Small Corps Meeting #1 Agenda - Minnesota Alliance With Youth

Promise Fellow First Small Corps Meeting!
Welcome & Community Building!
Service & Corps Agreements
Big Picture and Collective Impact
Promise Fellow Model
o Middle School Moments
o 2nd Corps meeting To Do’s
The Essentials
o Member Agreement provisions
o Mandated Reporting
o Timesheet Overview
o Training Year in Review
Resources for a Successful Start
Closing & Announcements
September Promise Fellow Training:
Promise Fellow Institute: Wed., Sept. 16th – Fri. Sept. 18th
The Promise Fellow Institute, held at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, will provide
specific intervention skill-building workshops and provide an opportunity for Fellows to connect
statewide. Hotel accommodations will be provided for Promise Fellows traveling over 60 miles one
way to the Promise Fellow Institute. Supervisors are required to attend the Promise Fellow Institute
on Friday Sept 18th .
2nd Small Corps Meeting: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER
Topic: OnCorps Data Tracking Orientation and Emotional Intelligence
Tues., Sept. 29th
Tues., Sept. 29th
Wed., Sept. 30th
Wed., Sept. 30th
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
10:30 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
10:30 am – 2:00 pm
Lady Slipper
Thurs. Oct. 1st
Thurs. Oct. 1st
Tues., Oct. 6th
Wed., Oct. 7th
Thur., Oct. 8th
Fri., Oct. 9th
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
10:30 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
TIES Building
TIES Building
215 North 1st Ave. East, Duluth
TIES Building
TIES Building
TIES Building
TIES Building
Alliance Training Room
Promise Fellow Recruitment: Continue to share the opportunity to serve as a Promise Fellow with
your networks! Be in touch with your trainer for Recruitment materials. Encourage interested
applicants to apply online at:
Minnesota Youth Council – Accepting applications for 2015-16 in Districts 1 & 8!
The Minnesota Youth Council is accepting applications for youth entering 8th-12th grade to join with
others across the state, to use their voices to make change on issues affecting youth. As a youth
member, young people get the opportunity to participate in overnight retreats, serve as a partner to
the MN Department of Education, and voice their opinion at the capitol within the youth legislative
committee! Applications and more information:
If you are a caring adult and would like to support a youth, please contact Shakur at to get more information.
Upcoming opportunities:
AmeriCoach: Promise Fellows have the opportunity to be matched with a Life Coach throughout the
Service term to support personal and professional goals. Fellows will note their interest at the #2
Corps meeting and be matched mid/late October.
Alumni Mentoring Program for Returning Promise Fellows: The Promise Fellow Alumni Mentoring
Program was developed to help current AmeriCorps Promise Fellows plan for life after AmeriCorps
by connecting them to former Fellows that have made successful transitions into various career
fields. Current Fellows are paired with Alumni based on their career interests and aspirations, field
of study and desired skill acquisition. The Mentoring Program suggests opportunities throughout the
year for mentees and mentors to engage in activities and discussions with each other. The
Mentoring Program is available to returning (2nd, 3rd, etc year) Promise Fellows only; matching will
begin mid-October.