
Name________________________________________________ Date______________ Class_________
British Acts Debate
During our extended class period, students in 8th grade US History will be participating in our
first classroom debate. This debate will focus around the start of the American Revolution and the list of
taxes imposed on the American colonies by Great Britain. In this debate we will seek to answer the
question “Were the attitudes and actions of the American colonies justified?”
Before the Debate:
Take notes on “Rumblings of Revolution” lecture
Complete the “American and British Reactions to British Imperial Policies 1733-1774”
Complete the “My Perspective” worksheet
On Debate Day:
You will be given time to discuss your arguments in your groups before we begin
o In Your group, discuss main argument points that everyone wrote
o Decide how you want to open the debate- opening statement
I will moderate the debate, and each side will receive time to discuss before answering their
opponents’ statement.
The debate will continue until students have exhausted their arguments
Each side will make closing statements
We will debrief as a class- discuss topic and debate procedures
Students will fill out closure activities
50 points available
40 points for the chart and “My perspective” and “Post-Debate Reflection” worksheets
10 points for participation in debate
No name calling; learn to disagree respectfully
Take the debate seriously
Do your best to take your side’s perspective, even if you don’t agree.
My Perspective
In the “British Acts” Debate, I will be arguing for the: (circle one) Colonists / British
My Arguments: List at least 3 specific arguments that support your side
Counter-arguments: List at least 1 argument you expect your opponents to use and discuss how to
counter it.
Post-Debate Reflection
What do you think was the best argument your side presented? What was the best your opponents
Which side do you believe was right/won in the debate? Explain
How do you believe our debate compared to the debates colonists had in 18th century? How were they
the same? How were they different?
Was there a different way the colonists could have solved their problems, besides revolution? Explain