STATUTORY MONTHLY MEETING UDDINGSTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL 17.3.2011 7.00pm David Milne Centre Old Mill Road Uddingston Chair : A.Rafferty Vice-Chair/Correspondence: Anne-Marie Findlay Treasurer : Kathleen Houston Minute Secretary: Mandy Struthers. 1 Sederunt and Apologies Office Bearers as above, Present Committee Members Present Martin Gray Robert & Phyllis French John Waterson John Shields ---Cllr J.McGuigan Apologies Joyce Cassie Douglas Brown Anne Bowes Cllr H.Mitchell Public In Attendance E.Frood,J.Walker D.Milligan E.McAdam Rev. Clive Tutty K.Mathieson (8.25) 2 Adoption of Minutes and Matters Arising Minutes, having been previously circulated, were adopted and signed – proposed J.Waterson seconded P.French. The CC requested a copy of a section of the Minute of the NHS Board meeting held in camera in January. This was received and read out by the Chair. 3 Police Report No police in attendance at this meeting. 4 Correspondence Received from SLC Licensing Board, note of application by Lidl to expand floor space, in particular the area where alcohol is sold. E-mail received from Jim Keenan re Douglas whose condition has now improved. The meeting was delighted to hear this and send Douglas our best wishes for his continuing improvement. Newsletter from Hugh O’Donnell MSP – tabled. 5 Rev Clive Tutty – Pastor - Church of the Nazarene Introduced by A-MF, Rev Tutty raised concerns about the annual Remembrance Day service held at the war memorial and the traffic which is permitted to use the roads whilst the Service is taking place. -1- He felt that not only is this disrespectful but also dangerous as the area is crowded with groups of people standing in the road– including many children. The CC agreed and Cllr McG mentioned the open day /Xmas Fair held at the Cross whereby part of Bellshill Rd was closed off for most of the day, traffic was easily diverted and the Roads Dept were helpful in accommodating this. The safety factor during the Remembrance Day service should be paramount and traffic should be diverted for the duration of the service. Rev Tutty agreed to contact the Roads Dept. He then handed out an introductory letter indicating the church’s desire to do more for the community, especially for the elderly and vulnerable. He invited comments as to how they could identify individuals and their particular needs. Cllr McG suggested liaising with other churches in the village to help facilitate this. Various ways of helping could be;- daily phone call for a chat or to check on elderly, shopping, help with the garden, visiting those who are not involved with the Social Work dept but may still need some form of assistance. Residents who feel they could avail themselves of some form of support are invited to contact Rev Tutty on his mobile No. 07846377238. Rev.Tutty concluded by thanking the CC for allowing him to speak. 6 Finance Treasurer KH reported £1029.24 in the C/A – this includes a grant of £300.00 towards a memorial for Wilkie’s Plough. 7 Planning & Licensing JW noted 3 Planning Applications 1) Replacement garage at 3 Kylepark Cresc 2) Erection of detached garage at 4 Milne Way 3) Partial demolition of old library wall to form access for cars & provision for 2 car parking spaces. This last has provoked some objections from nearby residents who have problems parking their own vehicles outside their houses in Old Glasgow Rd. MS received an e-mail from Cllr Mitchell giving his concerns about the proposal and suggesting that the CC should object. AMF pointed out that the CC has a history with the wall going back many years especially in connection with our proposal for a library garden. Historic Scotland were involved then but have no objection to this application. The wall is not ‘uniform’ all the way round the building, there being 3 different types of building styles. RF asked why the developers did not consider parking spaces at the planning application stage. The main factor is road safety as it is an extremely busy, road, relatively narrow and used as a short cut to avoid the traffic lights at the Cross. The matter was put to the vote which was 5-4 objecting on the grounds of road safety. A-MF to contact Planning with our objections. 8 Proposed Family Day in Crofthead Park Chair informed the CC that at the last meeting of the ( Save Crofthead Park)Action Group it was proposed that there might be a family day in the park as a celebration of the successful campaign to save the park for community use. -2- This could take the form of a mini ‘Gala Day’ with stalls, children’s events, possibly music and with various Community Groups taking part and helping to organise it. Chair asked for ideas for stalls, activities and content and members suggestions included – home baking, book stall, Uddingston Pride stall, face painting, children’s fancy dress etc. A member of the public has a contact for a bouncy castle which could also be available. It was decided that we form a committee and contact SLC for the necessary approval. 9 Councillor’s Report Cllr McGuigan addressed the matter recently raised for Uddingston to become a Fair Trade town. He mentioned that the local Tesco had sent a representative to the newly formed committee and that there had been a healthy support from the local schools. Local shops, restaurants and pubs were being surveyed to see how they could support Fair Trade produce. The ultimate aim is to have Uddingston designated as a Fair Trade village. He then noted that the fine for dropping litter is now £50 and this applies to the under 16’s for a period of 6 months. Uddingston Main St is a known hot spot and litter patrols have been active in the area recently. RF remarked that litter in the Knowehead area has increased from the Grammar school pupils. J.Cassie had asked Cllr McG to look into the new £20 charge per application for the Blue Badges for disabled drivers– this is apparently an administration charge and he was continuing to query it with the relevant departments. The new Barrett development on the site of the old Grammar School – SLC had put forward various names for the streets – one commemorating the recently deceased Sir James Black, Uddingston born inventor of the Beta Blocker. Cllr McG had suggested commemorating Jim Weir and/or Maggie Lawson in their choice of street names. Village Hall – The original cost for its repair – quoted by SLC – was £210K, the latest figure quoted to Cllr McG was £50K which can hopefully be raised in order to save it for Community and wider use. The hall committee are looking for partners to help raise funds, organise all manner of lets, possibly letting the hall as rehearsal rooms for theatre or dance groups for example. The general concept is of an Arts based facility but any other groups wishing to hire the hall would be considered. Cllr McG stated that groups throughout Lanarkshire are involved in similar situations – Strathaven and Stonehouse were quoted as examples that we could follow noting that if groups are fully independent and operating on their own, there are more opportunities for funding. KM suggested that Creative Scotland could be approached as they are currently keen on encouraging local development, but would only fund to Limited companies. Cllr McG then indicated that he had received a letter from architect D.Tonner in December mentioning the possibility of a ‘Mixed Development’ at Haughhead. He had tried to arrange a meeting but had been unsuccessful so far. 10 AOCB K.Mathieson continued on the subject of Haughhead stating that he had contacted Colin McDowall of SLC Planning Dept asking for clarification and further information. -3- Cont’d After an exchange of correspondence KM was eventually informed that no planning officials had been contacted in relation to Haughhead and that there was ‘ no change to the Councils’ position as matters stand’. However, the Local Plan is undergoing a review up to Dec. 2011 and many questions remain unanswered concerning Haughhead and its possible future use. SLC cannot revoke something from the Local Plan that affects the Structure Plan. KM will keep in contact & report any developments. Member of the public queried the Barrett development at the old Grammar school site. The height of the flats under construction is now 4 storeys with a possible 5 th floor – did the original planning application allow for this ? MS to check planning applications on file. There being no further discussions, the meeting was closed. 11 Date, time & place of next meeting. This will be held on Thursday 21st April at 7pm in the David Milne Centre, Old Mill Rd. to which all residents are invited to attend. Matters for inclusion in the Agenda must be received by the Minute Sec by Mon 18th April. ---------------------------- ----------------