
ABA Banking Journal
ABA Journal
ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law
Accounting, Economics & Law
Acta Iuridica Olomucensia
Acta Jus: Periódico da Área de Direito
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica
Acta Universitatis George Bacovia (Juridica)
Acta Universitatis Lucian Blaga
Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental
Adelaide Law Review
Adelphia Law Journal
Administrative Law Journal
Administrative Law Journal of the American University
Administrative Law Review
Administrative & Regulatory Law News
Advisor Today
Advocate (00446416)
Advocate (05154987)
Advocate (Boise, ID).
Baltic Journal of Law & Politics
Bankers Letter of the Law
Banking & Finance Law Review
Banking Law Journal
Bankruptcy Developments Journal
Bankruptcy & Insolvency Litigation
Bankruptcy Litigation
Bar Briefs
Bar Bulletin of the Boston Bar Association
Bar Bulletin of the Maryland State Bar Association
Bar Bulletin/New York County Lawyers' Association
Bar Examiner
Bar Leader
Batumi International Conference on Law & Politics
Baylor Law Review
Behavioral Sciences & the Law
Bench and Bar
Bench & Bar of Minnesota
CADS Report
Cahiers de Droit
Les Cahiers de Droit.
Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle.
California Bankruptcy Journal
California Bar Association, Reports
California International Law Journal
California International Law Journal.
California International Practitioner
California Law Review
California Lawyer
California Legal History
California Real Property Journal
California Western International Law Journal
California Western Law Review
Calisma ve Toplum
Cambrian Law Review
Cambridge Law Journal
Campbell Law Review
Can Tax Fdn Rept Proc Tax Conf
D.C. Bar Journal
Dakota Law Review
Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies
Dalhousie Law Journal
Deakin Law Review
Debt Cubed
Decalogue Journal
Defense Counsel Journal
Defense Law Journal
Delaware Journal of Corporate Law
Delaware Law Review
delete - Journal of Law & Information Science
delete - New York University Review of Law & Social Change
delete - Saint Louis University Public Law Review
Delta Chi Quarterly
Denning Law Journal
Denver Journal of International Law & Policy
Denver Law Center Journal
Denver Law Journal
Denver University Law Review
East Asian Executive Reports
East European Constitutional Review
Eastern Mineral Law Institute
Eastern Worker
Ecclesiastical Law Journal
Ecology Law Quarterly
Edinburgh Law Review
Edinburgh Review
Education & the Law
Educational Law and Administration
Einstein Journal of Biology & Medicine
Einstein Quarterly: Journal of Biology & Medicine
Elder Law Journal
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law
Elon Law Review
Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal
Emory International Law Review
Emory Journal of International Dispute Resolution
Emory Law Journal
Employee Relations Law Journal
Family & Conciliation Courts Review
Family Court Review
Family Law
Family Law Litigation
Family Law Quarterly
Family Law Update
Family Law Update (9780735542198)
Family Planning Perspectives
Faulkner Law Review
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
FDCC Quarterly
Federal Bar Association Journal
Federal Bar Journal
Federal Bar News & Journal
Federal Circuit Bar Journal
Federal Communications Bar Journal
Federal Communications Law Journal
Federal Courts Law Review
Federal Law Review
Federal Lawyer
The Gavel
Gender, Work & Organization
George Mason Independent Law Review
George Mason Law Review
George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal
George Mason University Law Review
George Washington International Law Review
George Washington Journal of International Law & Economics
George Washington Law Review
George Washington Law Review Arguendo
Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
Georgetown International Environmental Law Review
Georgetown Journal of Gender & the Law
Georgetown Journal of International Law
Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics
Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy
Georgetown Law Journal
Georgia Bar Association, Reports
Georgia Bar Journal
Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law
Hague Journal of the Rule of Law
Hamline Journal of Public Law & Policy
Hamline Law Review
Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
Harvard Environmental Law Review
Harvard Human Rights Journal
Harvard International Law Club Journal
Harvard International Law Journal
Harvard Journal of Law & Gender
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law
Harvard Journal on Legislation
Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice
Harvard Latino Law Review
Harvard Law & Policy Review
Harvard Law Review
Harvard Law School Bulletin
Harvard Unbound
I.C.C. Practitioners' Journal
I/S: A Journal of Law & Policy for the Information Society
IBA Global Insight
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal
Idaho Bar Association, Reports
Idaho Law Journal
Idaho Law Review
Idaho State Bar Association, Report
Idaho State Bar Association, Reports
IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review
IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology
Illinois Bar Association, Reports
Illinois Bar Journal
Illinois Continuing Legal Education
Illinois Law Bulletin
Illinois Law Review
Illinois State Bar Association, Reports
ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law
ILSA Journal of International Law
JAG Bulletin
JAG Journal
James Cook University Law Review
Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies
John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law
The John Marshall Journal of Practice and Procedure
John Marshall Law Journal
John Marshall Law Quarterly
John Marshall Law Review
Journal (New York State Bar Association).
