The Costa Rican Tourism Institute (Instituto Costarricense de Turismo), along with other
governmental and autonomous entities such as ONG’s and private enterprises, has proposed
many regulations in order to protect the environment as part of their policies and daily activities.
Such measures have been created to achieve a well-balanced and sustainable development, from
the economical, social and environmental points of view.
As well, one of their main objectives is the development of new structures that promote and
execute sustainable programs, with the aim of actively introducing these programs to different
tourist areas in the country and implement them as a whole in the tourist trade.
In this manner, Costa Rican Tour Operators are proud to be part of the Certified Tourist
Sustainability Family (Familia Certificada en Sostenibilidad Turística). This award is given by the
ICT, once they have performed strict evaluations related to all implemented practices by the
enterprise under consideration. On this occasion, Expediciones Tropicales (ET) manifests its
decision to achieve this important certificate, which confirms and consolidates the commitment as
an organization and as a big professional family. ET is in the vanguard of the development and
implementation of good environmental practices, so that we can expand our business in
equilibrium with the environment, always providing good quality services and conditions to our
clients and employees.
This document is addressed to suppliers, wholesalers, clients, internal personnel and the general
public. It’s been designed as a necessary complement to the sustainability program that ET has
initiated this year.
The purpose of this document is to spread and integrate the information presented in it, carrying
out all regulations rigorously, supported by other manuals and documents elaborated by different
autonomous entities, both national and international. This way, we analyze in depth the
environmental behaviors that our employees, suppliers, clients and all those involved must
observe, providing a positive change towards their professional performances.
The recommendations on ‘Environment-friendly Practices’ (Prácticas Amigabes con el Ambiente)
that are presented on this document, are very useful and easy to put into practice, leading to
surprisingly good results. This contributes to the achievement of our main objective: Sustainable
Our Mission
We will focus on one-day tour operations and vacation packages that allow tourists to pick and
enjoy a wide variety of leisure options in many different destinations throughout Costa Rica. ET
commits to provide top quality services, competitive prices, and a professional team, as well as to
strictly follow all social and environmental policies that lead to a responsible and sustainable
development in the tourism field.
Our Vision
To keep leadership as a consolidator, standing out as a responsible company that contributes to
the country’s sustainable development. Our vision is achieved through team effort, keeping the
highest levels of competition and incrementing our services’ range, providing well-balanced
commercial and environmental conditions.
Organizational Excellence
The achievement of our vision requires superior performance and constant improvement in all
areas and levels of our organization.
The performance of our activities will be guided by a clear, strategic and concise declaration,
always searching for excellence in all our operations.
The constant search for excellence requires qualified personnel, clear regulations based on quality
standards and focused on good environmental practices. We are constantly looking for
information and other enterprises’ support, in order to promote employees’ professional
development and achieve sustainable tourism.
Code of Ethics
ET recognizes that its own long term interests, and of those who show interest in the company,
depend on the fulfillment of the highest standards of ethical behavior and applicable law. These
policies have been approved by ET’s Executive Council and are presented to all employees, during
the initiation phase and through internal communications.
ET’s values are included in this code and it’s expected that all employees behave accordingly, on
both a personal and professional level, without exception.
In certain regions or countries, establishing a more detailed and strict directive may be convenient,
however, it must not contradict this code.
ET goes through this code periodically, and has committed to modifying its content and application
whenever considered necessary.
Ethics and Law
ET is committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct and the total fulfillment of
both national and international applicable laws. This includes, for example, laws that promote fair
competition and corporate regimen; those avoiding bribery, illegal payments and corruption; as
well as a safe use of all services provided by ET, work duties, the environment, human rights,
copyrights, company’s assets and other types of intellectual property.
ET’s aim is not minimum compliance with the law, but as an enterprise with a long life, its
objective is to be among Costa Rica’s best in terms of conducting business responsibly.
ET respects the privacy and integrity of those who are involved in their company’s services
programs and adhere to strict regulations when processing personal and product information. All
personal information obtained and conserved by ET will be properly processed, in compliance with
the law, so that people’s privacy is protected.
