Ravi Penmetsa – more details

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[The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's observation on the shifting of human views on truth:
1. First, it is ridiculed.
2. Second, it is violently opposed.
3. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.]
1. Mr. Ravi Penmetsa, as an American trained MD can you help explain how it is possible
for a woman to give birth to a girl in July, 1956 and a boy in October, 1956. This is
an opportunity for you to come clean with your spoof of being a legitimate grandson of
late P. Sathyanarayana Raju of Srungavruksham for it might help consign couple of
scammers calling themselves Chairman and Vice Chairman of Gland Pharma to their
place in the Sun, the Stuartpuram Colony from whence they came.
2. < Link to Legal Notices and Details of Grotesque Lies asserted by PVN Raju in Legal Notice>
3. Mr. Ravi Penmetsa, if you are not the source of Mrs. Durga Sagi’s Gland Pharma
business swindle plan in collusion with your father following your return, why would
you not ask sociopath PVN Raju just out of curiosity how you came to own both
Gland Chemicals and Gland Pharma businesses. Even I knew that PVN Raju and his
father were made penniless by creditors and he had disposed of all assets to keep
the family name from getting dragged through the shitpits of Hyderabad.
4. Dr. Ravi Penmetsa, as an American trained MD with an additional year of Psychiatry
rotations, would you not characterize Mr. PVN Raju, your father, a dissipated
sociopath for transgressing naturally endowed human/father reason for asserting in
Legal Notice that “daughter’s 10 acres of Srungavruksham land along with
Rs.15,000 cash generated no income and disappeared into thin air over 40
years(why would he gift table scraps in his unworthy name as her share) but his
courtesan son’s 10 Srungavruksham acres of land provided Equity Capital for
Gland Chemicals in 1974, Equity Capital for Gland Pharma in 1978, paid his
donation to secure a seat in Medicine in 1975-‘76, yearly Medical education
expenses over a period of six years, PVN family maintenance expenses, his
marriage expenses in Chennai in 1982, and his international travel expenses to
take ECFMG exam and to pursue M.D. in US in 1983, et. al”.
5. Dr. Ravi Penmetsa, as an MD with three years of Emergency Room experience in US,
why would you trample on ‘Patient Bill of Rights’ with reckless abandon unless you are
a scammer just like your father. Who are you to subject my wife to psychological
programming sessions over 4-months in Hyderabad? Firstly, by not obtaining consent
of her family as you are not her primary care physician and secondly, by bragging like
a juvenile female bonobo (only species which uses sex as currency for all transactions)
to a confirmed pimp (SV Rao) who carried the story to Mr. Raj Ghogale. Why were you
trying to convince my wife that I was the source of all her problems? Is it to break up
another marriage for money? You have already brought ruin to three family member
lives. Sociopath PVN confirmed via e-mail that he suggested to my wife without
consulting her family to get psychiatric help – we all know, father protecting his
juvenile courtesan son.
6. Ravi Penmetsa mastered the art of ‘blame the Outsider game for everything in USA’
and look at his track record in US and make up your own minds. In May 1991, rolled
out the ‘get rid of the outsider husband and swindle sister’s property’ strategy with his
father’s active cooperation. Otherwise, why would a father buy terrorist controlled
useless land 21 acres for next to nothing in 1991 soon after his illegitimate son’s return
to India and add another 24 acres in 2013 – according to Legal Notice, never generated
a penny of income in over 40 years - for an American Citizen daughter with two highly
qualified daughters married to American Citizens with no intention of returning to
India without her consent? Swindle has to be the only reason. Swindle daughter, why?
Being a misogynistic sicko – his mantra has always been ‘women and girls don’t
7. Ravi is the first American trained Internist (with one year in Psychiatry residency) that
I came across whose only focus in life, it seems to me, is making his father ‘the fall
guy’ for all his juvenile delinquencies as a doctor, manager by cliché, son, father,
husband and a sociopath. PVN Raju responded in writing that he sent Mrs. Durga to see
a psychology therapist not his son, the US trained Internist. Imagine a sociopath
practicing psychiatry instead of putting himself under the care of a competent
psychiatrist. My wife says that her father had nothing to do with it.
