Borders at a glance International borders in West and Central Africa This visualisation portrays information on the length of borders, population density and landscape in West and Central Africa. It provides a new way to look at borders and helps to situate them within their diverse contexts. WEST AFRICA (50.200 km) Countries shown in order of ascending border length THE GAMBIA (GMB) CAPE VERDE (CPV) GUINEA-BISSAU (GNB) SIERRA LEONE (SLE) Sea Sea LIBERIA (LBR) BENIN (BEN) TOGO (TGO) GHANA (GHA) LEGEND Sea SEN Sea SEN GIN LBR Sea BFA GIN BEN GHA Sea NGA TGO CIV NER BFA GIN SLE Sea Sea CIV TGO BFA Country name and ISO code COUNTRY A (ISO) Length of the border Country B Country C Country D Population density SENEGAL (SEN) Neighbouring countries’ ISO codes Sea GNB MRT BURKINA FASO (BFA) GMB MLI TGO GHA GIN MLI CÔTE D'IVOIRE (CIV) NER CIV Sea BEN GHA REPUBLIC OF GUINEA (GIN) GIN LBR MLI BFA Sea CIV GNB LBR MLI SEN SLE Landscape in the border area Scale 0 500 1000 NIGERIA (NGA) 2000 km MAURITANIA (MRT) NIGER (NER) N N N N=North S=South W=West E=East Sea CMR NER N S S TCD BEN NGA MAL BEN BFA S S DZA LBY SEN TCD Sea MLI DZA MAR/ESH Population density in the border area Persons per km² MALI (MLI) N N S 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-15 15-50 50-100 100-500 1000-10000 BFA CIV GIN NER S SEN MRT DZA LANDSCAPE Forest and Savannah Desert Sea Tropical Forest Mountains and Hills Lake Steppe and Grassland Border Capital River CENTRAL AFRICA (36.800 km) Countries shown in order of ascending border length EQUATORIAL GUINEA (GNQ) GABON (GAB) CAMEROON (CMR) N S GNQ Sea CMR GAB CMR COG Sea W CMR TCD TCD COD COG S E COG GNQ GAB CAF N W E NGA REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (COG) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (CAF) OVERVIEW 23 Countries Sea SSD 1 SDN 1 AGO 1 COD Sea CAF GAB CMR 87.000 km of borders Land Borders Coastline CHAD (TCD) W 79.300 km W N E 7.700 km CMR NGA CAF SDN LBY 1 N E S S NER DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (COD) N W S UGA 1 FOOTNOTE 1 Countries or territories not part of the Rabat Process: Angola (AGO), Burundi (BDI), Rwanda (RWA), South Sudan (SSD), Sudan (SDN), Tanzania (TZA), Uganda (UGA) and Zambia (ZMB) DISCLAIMER Boundaries and names shown in this visualisation imply neither official endorsement nor acceptance by the EU, ICMPD or FIIAPP. Indications of border lengths are rounded. Data on population density and geographical characteristics have been simplified for visualisation purposes. The position of countries does not always correspond to their geographic location on a map. RWA1 BDI1 ZMB 1 SOURCES COG PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EU Border lengths: CIA World Factbook Population Density: Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN): Population, Landscape And Climate Estimates (PLACE), Population Density Africa (2007): Geographic characteristics: Google Earth Satellite images; Google Maps terrain information; University of Berkeley; Earth Sciences and Map Library; Natural Vegetation in Africa Map: European Union E TZA 1 AGO 1 Sea PROJECT IMPLEMENTED BY ICMPD AND FIIAPP CAF SSD 1