SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSE REQUESTS / 9TH GRADE 2016 – 2017 All boxes highlighted in gray must be filled in and this form must be returned to your Homeroom Teacher by Monday 11 January 2016. Name of Student (First LAST) Please check () one: We are planning to enroll this student at ISG in 2016-2017: YES: NO: SUBJECTS IN CORE PROGRAM English History Science Mathematics Information Technology Physical Education Film and Literature TOTALS FOR STUDENTS: Credits / year 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.25 5.00 Credits / year ELECTIVES: For each elective, please check () exactly ONE preference. FIRST ELECTIVE – Italian A or Italian B Italian A (for native speakers) Italian B (for non-native speakers) 1.00 1.00 SECOND ELECTIVE – French or Spanish French Spanish 1.00 1.00 THIRD ELECTIVE – Digital Photography or High School Choir Digital Photography High School Choir TOTALS FOR STUDENTS: 0.25 0.25 2.25 Our signatures below confirm our requests for enrollment in the above-mentioned courses. We understand that any given class will only be confirmed if there are at least five students enrolled. Parent signature and date: Student signature and date: Form last updated: 2 December 2015 The International School in Genoa Via Romana della Castagna 11a | 16148 Genova | Italy | tel. +39.010.386.528 | fax. +39.010.398.700 | admission office | accounting dept | secretary codice fiscale 80032730105 | partita iva 03766040103 | iscrizione numero ordine 566 Regione Liguria Associazione riconosciuta Decreto Dir N.2577/2007 Regione Liguria