Here’s another opportunity to GET READY FOR DANCE TEAM TRY-OUTS! ADVANCED LEAPS JUMPS AND TURNS TECHNIQUE CLASS BRAND NEW 2nd SESSION!!! Infinity Spring 2nd Intersession Get ready for Dance Team try-outs during our 5-week Spring Inter-Session. This customized class is open to the public and will focus on technique as well as advanced leaps, jumps, and turns to help prepare for the 2014-2015 competitive pom and dance season. Infinity Staff Member, Carissa Chanos, will teach inter-session. Miss Carissa has over 10 years of dance experience including studio, competitive company, and was a 4-year Varsity member and senior captain of a highly competitive, award winning high school dance team. She is currently a student at UW-Milwaukee pursuing a B.F.A. majoring in Dance; Dance Education with a minor in Somatics (study of the body) Miss Carissa is currently the head coach of all the teams for Infinity. Miss Carissa brings a unique blend of instruction on dance technique along with firsthand knowledge of turns, tricks and skills expectations required to be a successful dancer at the high school varsity dance level. Inter-Session will consist of five classes at our Infinity studio 810 Swan Drive Mukwonago, WI 53149 **THIS YEAR ALL NEW!!** Miss Carissa is offering 4 different levels of intersession! Please circle the class your dancer is enrolling in! o Pommie Poms & Trixie Tricks (K-3rd grade) Saturdays 9-10am Classes May 3rd,10th, 17th, 24th, 31st *the 10th will be 8-9am* $85/5 week o Youth Intersession (4th-5th grade) Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 Classes April 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th $135/5 week o Junior Intersession (6th-8th grade) Thursdays 5:30-7:30 Classes May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th $135/5 week o Senior Elite Intersession (9th grade +) Saturdays 10:30am-12:30pm Classes May 3rd,10th, 17th, 24th, 31st *the 10th will be 9-11am* $135/ 5 week All the intersession dates are posted on our website Please sign up for your grade level; coaches’ consent is required to transfer to a higher-level class. (A $10 discount will be applied if your registration is postmarked on or before April 19th, 2014) Cut-off date is April 29th, 2014 Please fill out the attached registration and waiver form with an enclosed check payable to Infinity and mail or drop off to: Infinity c/o Gina Chanos 810 Swan Drive Mukwonago WI 53149 Suite C For additional questions, contact Gina Chanos-Owner Infinity email: & Carissa Chanos-Owner Infinity email: Dancer Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address__________________________________________________________________________________ City, State Zip__________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Cell Phone_______________________________________________________________________________ Parent Email___________________________________________________________________________________ 2014-2015 Grade Level and school attending___________________________________________________________________________ Medical and Liability Release Form As a parent or legal guardian of the above student, I authorize my child to participate in the Infinity Pom and Dance company workshop (Inter-Session) I authorize a representative of the Infinity Pom and Dance LLC staff to locate qualified and licensed medical personnel and/or transport said student to an appropriate medical facility in the event that it may become necessary. I understand I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. My insurance company or I will assume all expenses for such transportation and/or treatment. The Infinity Pom and Dance Company, staff, and volunteers shall not be responsible for any injuries incurred as a result of my son/daughter’s participation in the event. Signature of Parent or Guardian: _________________________________________________________Date: ____________________________ List two other local contacts in case of an emergency: Name __________________________________Relationship: ___________________ Phone: ______________________ Name __________________________________ Relationship:___________________ Phone:______________________