GCBA longlist 2016

Grampian Children’s Book Award 2016 - Longlist
Ainsworth, Eve
7 days
School should be a safe place for Jess, but at the moment it's everything she
dreads. Jess's life is difficult enough without Kez picking on her. Kez's life
isn't any sweeter. She has plenty of problems too but she finds comfort in
knowing she is better off than Jess - or so she thinks... Told from the point of
view of the bullied and the bully, this is a taut, powerful story of two girls
locked in battle with each other and themselves, spiralling towards a shocking
Bergin, Virginia
The rain
One minute sixteen-year-old Ruby Morris is having her first proper snog
with Caspar McCloud in a hot tub, and the next she’s being bundled inside
the house, dripping wet, cold and in her underwear. Not cool. As she and
Caspar shiver in the kitchen, it starts to rain. They turn on the radio to hear
panicked voices – ‘It’s in the rain . . . it’s in the rain . . . ' That was two
weeks ago, and now Ruby is totally alone. People weren’t prepared for the
rain, got caught out in it, didn’t realize that you couldn’t drink water from
the taps either. Even a drip of rain would infect your blood, and eat you from
the inside out. Ruby knows she has to get to London to find her dad, but she just doesn’t
know where to start.
Brahmachari, Sita
Brace mouth false teeth
Zeni's week goes from bad to worse when she is fitted for braces and then sent
to Magnolia Gardens Care Home for her Work Experience placement. But then
Zeni meets Alice, an old lady with a story to tell and some lost false teeth to
find. As Zeni takes on the challenge of finding the missing teeth, an
unexpected friendship grows between the pair and as Zeni learns more about
Alice's life, she also comes to understand the power of stories.
Crossen, Sarah
Apple and rain
When Apple's mother returns after eleven years of absence, Apple feels whole
again. She will have an answer to her burning question - why did you go? And
she will have someone who understands what it means to be a teenager unlike Nana. But just like the stormy Christmas Eve when she left, her
mother's homecoming is bitter sweet, and Apple wonders who is really
looking after whom. It's only when Apple meets someone more lost than she
is, that she begins to see things as they really are.
Dawson, James
Under my skin
Meet Molly Sue. Once she's under your skin there's no getting rid of
her...Seventeen-year-old Sally Feathers is not exactly a rebel. Her superconservative parents and her treatment at the hands of high school bullies
means that Sally's about as shy and retiring as they come - but all that's about
to change. Accidentally ending up in the seedier side of town one day, Sally
finds herself mysteriously lured to an almost-hidden tattoo parlour. Sally
selects sexy pin-up Molly Sue, and has her tattooed on her back - hoping that
Molly Sue will inspire her to be as confident and popular as she is in her dreams. But things
quickly take a nightmareish turn.
Fitzgerald, Sarah Moore
Apple tart of hope
Oscar Dunleavy, who used to make the world's most perfect apple tarts, is
missing, presumed dead. No-one seems too surprised, except for Meg, his
best friend, and his little brother Stevie. Surrounded by grief and confusion,
Meg and Stevie are determined to find out what happened to Oscar, and
together they learn about loyalty and friendship and the power of never
giving up hope.
Furniss, Clare
Year of the rat
Pearl's baby sister is The Rat. She's the reason Pearl's mum died, the reason
everything changed forever, and Pearl can't forgive her for that. Because
losing her mum is the hardest thing that has happened to Pearl and no one,
not her dad, her interfering granny, her best friend - and especially not her
new little sister - can break down the barriers she's putting up. But what if
Pearl's mum isn't completely gone? What if, somehow, she's still here? The
world may tip at any moment, Pearl knows that now. The trick is finding
something to hold on to..
Gray, Keith
The last soldier
Nothing much happens in Joe and Wade's dusty town. There's not much
excitement in Joe and his brother's lives - just grinding poverty and the
occasional run-in with the neighbours. The only highlight is the arrival of the
carnival, with its mermaid, wolfman and baby dragon. This year, there's a
new attraction - the Last Soldier of World War One. What message does he
have for the boys...
