Sample Recruitment E-Mail 2 - Association of Academic Physiatrists

I would like to encourage you to join the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP), a community that unites intraining and young physicians with leading physiatrists such as yourself. Together, we are creating the future of
academic physiatry through mentorship, leadership, and discovery.
Your membership is important to us and other members because:
it assists us in growing and mentoring the next generation of PM&R physicians
it supports our ongoing and future programs
it reflects your commitment to PM&R education and research
We would love to welcome you to the AAP during this exciting time:
Our programs are thriving - The AAP Program for Academic Leadership (PAL) was recognized by AAMC as a
national model for leadership development in academic medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine Scientist Training
Program (RMSTP) fellows and graduates continue to secure NIH funding, and we are expanding the summer
medical student externship programs, allowing more students to learn about PM&R through hands-on experience.
Our Annual Meeting is expanding – AAP Annual Meeting educational and networking offerings have doubled and
attendance grows with every year, with more than 800 participants attending the 2015 meeting in San Antonio.
Our official Journal is flourishing – The impact factor of American Journal of PM&R has increased to 2.012, making
our “blue journal” a leader in the field.
In addition to existing member benefits, AAP initiatives on the horizon include MOC Self Assessment Exams
designed specifically for academic physiatrists, Research Badge Project (a self directed guide designed to guide
PM&R residents and faculty undertaking research and publication), Journal Club Podcasts, and a new mentorship
We need your assistance to strengthen the training and mentorship of future physiatrists and believe there is
much more work ahead of us as we continue to move the specialty forward through education and research.
Enclosed is a membership form for your convenience or visit