Core 1 Workbook 2014

Personal Development
Health and Physical Education
HSC Enrichment Day
Core 1
Health Priorities in
Activity 1:
Note Taking
The Role of Epidemiology
Slide 2
Write the definitions for:
Health status
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 2:
Note Taking
Measures of Epidemiology
Slide 3
Infant Mortality
Life Expectancy
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 3:
PMI Table
Watch the following youtube clip to complete a PMI table about Epidemiology.
In epidemiology, two terms are often used when examining health status and
1. Incidence – the number of new cases during a given period
Eg. how many new cases of a disease each year
2. Prevalence – the proportion of cases at any point in time
Eg. How many people currently have Diabetes
Activity 4:
Take Home Activity
Visit the following ABS website:
Calculate the life expectancy of:
1. Female born in 2011
…………… years
2. Male born in 2011
…………… years
Enrichment Day 2013
Measure of Epidemiology – Current Trends
Slide 4
Activity 5:
Graph Analysis
Refer to the graphs in the power-point and workbook to:
a) identify the trends for each key measure of epidemiology
b) Provide a reason for the trend
Graph1. Mortality rates
Enrichment Day 2013
a) trend in mortality
b) reason for this trend
Graph2. Morbidity rates
a) trend in morbidity
b) reason for this trend
Enrichment Day 2013
Graph3. Infant Mortality rates
a) trend in infant mortality
b) reason for this trend
Graph 4. Life Expectancy rates
Enrichment Day 2013
a) trend in infant life expectancy
b) reason for this trend
Activity 6:
Develop an acrostic to help remember the key measures of epidemiology:
Infant Mortality
Life Expectancy
Slide 5
Enrichment Day 2013
Not all tumors are cancerous; tumors can be benign or malignant.
 Benign tumors aren't cancerous. They can often be removed, and, in most
cases, they do not come back. Cells in benign tumors do not spread to
other parts of the body.
Malignant tumors are cancerous. Cells in these tumors can invade nearby
tissues and spread to other parts of the body. The spread of cancer from
one part of the body to another is called metastasis.
The main categories of cancer include:
 Carcinoma - cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover
internal organs.
Sarcoma - cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels,
or other connective or supportive tissue.
Leukemia - cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone
marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced
and enter the blood.
Lymphoma and myeloma - cancers that begin in the cells of the immune
(National Cancer Institute, 2013)
Activity 7:
Note taking
What is cancer?
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 8:
Label the diagram
Refer to the powerpoint to label the following diagram of cancer.
Diagram1. The Nature of Cancer
Slide 6
Cancer is a diverse group of diseases in which some of the body’s cells become
defective and multiply out of control. The abnormal cells invade and damage the
tissues around them, and sooner or later spread (metastasise) to other parts of the
body and can cause further damage and eventually death.
(AIHW, 2012)
Enrichment Day 2013
The 3 main cancers:
1. Skin
2. Breast
3. Lung
Cancer is a major cause of death, accounting for 29% of all deaths registered in
Australia in 2009. This makes cancer the second-most common cause of death,
exceeded only by cardiovascular disease (33% of deaths in 2009).
Activity 9:
Complete the table below, by referring to graphs 5, 6 and 7.
a) Outline an interesting fact/point from each graph
b) Identify the key trend.
Interesting Fact/Point
Trend (or)
Graph 5.
Incidence of
selected cancers
Graph 6.
Trends in mortality
for all cancers
Graph 7.
Most common
causes of death
for all cancers
Graph 5
Enrichment Day 2013
Graph 6
Graph 7
Q: Referring to Graph 7, which type of cancer has the highest mortality rate?
Enrichment Day 2013
Cardiovascular Disese (CVD)
Slide 7
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) covers all diseases and conditions of the heart and
blood vessels. There are many forms and causes of diseases in this diverse group.
However, in developed countries such as Australia, the main underlying problem is
atherosclerosis. In this condition abnormal build-ups of fat, cholesterol and other
substances occur in the inner lining of arteries (plaque).
Atherosclerosis is most serious when it affects the blood supply to the heart
(causing angina or heart attack) or to the brain (which can lead to a stroke).
(NHMRC, 2013)
Other key terms:
 Arteriosclerosis - refers to a thickening and hardening of artery walls and
blood vessels
Atherosclerosis - caused by the build-up of fatty deposits and tissue in the
arteries and blood vessels
(Garven Institute, 2013)
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 10:
Note taking
What is CVD?
Activity 11:
Word match
Match the CVD terms below.
CVD Condition
Also known as…
Coronary heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Peripheral vascular disease
Mycardial infarction
Activity 12:
Cloze Passage
Coronary heart disease is the most common form of …………………. There are two
major clinical forms:
heart attack (often known as acute ………………….
infarction) and angina.
A heart attack occurs when the heart blood vessel is suddenly ……………………..,
threatening to damage the heart muscle and its functions. It is life-threatening.