Haig, Matt
Echo Boy
Audrey’s father taught her that to stay human in the modern world, she had to
build a moat around herself; a moat of books and music, philosophy and
dreams. A moat that makes Audrey different from the echoes: sophisticated,
emotionless machines, built to resemble humans and to work for human
masters. Daniel is an echo – but he’s not like the others. He feels a connection
with Audrey; a feeling Daniel knows he was never designed to have, and
cannot explain. And when Audrey is placed in terrible danger, he’s
determined to save her.
Ho-Yen, Polly
Boy in the tower
Ade loves living at the top of a tower block. From his window, he feels like
he can see the whole world stretching out beneath him. His mum doesn’t
really like looking outside – but it’s going outside that she hates. She’s
happier sleeping all day inside their tower, where it’s safe. But one day, other
tower blocks on the estate start falling down around them and strange,
menacing plants begin to appear. Now their tower isn’t safe anymore. Ade
and his mum are trapped and there’s no way out
Hepburn, Sam
If you were me
Not long after Aliya's family escapes Afghanistan for Britain, her brother is
accused of a bomb attack. Aliya is sure of his innocence, but when plumber's
son Dan finds a gun in their bathroom, what's she to think? Dan has his own
reasons for staying silent: he's worried the gun might have something to do
with his dad. Thrown together by chance, they set out to uncover a tangled
and twisted truth.
MacPhail, Cathy
Devil you know
Forced to move away from his dad in Aberdeen to a run-down Glasgow
council estate, Logan thinks he's pretty lucky to have made any friends -- let
alone Baz and the boys. Baz might have a bit of reputation, be a bit mouthy,
but he's the kind of friend who'll stick up for you; who'll make life interesting - or should that be dangerous? When Logan, Baz and the boys get caught up a
local turf war Baz is the first to fight back. But the aftermath leads Logan and
his friends deeper into a world of real-life gangs, threats and lethal revenge. How far will Baz
go, and will Logan follow him?
Mason, Simon
Running girl
Meet Garvie Smith. Highest IQ ever recorded at Marsh Academy. Lowest ever
grades. What's the point? Life sucks. Nothing surprising ever happens. Until
Chloe Dow's body is pulled from a pond. DI Singh is already on the case.
Ambitious, uptight, methodical - he's determined to solve the mystery - and get
promoted. He doesn't need any 'assistance' from notorious slacker, Smith. Or
does he?
Montgomery, Ross
Tornado chasers
When Owen Underwood's family move to Barrow, it's because there's nowhere
safer in the Valleys - and safety is very important. Especially when the threat of
tornadoes, and giant bears, is constant. But in Barrow, safety is taken to
extremes. Children have to wear bright yellow at all times and are never
allowed outside except to go to school. How can Owen face an entire summer
of that? In secret, Owen and his friends form the Tornado Chasers. Their
mission: to get as close to a Grade 5 tornado as possible. It's time for them to
face their fears!
Slater, Kim
There's been a murder, but the police don't care. It was only a homeless old man
after all. Kieran cares. He's made a promise, and when you say something out
loud, that means you're going to do it, for real. He's going to find out what
really happened. To Colin. And to his grandma, who just stopped coming round
one day. It's a good job Kieran's a master of observation, and knows all the
detective tricks of the trade. But being a detective is difficult when you're
Kieran Woods. When you're amazing at drawing but terrible at fitting in. And
when there are dangerous secrets everywhere, not just outside, but under your
own roof.
Stevens, Rob
Would the real Stanley Carrot please stand up?
Stanley ‘Carrot’ Harris is ginger, tubby and definitely not cool. And he has a
secret: he’s adopted, and this makes him feel like he’s never quite fitted in. On his
thirteenth birthday, he receives the one thing he’s been waiting his whole life for:
a card from his long-lost birth mother, asking to meet up. But Stanley isn’t sure:
what if he’s a big disappointment to her? So he hatches a plan – and he’s going to
need a stand-in Stanley, someone who is handsome, sporty and God’s Gift to
Mothers. What Stanley doesn’t realise is he’s about to have the most confusing
time of his life… just who is the real Stanley Carrot?