October 21, 2009 - Austin Peay State University

Meeting of the 64th General Assembly
Of the Student Government Association
In UC 307
October 21st, 2009
Called to order by Vice President Kennedy at 12:20 pm
Campus Community
1st ten minutes reserved for students with concerns
Reading of the Minutes
Motion to waive reading of the minutes by Senator Smith
Second by Senator Worsham
EC Reports
Chief Justice Velazquez- If you haven’t received an email from me about Homecoming shirts then it’s
probably because you haven’t checked it today. We are going to count after Senate. I’m going to read
off the list of people signed up to work after this. If anyone else can help then please come after and
help us. We’ll be meeting right after Senate in the office. If there is anyone else who wants to volunteer
then we’d really love your help.
Secretary Seesholtz- none
Vice President Kennedy- We have one Senate appointment that we’re going try and make today. We’re
working on a lot of stuff with GHOST. I know we said we were going to try and have a meeting today. It’s
going to be cancelled because of the Homecoming shirts. We’re going to try and meet Thursday or
Friday. We’re going split up and ask businesses for candy and stuff for our table. I’m hoping to get an
article in the Leaf Chronicle soon.
President Drew- I hope everyone had a good Fall Break. I’m going to be passing around a list for SGA
Representative t-shirt sizes. EC will be meeting this Friday at 12:20 to finalize that. We’re having
problems with the screen to project the legislation so bare with us. New this week: with only five or six
of you telling me you’re interested in writing legislation, I have a topic for each of you to look into.
Senator Broady is researching GPC and what they’re doing. Senator Hall is going to be in contact with
the Green Committee. Senator Walla is talking to the New Student Programs Director. Justice Casner will
be talking with Alumni Relations. Senator Denton is with Academic Council. Justice Green is with the
Campus Safety and Roads Committee. Senator Weiss will be with the College of Health and Behavioral
Studies. Senator Amabile will be looking into textbook rental. Senator Murphy will be looking into the
transfer student process. Senator Austin: Dr. Hallums wants a list of past SGA officers to help promote
SGA in PELP. We don’t have a list of all past SGA officers. Senator Smith is researching the Technology
Access Fee. I’m not sure if our school is looking into the amount of paper we can print off. Memphis just
decided to allocate $25 per student and we allocate a lot more than that. The library uses $50,000 in
printing. That may be something coming down the line maybe next year. Senator Bloom will be
researching student discounts with other businesses by figuring out which business offer student
discounts and trying to get more businesses to participate. Senator Coker will be researching the Honors
Program. I know something that was brought up is beefing up the Honors Program. I want to look into
what that means or what they’re doing. Senator Schmidt will be with the Peay Pickup and offering
recommendations. I’ve gotten a couple of things online from students. We’re going to be sending you
the recommendations we get from that and get you to ask other senators. Senator Vaughan will be with
the Faculty Senate. They have an Advising Committee. They’re looking into what we can do to the
student advising aspect of campus. I know they’re going to offer recommendations at the end of the
semester. If we could just help them out with that and offer our recommendations then that would be
great. Justice Rogers will be working with the Aesthetics Task Force. Last year, recommendations from
them went to the President’s office. I’m not sure if anything will be done with that. Senator Worsham
will be getting in contact with the Dean of the College of Education. Justice White: We will be
celebrating 10,000 students on campus this fall. We’re going to be doing a time capsule so she’ll be
researching and working on that. Senator Thomas: Sustainable Campus Fee, which is a fee that students
pay $10 a semester. I want you to understand what they’re working on and what they’re thinking about
using that fee money for. I know recently with the farm they built solar panels out there. Senator Collier
will be getting in contact with the College of Business and that Dean. Senator Ford will do the same with
the College of Graduate Studies. Senator Cox will look into the Summer School and the services we
provide. Senator Groves, be researching elections in 2010. I know there are local and state elections but
I’m not sure about federal. Austin Peay has hosted a couple of candidates in the past before. Senator
Braem will be getting in contact with the College of Arts and Letters and that Dean. Justice Sanders will
be with the Space Allocation Committee. Senator Stinson, you had expressed interest in the parking
tickets and community service option. Senator Holleman will be speaking with the Dean of the College
of Science and Math. Justice Gaasch will be researching International Studies. Ok, so that’s a very rough
break down. I’ll be in contact with each of you. Get in contact with an administrator. I’ll send you a
template to contact that person. I know it’s a busy week but that’s what I need help with. If there is
other stuff you’re working on then let me know. Any stuff lingering on campus right now to bring to our
attention? I hope the first part of Homecoming week goes well for you all.
Committee Reports
Vice President Kennedy- We won’t meet today. I will email you the letter I was going to send with
everyone to the businesses to get candy donated.
