Spanish I, Unit I Curriculum - 2014-2015 - 1st semester My World and My Life Unit Title 1A: What is the Hispanic world and how does it relate to me? 5 weeks MS Unit Title 1B: Who am I and who are my friends? 3 weeks MS Unit 1C How do I describe myself and my clothing? Unit Title 1D: How do I describe my family? 6 weeks MS 4 week Ms Standards Standards Standards Standards MLI.IP1B Express MLI.CCC3B Recognize MLI.IP1B Express like/dislike, emotions, MLI.IP1E Give basic sound distinctions like/dislike, emotions, and simple descriptions. and agreement/disagreement. and their effect on agreement/disagreement. communication. MLI.IP1D Ask for MLI.IP2A Initiate, MLI.IP2A Initiate, clarification. MLI.CCC3A Recognize participate in and close a participate in and close a similarities/differences brief exchange. brief exchange. MLI.IP2C between target language Demonstrate and English. MLI.IP2B Use formal & MLI.IP2B Use formal & novice/mid informal forms of address. proficiency in oral informal forms of MLI.CCC1A address. and written Demonstrate basic MLI.INT2B Recognize basic exchanges. geographical knowledge. non-verbal cues. MLI.INT2B Recognize MLI.P1A Present basic non-verbal cues. MLI.CCC2A Compare MLI.P1A Present information from a cultural patterns of information from a variety variety of sources. MLI.P1A Present behavior and of sources. information from a interaction. variety of sources. MLI.P2B MLI.P2A Demonstrate Demonstrate MLI.IP1A Use basic novice/mid proficiency when comprehension of MLI.P2A Demonstrate greetings, farewells and presenting rehearsed rehearsed material. novice/mid proficiency expressions of courtesy. material. when presenting rehearsed material. MLI.CCC2B MLI.IP1C Make simple MLI.P2B Demonstrate Demonstrate requests. comprehension of rehearsed awareness of MLI.P2B Demonstrate material. students’ own comprehension of MLI.CCC1C Identify cultures. rehearsed material. examples of the target language in other subjects. . Concepts: Concepts: Concepts: Exchange greetings formal vs. informal Alphabet Identify Spanish Speaking countries, European countries/capitals Numbers Days of week/Dates Classroom phrases Months and celebrations Concepts: Gustar – Expressing likes Subject Pronouns Ser: origin/who/what Infinitive forms of verbs Review Ser Describing others Noun and adjective agreement Describe clothing and accessories Definite and indefinite articles Verb llevar Hispanic last names Describe family Ask and tell ages Tener: family members and ages Give dates and birthdates Express possession using “de” and “possessive adjectives” Celebrations – Día de los muertos and Navidad, etc. Optional –ar verbs Formative/Summative Assessments Formative/Summative Assessments Formative/Summative Assessments Formative/Summative Assessments Traditional: Written Traditional: Written quizzes and testsTraditional: Multiple choice, short Traditional: Written quizzes and testsPreliminary Quizzes quizzes and tests- Multiple Multiple choice, short answer, oral questions, And Tests- Multiple Choice, Short Answer, choice, short answer, oral answer, oral questions, listening, reading and questions, listening, listening, reading and writing. Oral Questions, writing. Listening, Reading And reading and writing. Writing. Portfolio: Family Tree or Portfolio: Gustar Smoosh Portfolio: Monster Book, Greeting Project, ¿Cómo somos? Portfolio: Alphabet, Book, Children’s book. Label Map & Calendar, cartoon/comic, Country research project, Greetings cartoon/comic strip Performance:, Performance: Fashion Introductory skit with Show, Dialogues & greetings, Conversations, Fashion Performance: police Introductory skit with greetings, related activity Performance: Conversations & Dialogues, presentation about family *1.1 *Preliminar *1.2 *1.3 Spanish I, Unit II Curriculum - 2014-2015 - 2nd semester My School Unit Title IIA: Unit Title IIB: Unit Title IIC: What is my school like? How is my school day? What do I do in my free time? 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks Standards MLI.IP1D Ask for clarification. MLI.IP2C Demonstrate novice to mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges. MLI.IP1F Comprehend basic directions. Standards MLI.INT1B Comprehend simple, culturally authentic reading materials. MLI.INT2A Differentiate MLI.IP2A Initiate, participate in, among statements, questions, and exclamations. and close a brief exchange. MLI.INT1A Identify the main ideas and some details when reading and listening. MLI.CU1A Demonstrate knowledge of cultural contributions. MLI.INT1C Understand simple instructions. MLI.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses based on suggested topics. MLI.P1B Give basic information about self and others using suggested topics. MLI.CCC1B Apply previously learned skills from other subjects. MLI.CCC1D Relate content from other subjects as it relates to the target language. MLI.P1C Demonstrate novice to mid proficiency in oral & written presentations. Standards MLI.INT1D Demonstrate novice to mid proficiency in listening, viewing, and reading comprehension. MLI.CU1B Identify commonly held cultural viewpoints. MLI.IP1H Use sequenced information meaningfully. Concepts: Describe classes and classroom Concepts: objects Discuss obligations (Tener que) Use adverbs to say how often -Ar verbs and present tense conjugations (+ borrar) -Er and -Ir verbs and present tense conjugations Ordinal numbers 1st-10th Hay (There is/there are) Formative/Summative Assessments Traditional: Written quizzes and tests- Multiple choice, short answer, oral questions, listening, reading and writing. Places in the school and the home (rooms) Snack foods Ask and tell time Say where you are going and when Ask questions Ir + a + place: destination Review gustar with food Estar en + place: location Interrogative words Formative/Summative Assessments Concepts: Say what you are going to do/Discuss afterschool plans Ir +a+ infinitive: near future Sequence events -Er and -Ir verbs and present tense conjugations Irregular “Yo” verbs MS - Review and give final exam- 1 week Formative/Summative Assessments Traditional: Written quizzes Traditional: Written quizzes and tests- Multiple choice, short and tests- Multiple choice, short answer, oral questions, answer, oral questions, listening, reading and writing. listening, reading and writing. (MS – End-of-year Final Exam) Portfolio or Class-related projects Portfolio: Clocks, class schedule, daily routine. Portfolio: Cartoon/skit weekend plans (Suggestions: My Favorite Class, Giving Advice conversation, The Ideal Classroom, Match Mine, ¿Qué hay en la mochila/caja?, (Suggestions: Cardboard dice game for interrogative words) Performance: Telling time, Paper Plate verb conjugations, Dialogues & Conversations Compare Schedules, A Day in the (Suggestions: Label drawing of what people are doing in a park) Life of Juan, Mi horario flipflap book) Performance: Dialogues & Conversations Performance: Conversations & Dialogues *2.1 *2.2 *2.3