Summary - Dawson County, Montana

Updates to meet State Statute
 The revised code of Montana is now Montana Code Annotated (MCA)
 The makeup of the Planning and Zoning Commission redefined
 Notice requirements
 Removed definitions that were not applicable to these regulations
 Agriculture
 Apartment House
 Court
 Dwelling, Two-family
 Grade, established
 Modular Building Unit
 Mobile Home Park
 Motel, Hotel
 Structural Alterations
 Added needed definitions
 Dwelling, Duplex
 Dwelling, Manufactured Home*
 Dwelling, Modular
 Foundation, permanent
 Use, Administrative Conditional*
 Modified definitions to provide clarity
 Boarding, Rooming, or Lodging House is now only Boarding House*
 Building Line
 Dwelling
 Family – deleted the provision for allowing non-related persons (see boarding house)*
 Garage, private
 Garage, public
 Home Occupation
 Parking, Off-street
 Setback
 Yard
 Yard, Front
 Removed regulatory text from the definition and moved to section governing the item
 Home Occupation
 Use, non-conforming
Section 4 changes
 Updated reference to official map
 Assigned designation to district names
*Items listed in italics are substantive changes
 Added reference to an unofficial map*
Section 6 changes
 Move regulatory portion of signs to general provisions section
 Added temporary buildings*
 Added portable storage containers*
 Added manufactured/modular homes on permanent foundations*
 Added administrative conditional use and moved home occupations to this section*
 Moved uses that generate impacts greater/different than residential to conditional use review*
 Churches & Schools
 Libraries and Museums
 Police and Fire Stations
 Clinics
 Added boarding houses and nursing homes under conditional use permit review*
 Clarified text on conforming lots
 Add text to indicate which measurement was being discussed (i.e, front, back)
 Clarified language on setbacks for accessory structures and added an appendix drawing to assist
 Moved discussion of sight triangle on corner lots to "general provisions" and added an appendix
drawing to assist interpretation
 Moved parking discussion to "general provisions" with section reference
Section 7 changes
 Changed name of section and no longer allow mobile home units*
 Changed minimum lot frontage requirements for manufactured units*
 Moved parking discussion to "general provisions" with section reference
Section 8 changes
 Added an intent section for clarification*
 Modified some use definitions to provide more guidance
 Added a fleet storage use with indoor storage under the permitted used category and outdoor fleet
storage under a conditional use permit*
 Added personal storage/shops with no outdoor storage*
 Added nursing homes and boarding houses to administrative conditional uses*
Section 9 changes
 Cleaned up open space language for clarity about what uncovered projections (steps/decks) may
extend into the open space
 Changed "corner lots" to title "sight triangle" and added appendix drawing for clarity.
 Added a restriction on garage size for residential lots*
 Added language on storage of flammable/combustible liquids but restricted that to the residential
 Building permit changed to Zoning Compliance Permit (this was changed throughout the document)
 Clarified how parking requirements may be met
 Eliminated "mixed occupancies" as use section does not allow such
*Items listed in italics are substantive changes
 Parking for uses not listed in the table shall be a decision of the Administrator not the Planning and
Zoning Commission*
 Put parking requirements into a table format
Section 10 changes
 Changed reference to Zoning Enforcement Agent to Zoning Administrator (this was changed
throughout the document)
 Fee reference will now reference fee schedule set by Commissioners instead of being set fees within
the zoning regulations*
 Changed the name building permits to zoning compliance permits
 Information required for zoning compliance permits may be waived by the administrator*
 An administrative conditional use procedure has been added*
 Notice requirements changed to meet State statute*
 Protest language on amendments was deleted to conform to court rulings*
 Site specific zone change amendments notice for owners within 100 feet was changed from certified
mail to standard mailing*
Section 11 changes
Added Section 12 Severability.
*Items listed in italics are substantive changes