HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Scott Campbell Subject : Mathematics Start Date(s): May 5, 2014 Grade Level (s): 6th Building : Hazleton Elementary/Middle School Unit Plan Unit Title: Algebra-Integers and Graphing Essential Questions How do I use rational numbers and integers for comparing and ordering? What are the characteristics of a rational number? How are negative and positive numbers used in the real world? When computing with integers, how do you know if your answer will be positive or negative? How does the coordinate systems help me understand a relationship between two numbers? Standards: PA Core Standards M06.A-N.3.1.1- Represent quantities in real-world contexts using positive and negative numbers, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation (e.g.,temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge). M06.A-N.3.1.2- Determine the opposite of a number and recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself (e.g., -(-3) =3; 0 is its own opposite). M06.A-N.3.1.3- Locate and plot integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line; locate and plot pairs of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane. M06.A-N.3.2.1- Write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts. M06.A-N.3.2.2- Interpret the absolute of a ratinal number as its distance from 0 on the number line and as a magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a realworld situation. M06.A-N.3.2.3- Solve real-world and mathematical problems be plotting points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Include use of coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will show an understanding of integers and graphing (rational numbers, absolute value, opposite integers, positive and negative numbers, computing with integers, graphing on the coordinate plane) through a comprehensive unit assessment. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) Students will identify positive and negative integers and will find absolute value. DOK LEVEL 1 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework Grouping DAILY PLAN W S I Materials / Resources Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Assessment of Objective (s) Formative-Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will classify rational numbers and find a rational number between two rational numbers. 2 2 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative-Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will compare and order rational numbers. 2 3 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentReflection Logs, Weekly SelfEvaluation 4 Students will show an understanding of number relationships with integers through an assessment. 3 Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Chapter Test FormativeSummative- Chapter Test Student Self - AssessmentStudents will students will define rules that allow them to add integers. 5 1 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will correctly graph number lines to show how to add and subtract integers. 2 3 6 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will define rules that allow them to multiply and divide integers. 1 7 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will explore all operations with rational numbers 3 8 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs, Weekly SelfEvaluation Students will show an understanding of operations with integers through an assessment. 9 3 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework Summative Assessment Chapter Test FormativeSummative- Chapter Test Student Self - Assessment- Students will use coordinate planes and graph an ordered pair to describe a location on the coordinate plane. 2 10 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will graph functions with ordered pairs and equations. 2 3 11 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs Students will use transformations to construct transformations on the coordinate plane. 1 2 3 12 Structured Overview Drill/Practice Demonstrations Computer Assisted Instruction Homework W S I Math Textbooks Math Workbooks Computers Renaissance Learning Study Island Formative- Individual White Boards, Thumbs Up/Down, Questioning Summative- Student Self - AssessmentReflection Logs, Weekly SelfEvaluation 13 Students will show an understanding of graphing relationships through an assessment. 3 • Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Chapter Test FormativeSummative- Chapter Test Student Self - Assessment- 14 Students will show an understanding of unit, Algebra: Integers and Graphing, through a Unit Assessment. 3 Summative Assessment Summative Assessment o Unit Assessment FormativeSummative- Unit Assessment Student Self - Assessment