In its commitment to the development of Sustainable Tourism, ET is extremely respectful and proactive in terms of the following laws: 7600 Law, Sexual Harassment Law, Sexual Exploitation of
Children Law, National Archeological Heritage Law, Wildlife Conservation Law, Illegal Substances
Traffic and Consumption Law, Forest Law and Environmental Law. Likewise, ET is in compliance
with Use of Protected Areas Regulations, Adventure Activities and the CITES Treaty.
Human Rights
ET respects and promotes human rights. ET recognizes that certain human rights must be
considered as fundamental and universal, according to international practices and laws (such as
the principles from United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour
Organization and United Nations’ Global Compact).
ET considers the following rights are fundamental: non-discrimination and equality to all ethnic
groups, age groups, genders, etc; rights against arbitrary detention, execution or torture, freedom
of peaceful association, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and
expression. ET will not employ those who are under age nor will force anyone to work for the
company. ET will not tolerate working conditions that are not in compliance with international
laws and practices. ET will not tolerate any indecent behavior and has established strict
regulations against sexual harassment, in accordance with the law.
Workplace Practices
ET’s employees must respect and support the company’s values, stimulating team work, individual
responsibility and diversity acceptance. ET will pay fair salaries and will provide a safe and healthy
workplace to its employees. The company is fully committed to equal opportunities for all
employees. ET encourages positive environmental practices such as: recycling, water and energy
saving and appropriate practices in different fields.
Whenever a person has all the requirements for a new position, all candidates will be treated
equally. No employee or potential employee will receive a less favorable treatment because of
color, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, opinion,
physical disability or union preference. ET will continue investing in its personnel education and
professional growth, and will encourage them to have a balanced personal and professional life.
ET’s environmental activities are based on the concept of sustainable tourism. Its objective is to
follow good practices guidelines, in terms of service management, physical-biological
environment, external clients and community development. Another important aim is to reduce
the negative impact on the environment while providing services to our clients. This is achieved
by managing our own operations and supplier’s network, and incorporating good practices’
programs. ET does not use any endangered species for any commercial purpose and requests that
all its suppliers avoid buying raw materials with dubious origins. ET may use animal images for
publicity or other activities, always promoting appropriate practices for their protection. ET
passes on to its suppliers and clients all information regarding the following: Sexual Harassment
Law, Sexual Exploitation of Children Law, National Archeological Heritage Law, Wildlife
Conservation Law, Illegal Substances Traffic and Consumption Law, Forest Law and Environmental
Law, the Use of Protected Areas Regulations, Adventure Activities and the CITES Treaty.
ET will do everything in its power to hire sub-contractors and suppliers that adhere to the law,
environmental practices and international human rights. ET commits to supervise the ethical
behavior of its suppliers and take immediate exhaustive measures in case a supplier’s ethical
behavior is questionable. ET will pass on to its suppliers all information regarding the following:
the 7600Law, Sexual Harassment Law, Sexual Exploitation of Children Law, National Archeological
Heritage Law, Wildlife Conservation Law, Illegal Substances Traffic and Consumption Law, Forest
Law and Environmental Law, the Use of Protected Areas Regulations, Adventure Activities and the
CITES Treaty.
The commitment to be in compliance with the code extends to all matters, including decisions
related to commerce, investment, subcontracts, supplies, business development and business
relations. ET’s focus, regarding the Code of Conduct, will be active, open and appropriate, from an
ethical point of view. There might be specific situations in which the code’s interpretation may
result confusing, in terms of the keeping a sensible balance between local customs, standard
requirements and regulations. ET recognizes that in its commitment, all ethical, legal,
environmental, labor and human rights conflicts will be solved in a coherent way according to the
Code of Conduct.
Each employee is responsible for promoting ET’s code. They must inform their superiors about
any problems related to the application or meaning of the code’s regulations, as well any possible
code violation. It’s essential that the superior performs an initial assessment, in terms of the
nature and seriousness of any violation reported.
In case of serious accusations related to possible code violations (with foundations), the
employee’s superior must perform a complete and unbiased investigation, helped by the
corporation’s assistants. If such investigation is considered to be conflictive or inappropriate in
any way, other superiors or board members must be notified so that they supervise the
If a possible code violation is likely to raise a significant economical impact, the Director must be
informed. He will share and analyze the information with the Administrator and Finance Manager,
followed by a thorough and unbiased investigation with internal and external assistance, including
the external auditor.
All investigations related to alleged code violations, must be performed under established
principles through all the stages of the investigation.
