(especially mucus), propulsion of
mucus by ciliary action
o Location:
 Nonciliated in sperm carrying ducts
 Ciliated lines the trachea and upper respiratory
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
o Descriptions: (most common stratified)
 Several layers, surface cells are squamous, basal
cells are cuboidal or columnar
o Function:
 _____________ underlying tissues in areas of
o Location:
 Esophagus, the mouth, outer portion of skin
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
o Descriptions: (rare)
 Usually two layers of cube-like cells
o Function:
 Protection
o Location:
 _____________ Largest ducts of sweat glands,
mammary glands, and salivary glands.
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
o Descriptions: (rare)
 Several layers thick, columnar with varying in
size and shape
o Function:
 Protection, secretion
o Location:
 _____________ Large ducts of glands
Transitional Epithelium
o Descriptions:
 Highly modified, several layers of cuboidal or
columnar cells
o Function:
 _____________ readily, allowing distention of
urinary organs
o Location:
 Lines the ureters, bladder, parts of urethra
o Descriptions: Aka: osseous tissue
 Hard calcified matrix, surrounded by layers of
calcium salts in additions to lots of collagen
 Cells sit in cavities called “_____________”
o Function:
 Protection and support
o Location:
 Skeletal system
Hyaline Cartilage
o Descriptions: (hyalin=glass)
 Most common and widespread type
 Collagen fibers with a _____________ matrix
o Function:
 Supports/reinforces, resilient cushioning
o Location:
 Covers ends of bones in joints, nose, trachea,
larynx, embryonic skeleton
Elastic Cartilage
o Descriptions:
 Collagen fibers with a rubbery matrix
 Very elastic
o Function:
 _____________ shape of structure
 gives flexibility
o Location:
 External ear
 Epiglottis
Connetive Tissue in detail
o Descriptions:
 Similar to hyaline but less firm
 Much like a cushion
o Function:
 Absorbs _____________ shock
o Location:
 Intervertebral discs, discs of knee joint
Dense Connective Tissue
o Descriptions:
 Collagen fibers, fibroblasts fill gaps between
 Strong ropelike structures like _____________
and ligaments
o Function:
 Connect muscles to bones, connect bones at
joints, lots of tensile strength
o Location:
 joints
o _____________ – cells that make collagen fibers
o Tendons – attach skeletal muscles to bones
o Ligaments - connect bones to bones at joints. More
stretchy and contain more elastic fibers than tendon
Loose CT: Areolar Tissue
o Descriptions:
 Gel-like matrix w/ all three fiber types
 Very loose network w/ lots of open space
o Function:
 Wraps and cushions organs, a reservoir of water
and salts for surrounding tissues, important for
o Location:
 Under epithelia, around organs, surrounds
Loose CT: Adipose Tissue
o Descriptions: (fat)
 Very similar to areolar tissue
 ________ cells predominate
o Function:
 Insulates against heat loss, supports and protects
organs, reserve food fuel
o Location:
 Under skin, around kidneys and eyeballs,
abdomen and breast
Loose CT: Reticular CT
o Descriptions:
 Network of reticular fibers (similar to fibroblast)
 Delicate network of interwoven fibers
o Function:
 Form soft internal skeleton that supports other
cells such as white blood cells, mast cells
o Location:
 _____________ organs (lymph nodes, bone
marrow, spleen)
o Descriptions: (vascular tissue)
 Red and white blood cells in a ________ matrix
 Fibers are soluble only seen during clotting
o Function:
 Transportation of gases, nutrients, wastes ect.
o Location:
 Everywhere
Muscle Tissue in Detail
Skeletal Muscle
o Descriptions:
 Long, cylindrical, obvious striations, multinucleated
o Function:
 Voluntary movement, manipulation of the environment,
facial expression
 Gross body movement
o Location:
 Attached to bones
Cardiac Muscle
o Descriptions:
 Branching, striated, uninucleated cells that fit tightly
together at junctions called “intercalated disks”
o Function:
 Involuntary control, propels blood into circulation.
o Location:
 Walls of the heart
Nervous Tissue in Detail
Smooth Muscle
o Descriptions: (visceral)
 No striations, spindle-shaped w/ central nuclei
 Arranged closely to form sheets
o Function:
 Propelles substances along internal passageways,
involuntary control
 Peristalsis – wavelike motion
o Location:
 Walls of the stomach, bladder, uterus and blood vessels
Nervous Tissue
o Descriptions: (Neurons)
 Branching cells, has long extended parts
 Irritability and conductivity
 Have “supporting cells” that insulate, support
and protect neurons.
o Function:
 Transmits electrical signals from sensory
receptors to effectors that control their activity
o Location:
 Brain, Spinal cord and nerve