KFS Modified Journal Voucher Mod FINAL DrW

Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Client: Stevens Institute of Technology
Project Name: [Insert project name as listed on Open Air]
Functional Spec Name: Modified Journal Voucher
Date: 01/21/2013
Author: [author of this document]
Email: [email contact]
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Version Control ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Functional Description ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Business Requirements and Assumptions ................................................................................................ 4
Business Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Assumptions...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Main Success Scenario ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Pre-Conditions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Post-Conditions ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pages and Actions ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Screen Shots and Report Layouts (if applicable)..................................................................................... 6
Add items here ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Definitions and Terms ...................................................................................................................................... 6
New System Parameters Specifications ...................................................................................................... 6
Operations Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Important Notes .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Appendix A – Error Messages ..................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix B Miscellaneous Artifact .............................................................................................................. 8
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Stevens Institute of Technology would like a document type similar to the Journal Voucher that is easier
to use for central departments who need to prepare journal vouchers that are ”bullet proof” and will do
some of the more complicated tasks, such as 1) requiring that debits = credits (i.e. not allowing an out
of balance condition), 2) not allowing an object type different than the object type associated with an
object code, and 3) generates the offsetting “claim-on-cash” entries. Also, this “bullet-proof” JV would
route to an account manager for approval.
Version Control
Mary Wheeler, Stevens Institute
John Judd
John Judd
Initial Document
Updates and questions
DrW markups
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Functional Description
Create a “bullet-proof JV” (General Journal Voucher) that
1. Requires debits = credits and does not allow an out-of-balance condition;
2. Prevents users from entering an object type on an accounting line different than the object type
associated with the object code on the same accounting line;
3. Generates the offsetting “claim-on-cash” entries in a method similar to the other edocs; and,
4. Routes to an FO for approval.
Business Requirements and Assumptions
Business Requirements
The General Journal Voucher (GJV) must provide the following functions and processes to allow use by
departments outside of Central Administration:
Debits must always equal Credits, if this condition is not met, the Journal cannot be submitted.
Automatic creation of “Claim on Cash” entries is required when appropriate. (Not all GJV
entries may require the offset). Using the same logic as a Distribution of Income and Expense
would in this case.
Object Type should not be part of the Accounting Lines for the GJV eDoc. If it is included, it will
be display only and will be derived from the Object Code
GJV eDoc will route to a Fiscal Officer for approval
Must be able to control what object sub-types or object codes are disallowed for use on the GJV
eDoc. This would include multiple parameters for the GJV eDoc as shown below.
Add detail
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Main Success Scenario
This is the step-by-step detail steps to follow for validation of the customization and expected
outcomes. See example included below:
“Bullet proof JV” on main
menu under financial
User Action
Enter data to JV and debits do
not equal credits
System Action
User receives error message
and is unable to submit until
debits = credits.
“Bullet proof JV” on main
menu under financial
“Bullet proof JV” on main
menu under financial
Enter object code that is
disallowed based on the
system parameter
Enter equal amount of debits
and credits.
“Bullet proof JV” on main
menu under financial
Enter equal amount of debits
and credits.
User receives error message
that the Object code is not
User is able to submit JV.
Claim-on-cash entries are
generated in the
poster/scrubber process.
User is able to submit JV. JV
routes to Fiscal Officer.
Insert here conditions that the user must meet in order for the customization to function properly.
Example: In performing a query the user must enter Chart, Account and Object code, or for an
interface a definition of the data required and the steps to load the data.
Insert here the actions the user will be able to perform once the Pre-Conditions are met.
Pages and Actions
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Provide screen shots with changes defined and displayed and any report layouts that are required for
completion of the customization.
Screen Shots and Report Layouts (if applicable)
Add items here
Definitions and Terms
Here list definitions or terms to further explain wording of this document, that the developer or client will
need to help understand the information in this specification.
New System Parameters Specifications
GJV_OBJECT_CODES_DISALLOWED Obect Code1;Object Code 2: etc.
GJV_OBJECT_SUB_TYPE_CODES_DISALLOWED Object Sub-Type 1;Object Sub-Type 2, etc
Code 2
GJV_OBJECT_LEVEL_CODES_DISALLOWED Object Level Code 1; Object Level Code 2
Operations Summary
General information on how the customization will result in actions going forward as well as file
versioning, the disposition of the data that the customization produced. For example:
Where would you like the GJV put on the menus?
Both Departmental and Central tabs? [I vote for Central only.] MW: Agreed
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
On Central Menu, immediately above or below the current Journal Voucher item? [I vote above.] MW: Agreed
Menu item name = General Journal Voucher or Bullet Proof Journal Voucher? [I vote for General Journal Voucher.] MW:
The same permissions to use as regular Journal Voucher? [I vote yes.] MW: We need to be able to assign the permissions
for this doc type to different roles than the ones who have access to the JV. So it needs separate permissions.
Important Notes
Here give additional information to all stakeholders about this customization.
Appendix A – Error Messages
All standard error messages apply along with the addition of the following errors
 Debits not equal credits
 Object type different than object type of object code on same accounting line;
 Object Code not allowed due to parameter setting
 Object Sub Type not allowed due to parameter setting
 Object Consolidation not allowed due to parameter setting
 Object Level not allowed due to parameter setting
Functional Specification Name (insert Client Logo Here)
Appendix B Miscellaneous Artifact
This is where other artifacts are included as needed.