Angina is when a temporary loss of …………………… supply to the heart causes
periodic ………………… pain. While generally not life-threatening, people with
angina are more likely to have a heart attack or experience sudden cardiac
Enrichment Day 2013
Cardiovascular Disease
Slide 8
Based on results from the 2007–08 National Health Survey, an estimated 3.4 million
people had a cardiovascular disease in 2007–08. Despite a significant fall in the
death rate from CVD since the late 1960s, it was still Australia’s biggest killer in
2009—recorded as the underlying cause of 46,100 deaths—more than any other
disease group.
Both males and females have benefited from the decline in CVD death rates,
although age-standardised rates for males are still markedly higher than for
(AIHW, 2012)
Activity 13:
Video Clip Analysis
Watch the two video clips and identify 5 trends and/or statistics for CVD.
1. …………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 14:
Graph Analysis
Analyse the graph below (and on power-point). Outline the main trends and
information below:
Graph 8. Death rates from CVD
a) trend in CVD mortality
b) reason for this trend
c) comparison of male v female CVD mortality
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 15:
Note taking
Slide 9
What is an injury?
Enrichment Day 2013
The main causes of injury vary with age. For example, the causes of injury for
children and younger people are often linked to developmental stages and differ
from those for older people. Injury severity also varies by age, reflecting in part, the
different causes.
Some types of hospitalised injury occur at all ages (for example, falls) while others
are specific to certain age groups (for example, smoke, fire and flames, heat and
hot substance injuries)
Falls were the most common cause of hospitalised injury for people aged 0–14,
accounting for 44% of all hospitalised injury cases in 2009–10. While drowning and
submersion cases were not in the top five causes of hospitalised injury, 82% of these
cases were classified as high threat to life.
For people aged 15–24 and 25–64, other unintentional injuries, falls and
transportation-related injuries were common causes of hospitalised injury.
Fall-related injuries (72%) accounted for the majority of all hospitalised injury cases
among people aged 65 and over.
(Australia’s Health, 2012)
Slide 10
Injury has a major, but often preventable, impact on Australia’s health. It affects
Australians of all ages, is the greatest cause of death in the first half of life, and
leaves many with serious disability or long-term conditions. In 2010, injury was
estimated to account for 6.5% of the total burden of disease in Australia (Begg et al. 2007).
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 16:
Graph Analysis
Analyse the graph below (and on power-point).
Graph9. Injuries resulting in hospitalisations.
Question 1.
Which age group has the most reported number of injury cases
(blue line)?
Question 2.
Propose reasons for this.
Question 3.
Why does the age-specific rate of injury dramatically increase
from page 75?
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 17:
Note taking
Risk and Protective Factors
Slide 11
Outline the main risk and protective factors for CVD, cancer and injury below.
Enrichment Day 2013
CVD Risk Factors:
Below are some of the statistics on risk factors:
Smoking - Smoking is the single most important cause of ill health and death
in Australia. In 2011/12, there were 2.8 million Australians aged 18 years and
over who smoked daily (or 16.3%).
Obesity - Close to two in every three (63.3%) adult Australians are overweight
or obese, with 28.3% obese and 35% overweight.5 The prevalence of
overweight and obesity since 1995 has increased by 12%. Adult males were
more likely to be overweight or obese than adult females.
Physical inactivity - In 2011/12, more than two in every three (66.9%) adult
Australians were either sedentary or had low levels of exercise.
High cholesterol and high blood pressure - High cholesterol and high blood
pressure are risk factors for heart disease. In 2011/12, just over 3.1 million
adult Australians (21.5%) had measured high blood pressure. In 2011/12, 6.8%
or 1.5 million Australians reported having high cholesterol levels.
(National Heart Foundation, 2013)
Activity 18:
Take Home Activity
To learn more about the risk and protective factors for cancer, visit
1. Click on cancer types
2. Browse the risk factors by type: breast, lung and skin
Go to the Health Insite Website at:
1. Click on the various causes of injury to gain a better understanding of the risk
and protective factors for injury
Read the AIHW report ‘Cardiovascular Disease: Australian Facts 2011’
Summarise the key risk and protective factors outlined in this publication
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 19:
Note Taking
Slide 12
Referring to the power-point, outline the key determinants for Cancer, CVD and
Enrichment Day 2013
Activity 20:
Groups at Risk
Slide 13
Referring to the power-point slide, complete the mind-map below to identify the
groups at risk for Cancer, CVD and injury.
Groups at
Enrichment Day 2013
Take Home Activities
The following take-home activities and questions can be done at home as part of
your study in preparation for the HSC:
Activity 1:
Read the article ‘Australian Cancer patients have highest survival rates in the
Question 1:
Explain why injury and diabetes have been identified as national health priority
areas. 8 marks (HSC 08)
Question 2:
Explain why cardiovascular disease has been identified as a major health priority
area in Australia (Adapted from HSC 06)
Question 3:
Explain why cancer was identified as a priority area to improve the health of
Australians. (Adapted from HSC 03)
Websites and Resources
Australian Institute for Health and Welfare
Life expectancy
Australia’s Health 2012
Cancer Council NSW
Heart Foundation
Australian Social Trends: June 2011 (ABS)
Enrichment Day 2013