Journal - Oklahoma Bar Association
Journal Jurisprudence
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling
Journal of Advanced Research in Law & Economics
Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law
Journal of African Law
Journal of Agricultural Taxation & Law
Journal of Air Law
Kansas Bar Association, Reports
Kansas City Law Review
Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy
Kansas Judicial Council Bulletin
Kansas Law Review
The Kansas Lawyer
Kansas State Bar Association, Reports
Kappa Beta Pi Quarterly
Kentucky Bar Association, Reports
Kentucky Bar Journal
Kentucky Bench & Bar
Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture & Natural Resources Law.
Kentucky Law Journal
Kentucky State Bar Association, Reports
Kentucky State Bar Journal
King's Law Journal
Kiplinger's Know Your Legal Rights
L Magazine
La Revue Juridique des Étudiants et Étudiantes de l'Université Laval
Labor & Employment Law Forum
Labor & Employment Law Institute.
Labor Law Journal
Labor Lawyer
Labour Arbitration Yearbook
Land Economics
Land & Water Law Review
Law and Business Review of the Americas
Law and Commerce
Law & Business Review of the Americas
Law & Business Review of the Americas.
Law Coach
Law Computers & Artificial Intelligence.
Law & Contemporary Problems
Law & Financial Markets Review
Law & History Review
Law & Human Behavior (American Psychological Association)
Macarthur Law Review
Macquarie Law Journal
Madras Law Journal
Main Street Practitioner
Maine Bar Association, Reports
Maine Bar Journal
Maine Law Review
Maine State Bar Association, Report
Major Tax Planning
Malaysian Journal of Law & Society
Manager's Legal Bulletin
Manchester Journal of International Economic Law
Manitoba Bar New
Manitoba Law Journal
Maritime Law Review \ Revista de Drept Maritim
Maritime Lawyer
Marquette Elder's Advisor
Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review
Marquette Law Review
Marquette Sports Law Journal
NACCA Law Journal
NAELA Journal
NAFTA: Law & Business Review of the Americas
NARF Legal Review
Nat Tax J
National Academy of Arbitrators. Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting.
National Association of Legal Aid Organizations Brief Case
National Bar Association, Reports
National Bar Journal
National Black Law Journal
National Civic Review
National Corporation Reporter
National Income Tax Magazine
National Jewish Law Review
National Journal of Constitutional Law
National Journal of Criminal Defense
National Law Journal
National Lawyers Guild Quarterly
National Lawyers Guild Review
Ocean & Coastal Law Journal
Ocean Development & International Law
OECD Journal of Competition Law & Policy
Of Counsel
OHA Law Journal
Ohio Bar Association, Reports
Ohio CPA Journal
Ohio Law Bulletin
Ohio Law Reporter
Ohio Northern University Journal of Pharmacy & Law.
Ohio Northern University Law Review
Ohio Opinions
Ohio State Bar Association Report
Ohio State Bar Association, Reports
Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution
Ohio State Law Journal
Oil & Gas Law & Taxation Review
Oil & Gas Tax Quarterly
Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly
Oklahoma Bar Association, Reports
Pace Environmental Law Review
Pace International Law Review
Pace Law Review
Pace Yearbook of International Law
Pacific Law Journal
Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal
Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal
Pandectele Române
Parker School Journal of East European Law
Patent Journal
Patent & Trade Mark Review
Patent World
Patent, Trade-mark & Copyright Journal of Research & Education
Peabody Law Review
Peace & Change
Penn State International Law Review
Penn State Law Review
Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly
Pennsylvania Bar Association, Reports
Quality of Legal Acts & its Importance in Contemporary Legal Space
Quarterly Report of the Conference on Personal Finance Law
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property
Queen's Law Journal
Queens Bar Bulletin
Queensland University of Technology Law Journal
Queensland University of Technology Law & Justice Journal
Quinnipiac Health Law Journal
Quinnipiac Law Review
Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal
Race Relations Law Reporter
Race & Social Justice Law Review
Ratio Juris
Real Estate Law Journal
Real Estate Litigation
Real Estate Securities Journal
Real Estate Taxation
Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal
Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Journal
Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Journal.
Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery
Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery
Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering
Recent Patents on Biotechnology
Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery
Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering
Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery
Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences
Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation
Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery
San Diego International Law Journal
San Diego Justice Journal
San Diego Law Review
San Fernando Valley Law Review
San Francisco Law Review
Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal
Santa Clara Law Review
Santa Clara Lawyer
Saskatchewan Bar Review
Saskatchewan Law Review
School Law Bulletin (Chapel Hill, N.C.).
Scientiam Juris
Scots Law Times
Scottish Law Review
Scribes Journal of Legal Writing
Seattle University Law Review
Section of Antitrust Law
Secured Lender
Securities Litigation Journal
Securities Regulation Law Journal
Tasmanian University Law Review
Tax Adviser
Tax Counselor's Quarterly
Tax Law Review
Tax Lawyer
Tax Magazine
Tax Management International Journal
Taxes: The Tax Magazine
Te Mata Koi: Auckland University Law Review
Temple Environmental Law & Technology Journal
Temple International & Comparative Law Journal
Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law
Temple Law Quarterly
Temple Law Review
Tennessee Bar Association, Reports
Tennessee Bar Journal
Tennessee Journal of Law & Policy
Tennessee Law Review
Territorial Sea Journal
Texas Bar Association, Reports
U.B.C. L. Rev.
U.C. Davis Journal of International Law & Policy.
U.C. Davis Law Review
U.C.D. Law Review
UCLA Entertainment Law Review
UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
UCLA Journal of International Law & Foreign Affairs
UCLA Journal of Islamic & Near Eastern Law
UCLA Law Review
UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal
UCLA Women's Law Journal
UCLA-Alaska Law Review
UMass Roundtable Symposium Law Journal
UMKC Law Review
Unauthorized Practice News
Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal
Uniform Law Review
UNISCI Discussion Papers
United States Air Force JAG Law Review
United States & Canadian Aviation Reports
V U W L Rev
Valahia University Law Study
Valparaiso University Law Review
The Vanderbilt International
Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
Vanderbilt Law Review
Vera Lex
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee/Law & Politics in Africa, Asia & Latin America
Vermont Bar Association, Reports
Vermont Journal of Environmental Law
Vermont Law Review
Victoria University College Law Review
Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Villanova Environmental Law Journal
Villanova Law Review
Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Forum
Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Journal
Virgin Islands Bar Journal
Virginia Bar Association, Reports
W. Va. L. Rev.
Waikato Law Review
Wake Forest Law Review
Washburn Law Journal
The Washington Law Reporter
Washington Law Review
Washington & Lee Law Review
Washington State Bar Association, Reports
Washington State Bar News
Washington University Global Studies Law Review
Washington University Journal of Law & Policy
Washington University Journal of Urban & Contemporary Law
Washington University Jurisprudence Review
Washington University Law Quarterly
Washington University Law Review
Wayne Law Review
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues
Weekblad Voor Privaatrecht Notariaat En Registratie
Weekly Notes
Weekly Notes (Sydney)
Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal
Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics
Yale Journal of International Law
Yale Journal of Law & Feminism
Yale Journal of Law & Technology
Yale Journal of Law & Technology.
Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities
Yale Journal of World Public Order
Yale Journal on Regulation
Yale Law Journal
Yale Law & Policy Review
Yearbook (Supreme Court Historical Society).
Yearbook of Banjaluka Law School / Godisnjak Pravnok Fakulteta u Banjaluci
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence
Yearbook of School Law
Zagreb Law Review
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta Sveucilista u Rijeci
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu
Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Nisu
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft
Zeitschrift für Öffentiches Recht
Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht
Zeszyty Prawnicze