lesson 1- science and reading (english)

Butler Buddy Enrichment Groups
Date: 10/10
Session Number: #3
Grade Level: 1
Butler Students: Diana Turner
Session #3: Dinosaur Dig
Focus Book or Theme: Dinosaurs
Yael Kurganoff
To begin, we will discuss what dinosaur names can mean. Next, we will read Bones, Bones, Dinosaur
Bones by Byron Barton. We will teach the students how to read and where to locate the following parts of
a (Tyrannosaurus Rex) dinosaur: skull, jaw, spine, tailbone, ribs, arms, and legs. We will use flashcards
with the name and drawing of the body part on it. We will split the group in half. Yael will teach about the
tail, spine, arms, and legs, and Diana will teach about the skull, jaw, and ribs. The two groups of students
will switch teachers after the first lesson is complete. We will first model how to read the word on the card
and ask students to point to the body part on their bodies. We will follow the C&G apprenticeship approach
with the cards until the students can label and read the cards on their own. After students have learned the
body parts, we will then stage a mock dinosaur dig using sand and plastic bones in a large plastic
container. We will pass out goggles for the students to wear and paintbrushes for students to use. We will
model how to find bones and how to indentify what bone it is. We will then have the students assist us in
finding and identifying bones; then they will do as we assist them; then they do as we watch them. We will
end this lesson by assembling the bones to construct a skeleton of a Tyrannosaurs Rex dinosaur.
Read Aloud:
Focus Questions: Where are bones located on a dinosaur skeleton? Where are your bones located? What
do dinosaur bones look like?
Teaching point(s) for this lesson: Recognize, read, and identify basic bones of the human body and
dinosaur body.
Integration of content areas: Reading, Writing and Science (Health)
Reading- 1.1.1 Concepts About Print: Match oral words to printed words.
Phonemic Awareness: Distinguish beginning, middle, and ending sounds in singlesyllable words (words with only one vowel sound). (Core Standard)
Earth Science- 1.2.2 Choose, test and use tools to separate soil samples into component parts.
Today went fantastic! The students loved the dig! Parker even asked his mom
if he could stay so he could do the dig! It always adds a boost of confidence to a
teacher when a student actively wants to learn about what you are teaching.
I think we needed to give them a little more time to play with the sand at the
beginning. Maybe we should have let them do that without the tools first. Also,
before we brought out the sand and tools we should have gone over how to use the
digging tools.
At the end, when we put the dinosaur together, I think we needed a different
model. The one we had was a bit difficult to put together. Also, maybe if we had two
models for the students to use, they could have broken into smaller groups to get
more hands on time. Overall, I think the lesson was great though!