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CONTACT: Brianne Curran
PHILIPPE LEMOINE – Tenor Saxophone (France)
NICOLA HEIN – Guitar (Germany)
BRIANNE CURRAN – Violin (Australia)
Meeting in cultural hotspot city Berlin in 2014, this international trio consists of Philippe Lemoine
(France) on tenor saxophone, Nicola Hein (Germany) on guitars, and Brianne Curran (Australia) on
violin. This year sees the group undertaking their debut tour throughout Germany. Their musical
treasures and talents combined create a unique blend of subtlety, awareness, power, and ingenuity.
The diverse origins of this group give their union an explosion of vivification due to each members’
particular approach to music making, working together within a realm of collective,
live electro-acoustic improvisation.
Always, the group look for new ways to create sonically and to share this through their innovative
Currently, Lemoine works as a composer and band leader for his quartet named ‘Le Talent de la Colère’.
He was the leader of septet ‘Kassalit,’ which was awarded ‘best band’ and ‘best composition’ at La Défense
Jazz Contest in 1997. From 2002 until 2005 he performed and toured internationally with the Orchestre
National de Jazz under the direction of Claude Barthelemy.
Playing a role in the underground arts scene in Europe, Lemoine has also been involved with numerous
collectives and collaborative bands in his home country, such as Circum Grand Orchestra.
He is often found travelling to meet improvisers all over the world – Berlin, Chicago, Montreal.
Lemoine has also recorded on numerous albums released through labels such as Label Bleu, Deux
Z/Harmonia Mundi, Chant Du Monde and Great Winds/Musea.
Nicola Leonard Hein : (*Düsseldorf, GERMANY)
Nicola L. Hein is a guitarist, composer and soundartist, whose talents have led him on tour with many
artists and musicians all over the European continent.
As a guitarist he is mainly concerned about the search for new sounds on his instrument. He plays electric
and acoustic guitars with or without preparation, and tries to find new ways of playing his instruments
within the context of free improvised music and jazz.
Exploring the use of different techniques in music writing and musical thought, he searches for diverging
approaches to inspire improvisation to occur in new, unconventional ways.
He is also involved with sound installation through his work as a sound artist. The audience becomes part
of the art itself because the work has to be played by them. By the use of atypical sounds, Hein’s works
encourage a special aesthetical experience inspired by free improvisation.
Studied jazz guitar, philosophy and German philology at Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn,
and Gutenberguniversität Mainz.
He has worked with renowned artists such as Ignaz Schick, Paul Lytton,
and Frank Gratkwoski.
Brianne Curran : (*Sydney, AUSTRALIA)
Brianne Curran is an improvising violinist, composer and bandleader from Sydney Australia, beginning her
musical studies at age 3 in classical violin. Since, she has been involved with the folk music scene,
contemporary, improvised music, and free jazz. She studied Jazz/Contemporary performance through the
Australian National University, and the Australian Institute of Music as a scholarship holder.
From 2004 – 2008 she spent time out in the Australian bush often in isolation, exploring ways to express
and connect with her surrounding landscape, the moment, and space through music. She watched how this
process affected her intentions when performing, aiming to expand her understanding also of the role of
an artist. The sounds and techniques she developed in this time were the external outcomes of internal
practises and thought.
Since 2009 her quintet Takadimi has been touring throughout Australia with highlight performances such as
the Melbourne International Jazz Festival and The National Folk Festival (AU). Their music is featured
around the country via nationwide press and radio and is released through major record label MGM.
Curran moved to Berlin in 2011 and returned again in 2014 to further evolve her art as an improviser, and
also to perform with musicians Tomomi Adachi (Japan), Markus Pesonen (Finland), Klaus Kürvers
(Germany), Emilio Gordoa (Mexico), Philippe Lemoine (France). Back in Australia she performs at concerts
and festivals, including with Alex Nowitz (Germany), Clayton Thomas (Berlin/Australia) and Sophia Brous
(UK/Australia) at the Nownow Festival in Sydney this year.
‘Brianne Curran improvises with an expressive freedom, dynamic energy and a desire to dig into the
moment that is rare. Carrying the gift of a great education, she wields music of great clarity and force’
– Clayton Thomas (Musician: Australia / Berlin).
‘Her supple improvisation, notably its repetitive aspect is unique, gentle and intense’.
– Tomomi Adachi (Musician: Berlin / Japan).
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