Poetic devices (LFFs) Analysis-Table - South Of My Days Judith Wright Name: ________________ FILL-IN THE BLANK SPACES! Quote “South of my days’ circle, part of my blood’s country, /” Name of the language techniques (LFF) Symbolism Repetition of singular pronoun and possessives Metaphor Irony What is the effect of using the technique? + link to representation of “People & Landscapes” The “circle” symbolizes the cycle of life… which can represent not just the cycle of human life – but the water cycle – the cycle of seasons – and even the cycle of the “food chain”. The directional noun “South” symbolizes the foundation (background/ “under”) which lies beneath the persona’s past experiences. The metaphor of “blood’s country” creates a powerful image of the persona’s intensely personal relationship with the landscape. The metaphor challenges a dominant white-Australian reading of the poem which supports the cultural value that people own the land. Ironically, Wright challenges this value by implying that the country is “part of” the persona’s blood and, therefore, cannot actually be owned. From a ___________________________ perspective, the symbolism of “blood’s” could also represent: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________. The repetition of the possessive nouns and pronoun in “my days circle” and “my blood’s country” represent the persona’s strong sense of ownership with their past and their country. The repetition of the singular pronoun “my” (as opposed to “our” or “their”) highlights that the persona is expressing deeply personal and individual values. Wright’s use of symbolism and the personal voice develop notions of romanticism which clearly represent her values of individualism and the power of nature. Quote “rises that tableland, high delicate outline / of bony slopes wincing under the winter,” “The creek’s leaf silenced, / Name of the language techniques (LFF) CUMULATIVE IMAGERY - “rises tableland / high delicate / bony slopes” METAPHOR – bony slopes Visual imagery ALLITERATION SYMBOL = “SILENCED” = no movement no life INVERSION – The creek has been silenced by the leaves. The Willow has choked the native leaves and the creek. willow-choked, the slope a tangle of medlar and crabapple /” Possessive noun “creek’s” VERNACULAR – “creek” establishes the landscape as Australian Imagery – “tangle” SYMBOLISM – “willow” “medlar” “crabapple” introduced species of trees have “silenced” the creek What is the effect of using the technique? + link to representation of “People & Landscapes” The cumulative imagery of “rises” ‘high” and “slopes” creates a visual image of the elevated and the mountainous landscape of “that tableland” in northern NSW. The metaphor of “bony slopes” creates a sense of the sharp rocks dominate the steep landscape. The visual imagery represents a fragile (delicate), steep and rocky landscape that is devoid of people. The lack of human life implies a harsh and treacherous environment. The imagery culminates with the personification of the landscape as it “winces” under winter. The preposition “under” represents the oppressive effect of the winter. The imagery reflects romantic values of the great power of nature. The possessive noun and vernacular “creek’s” establishes an Australian stream which has been “willow-choked”, causing its native vegetation and flow of water to be “silenced” and damaged. The inversion interrupts the natural flow of the words and images – which positions the reader to connect more closely with the creek and further symbolizes the effect of the introduced English species of “willow”. The symbolism of the “willow” as being an imposter on the landscape is further emphasized by the symbolism of the non-native trees “medlar and crabapple” which create a “tangle” on the “slope”. The imagery of represents the “tangle” as being a barrier and obstacle to the native landscape. A post-colonial reading signifies the “willow”, “medlar” and “crabapple” as the invading British colonists and their power over the landscape. Quote “in a wave of rambler roses,/ thrust its hot face in here to tell another yarn” Name of the language techniques (LFF) “Seventy years of stories he clutches round his bones./ Seventy summers are hived in him like old honey” What is the effect of using the technique? + link to representation of “People & Landscapes” ALLITERATION ASSONANCE SYMBOL (WAVE OF RAMBLER ROSES) PERSONIFCATION OF “THE SUMMER” VERNACULAR – ESTABLISHES IT AS BEING AUSTRALIAN IMAGERY OF “THRUST” FORCEFUL – IT’S THE LANDSCAPE (SUMMER) THAT’S ABOUT TO TELL THE STORY. The alliteration and assonance develops a rhythm which represents the creeping roses. The symbolism of the “rambler roses” continues the representation of introduced species and culture on the native landscape. The emotive imagery of “thrust” implies the ___________ ___ __________________ power of the cycle of the seasons (summer). The personification of summer’s “______________” and the vernacular in “tell another yarn” creates _______________ imagery of a long, hot Australian summer. Through highly symbolic language, Wright continues romantic values of the power of nature. Repetition (seventy) Sibilance (“S”) Simile Emotive language “clutches” The repetition of the “seventy” stamps the age of an identified man, ________. The sibilance develops a ________________ which adds a lyrical tone to the image of ___________ and the sound of the stories. The simile “______________________________” uses ”honey” to ________________________ the sweet and enduring memories of summer. The memories are meticulously “hived” (and saved) within Dan – making his very psyche and identity (his “being”) a direct reflection of his _______________________ with seventy summer landscapes. The romantic notion of the enduring power of nature is continued though Wright’s symbolism. Landscapes / hived around him like old honey / “Dan” / symbolize / rhythm / connection / “hot face” / summer / forceful and unstoppable / sensory