Any inappropriate behavior must be corrected as soon as possible. In such cases, disciplinary
actions may be taken, including employee’s termination.
Our Policies
Expediciones Tropicales also works in compliance with national and regional conservation policies.
We constantly divulge the importance of laws such as the Wildlife Conservation Law No. 7495, of
which the main objective is to defend, protect and conserve the flora and fauna in natural
conditions. As well, the Environmental Organic Law No. 7554 and the CONVENTION ON
All of our contributors will be properly trained in reference to these laws, by induction speeches,
information materials and internal communications (newspaper articles, magazines, etc.)
Our guides will pass on the information to our clients, in a way that they will know all existing
conservation policies in our country. This way, we will project an image of a country striving to
preserve the ecosystems and supporting environmental education. Likewise, our wholesalers will
have the information regarding conservation, so that they are also part of our big effort.
Suppliers or potential suppliers will be evaluated by their compliance to the conservation laws and
will be previously informed about our criteria. Each one of our suppliers must comply with the law
while performing their usual labor activities and their levels of commitment will be taken into
About the National Archeological Heritage Law
Expediciones Tropicales defines itself as a defender of national archeological heritage. ET commits
to protect the cultural patrimony that are the result of previous human activities (specifically,
natives who inhabited the country before the Spanish established their colonies in national
territory). This is why we will proceed with vehemence before any threat to the national
archeological heritage, through the following specific actions:
1. Educate our contributors in the National Archeological Heritage Law, No. 6703.
2. Divulge the law
3. Formally report any threatening situation to the National Museum.
About the Sexual Exploitation of Children Law
Expediciones Tropicales defines itself as a vehement defender of the rights and integrity of all
Costa Ricans in general, including adults, adolescents and children. ET will perform its tourist
activities under the strictest guidelines, always respecting the Costa Rican law, including Law No.
8204 against unauthorized substance abuse, Law No. 7476 against sexual harassment in the
workplace and Law No. 7899 against sexual exploitation of children.
We will pass on to our contributors, clients, suppliers and family members that anyone who has
sex with minors will be punished and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Our message to contributors, clients, suppliers and family members emphasizes on never blaming
those who are under age, for acts that have been induced or forced by exploiters.
We will favor a ‘no tolerance’ culture against all kinds of children exploitation, so that the current
cultural patterns that justify absolutism, actions with discretional nature and arbitrariness, are
When passing on the message to our contributors, clients, suppliers and family members, we will
insist on the fact that this is a social issue affecting the entire community, and therefore requires
effort from everyone and not just governmental entities or victims of sexual exploitation.
When passing on the message to our contributors, clients, suppliers and family members, we will
persist in the fact that when a child is sexually exploited, many other rights are also violated (rights
to physical and mental health, education, family life, recreation, etc.) and therefore, these rights
must be restored as well.
In our message to contributors, clients, suppliers and family members we will insist on the fact
that children are victims of those who benefit indirectly from sexual exploitation, as well as those
who tolerate this situation.
We will invite our clients, suppliers and family members to be part of our Code of Conduct, guiding
them, if necessary, to achieve all requirements for them to join the code.
We will support the Paniamor Foundation in at least one of their projects for children’s protection.
About the Unauthorized Substance Abuse Law
Expediciones Tropicales strictly forbids the use or trade of any illegal substances during any of our
tourist programs. If this regulation is violated, we will adopt measures – a formal complaint (when
clients or suppliers are involved) or employment termination.
About the Law against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Our enterprise will allow its contributors to learn about the respective procedure when reporting
sexual harassment, during their induction phase in the company.
ET will severely penalize any signs of sexual harassment towards any of its employees, both inside
and outside the company’s premises.
All information regarding policies and regulations will be available to contributors, suppliers,
clients and family members, on site.
Sylvia Lobo Romero
Assistant Manager
Expediciones Tropicales
Tel. (506)2257-4171
Fax. (506)2233-5284
(1) When talking about people “interested” in ET, we refer to employees, clients, suppliers,
stockholders, governmental and autonomous organizations, communities, markets and other
places influenced by ET.
(2)This code applies equally to all employees, managers and the company’s director. Only the
Board of Directors can grant exceptions to the code, in terms of managers and director. When
making such decisions, both management and the director must be immediately notified.