Bruno Robert (b. 1957) graduated in theoretical physics at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6). After a PhD in Natural Sciences and a post-doctoral stay at the Department of Chemistry of Harvard University, he developed a team on photosynthetic light-harvesting and primary charge separation processes at the CEA Saclay, France. His group developed a series of advanced spectroscopic methods to study the early steps of the photosynthetic process. He is the author of about 150 papers (h factor 39). Presently President of the French Biophysical Society, Counsellor of the International Carotenoid Society since 2007, Professor of Physics at the Vrije Univerteit Amsterdam, Coordinator of the Resarch on Integrative Structural Biology in the Paris area; and Coordinator of the European research on artificial photosynthesis, he was in 2011 laureate of an ERC advanced grant in physics.