Green Internship Information/Application Spring 2015 As you may know, each semester part of your tuition and fees supports the Green Campus Initiative. The University of Memphis Sustainable Campus (Green) Fee Committee provides funding for approved proposals to make the University of Memphis campus more sustainable. Former President Raines stated, “To address environmental challenges, we are becoming a leader in sustainable technologies and practices while acting as a model for the community.” The Green Fee Committee has received a proposal for funding for undergraduate green internships for Spring 2015. Based on funding received, selected students will be provided the opportunity to work with a campus or community partner to enhance the student’s understanding of sustainability and to assist in the organization’s efforts to promote sustainability. If you are interested in applying for the Spring 2015 Green Internship, please review the information below. What is a Green Internship? A green internship is an educational/work experience sponsored by a campus unit or a community organization that promotes sustainability in areas such as: • Energy efficiency • Utility conservation • Environmental protection • Recycling Who is eligible to apply for a Green Internship? Undergraduate students who have: First-generation or low-income or students with a disability Minimum sophomore standing at time of application Minimum 2.75 grade point average Minimum of one or more regular semesters (fall/spring) remaining before graduation. Undergraduate students who have active status in the Student Success Programs (SSP) will be given first consideration after meeting these requirements. What does a Green Internship require? Students selected for a Spring 2015 Green Internship are required to: • Satisfactorily complete an approved internship learning contract o Internship Course in Academic Major (meet with your academic advisor about this option) o UNIV 4000 – Community Internship (if your department does not have an internship course) • Earn 3 semester hours of academic internship credit • Complete 150 clock hours of internship experience during the semester • Present internship experience at Green Internships Recognition Event What do selected Green Interns earn? Interns earn a stipend of $10 per hour or $1500 for the semester, plus $200 to assist with tuition costs for an academic internship, for a total of $1700. Stipends of $425 will be distributed at the end of February, March, April, and May 2015. Where do selected Green Interns work? Previous students have participated in green internships with the following types of campus/community partners: Community Sites • Bella Cafe • BRIDGES • CBRE Memphis • Elegant Farmer • First Tee • Girls, Inc. • Grow Memphis • Highland Area Renewal Corporation • International Paper • Jabber Blabber Earth Friendly Family Publication • Keep Tennessee Beautiful • • • • • • • • Page 1 Memphis Bioworks Foundation Memphis Botanic Garden Memphis Zoological Society Memphis and Shelby County Office of Sustainability Salvation Army Service Master Shelby County Department of Health, Air Quality Improvement Branch YMCA Walker – University District Business Alliance Campus Sites: • Barbara K. Lipman School • City and Regional Planning • Ecological Research Center • Editor, Communications and Marketing • • • • Ground Water Institute Student Health Services Office of Academic Internships Office of Sustainability What types of activities do Green Interns perform? • Advertising, Advocacy, Education, Fundraising, Marketing, Project Management, Public Relations, Research, Social Media, Special Events, and other appropriate activities How do I apply for a Green Internship? No later than Wednesday, October, 1st complete and electronically submit the following to • • • A one page resume A letter of recommendation The following application Page 2 Spring 2015 University of Memphis Student Green Internship Application To apply for this prestigious internship program please complete and submit by or before October 1st: 1. A one page professionally reviewed resume 2. A letter of recommendation from a U of M faculty or staff member, a former employer, or mentor. Please find instructions for completing these letters as follows: 3. or Completed application Please Type or Write Neatly Last Name: First Name: Street Address: M.I.: Are you a Pell Grant Recipient? Yes . City: State: Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( ) Zip: No Email: U-Number: Parent’s Highest Level of Educational Attainment (Please enter an “X” in the appropriate box.) Mother Father No high school/ Some high school High school graduate Some college Two year college degree Four-year college degree Unknown If you are a member of any of the below mentioned programs, please check the appropriate box. If not, please select N/A. TRIO/SSP Classic When do you expect to graduate? TRIO/SSP STEM First Scholars Fall Spring What is your current classification? N/A Summer Year What is your current GPA? What is your Major? Minor? Minor? ________________________________________ Which of the following types of activities are you best prepared to perform as a Green Intern: (Check all that apply) Advertising Public Relations Advocacy Research Education Social Media Fundraising Special Events Marketing Other Appropriate Activities such as: Project Management Page 3 In approximately 300 words respond to the following 3 questions: 1. Why are you interested in sustainability efforts? 2. What knowledge and skills would you contribute to an organization’s sustainability initiatives? 3. How would a Green Internship enhance your professional preparation and/or career development? Page 4