8. PVN Raju - as a hired hand living of Durga’s generosity since 1975 - no point in
entertaining delusions of grandeur, empire of the father to son to grandson. That
delusion died when you became a pauper due to circumstances beyond your control in
1970s, needing desperately help for your own survival. When did your son ever offer a
helping hand other than taking? Look at his son, another ‘give me beggar’ in the
9. Ravi returned to India in October, 1990 to manage his Gland Chemicals business
empire. We are not privy to the sequence of events that transpired between the
father and son in November and December, 1990 – first ever Power of Attorney No. 124
of Mrs. Durga was executed on January 22, 1991. Mr. & Mrs. Ravi returned to US in a
hurry to execute Power of Attorney on January 11, 1991. On May 21, 1991 Land Survey
No. 515 and 516 containing little over 21 acres were registered to Mrs. Durga located
in Kothapet village, Ratanpur panchayat, Shivampet Mandal, Medak District,
Telangana. Gland Pharma shares amounting to usual table scraps were assigned to the
name of Mrs. Durga in May, 1991.
This sequence of events begs the question what was the reason for my hired hand PVN
Raju to consult his courtesan son regarding my investments, properties and cash
reserves? Is it because, Ravi Penmetsa formulated a SWINDLE plan soon after returning
to India following his realization that he could never have the same standard of living
that his US doctor’s income assured his family - PVN obliged and agreed to be the fall
10. Look at May, 1991 Narspur Land Partition Registration Documents for inconsistencies
showing Ravi Penmetsa is of the same age as Mrs. Durga. Who is this Ravi Penmetsa?
Why were official documents fudged? Why was he given a share of Mrs. Durga’s and
her sister’s ancestral family lands.
11. Ravi and his family was supposed to have returned to settle down in India (the story
line, anyway) to run his Gland Chemicals empire bought only 12 acres and 12 guntas of
land in Survey Nos 552 and 516 in Kothapet village for himself. And, eventually Mrs.
Durga ended up with 45 acres of this useless land to cover up the swindle by the
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Gland Pharma. Of course, Ravi gets the best piece of
land surrounded by daughters’ lands for added protection from terrorists.
12. Following 1991 experience with this sociopath duo, my husband visited this family
again in 2002 July for the last time only to be told ‘never ever step into my son’s
business premises’.
13. Ms. Mallika Penmetsa, you are the first Penmetsa girl with a degree of sorts from your
Swindler family. I still am happy for you that you think of your father as “intelligent,
funny, courageous, and loyal”. It is very gratifying to note based on the chaff fed by
your family regarding the “disputes between myself and the rest of the family” you
declined to be involved. I am indeed very grateful for this undeserved kindness. So,
you spent 4 years going to a university and you still lack basics of ‘how people of
reason” make decisions. You do not even know that every story has two sides and
people of reason listen to both sides before making up their minds. Time has come for
you to grow up and see both sides of the dispute before sharing your unintelligible
opinions and please, do yourself a favor and read the Legal Notice and Reply Notice to
be able to answer questions posed to you with a modicum of intelligence! Look
around – you are the product of two sociopathic swindlers and come from a family of
three engineered divorces and you point your shit covered wrist which is locked
permanently pointing outwards at me. Start with your Radha Pinni and Aravind’s
father to learn facts about your family.
14. Dr. Sagi did not invite PVN Raju and his family for our second daughter’s marriage in
2010 in California. It turned out that PVN brought his family uninvited anyway to
announce that his son’s son – a Purdue University drop out after six years of trying to
pursue a BS degree – is the heir-apparent to Gland Empire. Imagine couple of
scammers anointing a dunce to be a prince of Gland Empire. The same was
announced in 2011 on Eenaadu TV in India. Alas, a qualified grandson with a Master’s
Degree in Biotech from US and couple of granddaughters with Electrical Engineering
Degrees from University of Illinois and MBA’s from NYU and UC-San Diego happened to
be UNFIT daughter-children for these swindlers.
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