final study guide help

1. What is the difference between a period and a group on the periodic table? Periods go across, groups
go down
2. What value increases by one as you move across the periodic table? Valence electrons
3. What happens to the valence electrons as you move across the periodic table. Increase by 1
4. What family on the periodic table is the most stable? Noble gases
5. How many valence electrons will family 8 have? 8
6. Ionic bonds involves combining a _______________ and a _____________? Metal and non-metal
7. What does an ionic bond do when they are formed? Share or Transfer electrons
8. In the formula H2O, the subscript 2 indicates what? 2 hydrogen atoms
9. How would you name an ionic compound that has fluorine and lithium combining. (Which comes first?)
Lithium fluoride . Metal comes first
10. What does the covalent bond that has di in the name such as dioxide mean? 2 dioxide=2 oxygens
11. Which subatomic particle is involved in bonding? Proton, neutron, electron
12. What type of bond is between a metal and a nonmetal? Ionic bond
13. What does a covalent bond do when they are formed? Share or transfer electrons
14. Where are metals and nonmetals located on the periodic table? Metals left of stairstep, non-metals
right of stairstep
15. What is the purpose of an experiment? To prove an hypothesis
16. What is the first step of the scientific method? Identify a problem
17. What variable in the experiment is purposefully changed? Independent or dependent
18. Which variable is used for comparison? Constant or control
19. Express 0.00069 in scientific notation. 6.9 X 10-4
20. How many significant figures in 91010? 4
21. What would indicate a physical change? Shape or composition
22. A substance made of only one type of atom is an ________________. element
23. A substance made up of two or more atoms is a _________________. compound
24. What are some clues to a chemical change? Gas bubbles, color, precipitate, odor etc…
25. A mixture that appears to only have one substance? Homogeneous or heterogeneous
26. Give an example of a heterogeneous mixture. Jar of mixed nuts
27. Which state of matter does the volume change when changing containers? gas
28. Isotopes are __Nice________. Which subatomic particle is associated with isotopes? NEUTRONS
29. Ions are ___electricians._____________. Which two subatomic particles would be different when ions
30. 2760 Cobalt neutral atom. How many protons, electrons and neutrons P-27, E- 27, N-33
31. Which sub-atomic particle never changes? Atomic number
32. How do you find the number of neutrons in an atom? Subtract what? Subtract atomic number from
the atomic mass
33. Which state of matter has a definite volume but no definite shape? liquid
34. Phase change where substances change from a liquid to a gas? Evaporation, vaporization
35. Phase change where a substance goes from a solid to liquid? melting
36. What is the difference between a physical property and a chemical property? Chemical property
changes the composition while a physical property does NOT change the composition but describes
characteristics of the substance.
37. What happens to the temperature during a phase change? STAYS THE SAME
38. Conservations of matter says: _MATTER_cannot be created or DESTROYED, only change __FORMS__
therefore the energy has been ___CONSERVED_
39. Which substances undergo change in a chemical reaction? Reactants or products
CH4 + 2O2  2H2O + CO2 or CH4 + O  H2O + CO2
40. Which of the following is balanced?
41. Give an example of a synthesis reaction. (Use A, B, C, and D) A + B = AB
42. Give an example of a single-replacement reaction. (Use A, B, C, and D) A+BC-> AC+B
43. Give an example of a decomposition reaction. (use A, B, C and D) AB A+ B
44. What happens to the reaction rate if the temperature is increased? Increases
45. What does the arrow mean in an equation? Yields/produces
46. A catalyst (increases/decreases) a reaction (by/without) changing the products.
47. What is the 2 in the formula H2O considered? Coefficient or subscript
48. How many oxygens are in the following formula 4Ca(NO3)2. Don’t forget the Coefficient and
parenthesis. 24
49. What are the numbers on the pH scale. From _____ to _____. 0-14
50. Which numbers on the pH scale are most acidic? 0-6.9
51. How do you neutralize an acid? Add a base
52. What type of reaction is A + BC -> B + AC single-replacement
53. All the species that live in one area are called? population
54. What is a model that shows the complex relationships in a community? Food WEB
55. What is the difference between a biotic factor and an abiotic factor? Biotic are living and abiotic –
nonliving and never lived
56. What is the difference between a predator and prey? Predator searches and catches prey
57. A symbiotic relationship where both species benefit is ? mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
58. What happens to a population if the resources decrease? Decline
59. What are limiting factors? Factors that cause a community or species to decline such as
competition, predation, human interference
60. What happens when the population is higher than the carrying capacity? Death rate will rise
61. What are the 3 types of rocks? Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary
62. What is a fault? Fracture in earth’s crust
63. Where is the epicenter located in relation to the focus? Epicenter on surface of earth on top of focus
64. What is the name of the theory that explains the cause of earthquakes? Elastic rebound
65. What’s the most destructive seismic wave? Surface waves
66. What is the outer layer of the earth called? crust
67. Which plate boundary doesn’t build up or destroy the land? transform
68. Which plate boundaries move together? convergent
69. What type of plate boundary is where new crust is formed? divergent
70. What type of volcano is from ejected lava fragments? Cinder cone
71. Which volcano is broad and dome shaped? shield
72. Which volcano has both lave and pyroclastic deposits? composite
73. How do we measure seismic waves? seismograph
74. What is the source of an earthquake called? FOCUS
75. What is the fastest seismic wave? P waves
76. What type of plate boundaries is the lithosphere destroyed? convergent