Old Business
Resolution #2
Motion to present resolution for discussion by Senator Ford
Second by Senator Worsham
Senator Ford- Is there not a forwarding option?
Senator Smith- No. This is something personal I dealt with. I’ve had a couple friends tell me they think
you’re able to change it. I went to Browning and try to change it. From there, they sent me to the
Registrar’s office and then they sent me down to the post office. Post office sent me back to the
registrar. It was a huge hassle. My permanent address is in Elizabethton and I wanted the check to go to
my mom. But they said that since I had my P.O. Box, they had to send it to my P.O. box. I was told that
even though it’s showing my permanent address is in Elizabethton, they still have to send it to my P.O.
Senator Ford- So this resolution is pretty much the forwarding option?
Senator Smith- Yes. I just feel like it should be an option to students.
Senator Weiss- Whenever I close out my mail box for the summer they automatically forward it to my
house over the summer.
Senator Smith- Well I got my P.O. box at the beginning of school. They don’t send out the refund check
over the summer. It was the second week of September so it was the check for the fall semester.
President Drew- Is there a primary address option on there? Can you say I want this to be sent
Senator Groves- I was the one that discussed this with Elle. I don’t know how exactly I did it. I got it
done. It was the same form I filled out during the summer to get it forwarded. Maybe it’s just something
they discontinued.
Senator Smith- This was something I was working with in June before I went home. I just feel like overall
it could be something official.
Motion to call to previous question by Senator Smith
Second by Senator Amabile
Motion to vote by show of hands by Senator Smith
Second by Senator Amabile
Yay- all Nay- 0 Obs.- 0
Resolution #2 Passes
Motion to bring Resolution #3 to the floor by Senator Smith
Second by Senator Coker
Motion to open floor for discussion by Senator Ford
Second by Senator Fisher-Schmidt
Senator Ford- We own the land but we haven’t torn that building down. So can we build that there even
though the building isn’t down yet?
Senator Smith- It has nothing to do with tearing the building down. It’s just a recommendation to put
that up.
Senator Ford- Ok, well I don’t think we can put it up until the actual building is down. I don’t think we
would get any kind of response until that is done and taken care of.
Senator Groves- I know that this is something easy to do. I feel like if you wanted to table the legislation
then it could be tabled until the building is torn down.
Senator Weiss- Do we own that land?
Senator Smtih- Yes we do?
Senator Murphy- How often have those poles actually been used since they’ve been installed?
Senator Smith- I don’t know but I know that it would be more of a safety issue with everyone.
Senator Groves- I know that the poles showed that they’re used a lot.
Senator Weiss- Wouldn’t it be abusing the poles if we put it up there for people to just hitch rides from
campus police late at night?
Senator Smtih- The poles are not there to be abused. I wrote this because someone is concerned. It’s a
really shady area. That’s not dissing Clarksville or anything but the area is sketchy.
Senator Groves- Like Elle said, it’s almost like a scare tactic. This would come out of public safety’s
funding. And they have the funding. It doesn’t come from the University correct Dean?
Advisor Dean- You are incorrect.
Senator Groves- Well I was told otherwise.
Motion to call to previous question by Senator Ford
Second by Senator Smith
Motion to vote by show of hands by Senator Stinson
Second by Senator Amabile
15 yay 1 nay 3 obs.
Resolution #3 passes
New Business
Appointment of Ashton Fisher to represent College of Business.
Vice President Kennedy- Ashton would you like to introduce yourself?
Fisher- I’m a senior and Finance major in the College of Business. I hope to attend law school next year
and want to get involved on campus.
Vice President Kennedy- Questions for Ashton?
Motion to vote by acclamation by Senator Smith
Second by Senator Amabile
Vice President Kennedy- Point of information. You can’t do that. This must pass by 2/3 vote through
Senate, not acclamation.
Motion to vote by show of hands by Senator Weiss
Second by Senator Braem
Aye- All Nay- 0 Obs.- 0
Reading of the Oath
President Drew- 11:30 pep rally this Friday. They’ll be promoting the football game this Saturday against
Eastern Kentucky. Game is at six.
Vice President Kennedy- Remember GHOST is this Sunday. Please check your emails. I’m going to send
you guys the volunteer list this afternoon for GHOST. Dress warm.
Chief Justice Velazquez- Just in case you did forget: we’re still counting t shirts after meeting.
Senator Ford- What happens if GHOST gets rained out?
Vice President Kennedy- We’re setting up a rain location. Hopefully it’ll be the at the Red Barn.
Motion to adjourn by Senator Amabile
Second by Senator Weiss
Meeting adjourned at 12:58 pm.