Pediatric Clinical Researc

Elective in Pediatric Clinical Research
Elective director: Amira Al-Uzri, MD, MCR
pager: 12986
phone: 4-7327
office: CDRC 1239
Elective duration:
4 weeks preferred, 2 weeks possible
Elective goal:
Residents will learn the basic concepts about conducting clinical research in children
Elective overview:
The Elective in Pediatric Clinical Research is a 4 week rotation in which residents will develop an
understanding of the clinical research process including study development, funding, monitoring, and
research ethics. Activities will include reading, preparation of a simple research proposal, collaboration
with a research mentor/team and some care of research subjects consisting of physical examination of
research subjects being admitted or administering a research survey. This rotation is adaptable and
geared towards the clinical research interest of the resident. It is designed to be a one-month
experience but may be altered to be shorter in duration. In addition, it may lead to a longitudinal
experience through residency if this is an objective for the resident. This elective will be a great primer
particularly for residents interested in fellowship or those who may consider clinical research as part of
their primary care practice.
Resident expectations on elective:
 Determine personal goals and objectives for the elective and complete elective form and return to
residency coordinator
 Complete assigned readings and associated tasks
 Attend DCH research meeting and OHSU Institutional Review Board meeting
 Participate in the care of 1 or 2 research subjects over the month
 Submit grant application, abstract or publication as appropriate
 Attend continuity clinic ½ day per week