1 Supporting information SI. Description of the model The model framework is based on two central assumptions and a number of lesser standard assumptions. The first central assumption is that an individual can be characterised by its mass π and asymptotic mass π only. The aim of the model is to calculate the size- and trait-spectrum π(π, π) which is the density of individuals such that π(π, π)dπ dπ is the number of individuals in the interval [π: π + dπ] and [π: π + dπ]. In practice the trait-direction is discretised in a number of size spectra which each represent individuals with a range of trait values ππ (π, ππ ). The dimension of the size spectrum is numbers per mass per volume. Scaling from individual-level processes of growth and mortality to the size spectrum of each trait group is achieved by means of the MβKendrick-von Foerster equation which is simply a conservation equation [equation (A1)] where individual growth π(π, π) and mortality π(π, π) are both determined by the availability of food and predation from the community size spectrum, which is the sum of all the size spectra [equation (A2)]. The conservation equation is supplemented by a boundary condition at the right boundary at mass π0 where the flux of individuals (numbers per time) π(π0 )ππ (π0 ) is determined by the recruitment of offspring by mature individuals in the population π BH,π [equation (A9)]. The second central assumption is that the preference of food is only determined by individual mass, not by the trait-value or species identity of prey. The preference for prey mass is described by the log-normal selection model (Ursin, 1973) which describes prey preference in terms of the ratio between the mass of predators and prey of mass π and ππ respectively [equation (A4)] where π½ is the preferred predator-prey mass ratio and π the width of the mass selection function. The rest of the formulation of the model rests on a number of βstandardβ assumptions from ecology and fisheries science about how encounters between predators and prey leads to growth π(π, π) and recruitment π π of the predators, and mortality of the prey π(π). The available food (mass per volume) for a predator of mass π is determined by integrating over the community size spectrum weighted by the size selection function [equation (A4)]: β« βππ (π) π(ππ πβ1 )π dππ . The food actually encountered πΈπ (mass per time) depends on the search rate (volume per time) which is assumed to scale with individual mass as πΎππ [equation (A5)]. Note that encounters between predators and prey are only determined by the relative individual masses, not by the trait π. This means that a 100 g cod will consume the same food as a herring of 100 g. The encountered food is consumed subject to a standard Holling type II functional response to represent satiation. This determines the feeding level π(π), which is a dimensionless number between 0 (no food) and 1 (fully satiated) [equation (A6)], where βππ is the maximum consumption rate. The consumed food π(π)βππ is assimilated with an efficiency πΌ and used to fuel the requirements of standard metabolism and activity ππ π ππ . The remaining available energy, πΌπ(π)βππ β ππ ππ , is divided between growth and reproduction by a function of mass changing between zero around the mass of maturation to one at the asymptotic mass where all available energy is used for reproduction [equation (A7)], leading to an equation for growth [equation (A8)]. The form of the allocation function is chosen such that the growth curve approximates a von Bertalanffy growth curve if the feeding level is constant (see Hartvig et al., 2011 for details of the derivation). The actual emerging growth curves from the model depend on the amount of food available. 2 The recruitment of new fish is determined from food-dependent egg production and density-dependent regulation. The total production of eggs π π (numbers per time) is found by integrating the energy allocated to reproduction over all individuals [equation (A8)]. Density dependence of recruitment is modelled as compensation on the egg production such that the recruitment flux π BH,π (numbers per time) is lowered towards a maximum recruitment as egg production increases. Compensation is modelled as a βBeverton-Holtβ type stock-recruitment function [equation (A9)] where the maximum recruitment flux π max,π is determined from equilibrium size spectrum theory (Andersen & Beyer, 2006) [equations (A10) and (A11)]. The mortality rate of an individual π(π) has two sources: predation mortality ππ (π) and a constant background mortality ππ.π (π). Predation mortality is calculated such that all that is eaten translates into corresponding predation mortalities on the ingested prey individuals (equation A12; see Hartvig et al., 2011, App. A for derivation). When food supply does not cover metabolic requirements ππ ππ , growth stops, i.e. no negative growth occurs, and the individual is subjected to starvation mortality. Starvation mortality is assumed proportional to the energy deficiency ππ ππ β πΌπ(π)β ππ , and inversely proportional to lipid reserves, which are assumed proportional to body mass. Starvation is not an important process in the simulations presented here. Mortality from sources other than predation is assumed constant within a species and inversely proportional to generation time (Peters, 1983) [equation (A13)]. The background mortality is needed to remove the largest individuals which do not experience predation mortality. Fishing mortality πΉπ is included in the total mortality rate applied to an individual: π(π) = ππ (π) + ππ.π (π) + πΉπ (π, π). Food items for the smallest individuals (smaller than π½ππ ) are represented by a resource spectrum ππ (π). The temporal evolution of each size group in the resource spectrum is described using semi-chemostatic growth [equation (A14)] where π0 ππβ1 is the population regeneration rate (Fenchel, 1974; Savage et al., 2004) and π π πβπ = π π πβ2βπ+π the carrying capacity. 3 Table S1: Model equations Scaling: πππ ππππ + = βππ ππ ππ‘ ππ ππ (π) = ππ (π) + β ππ (π) (A1) (A2) π Food encounter and consumption: 2 π(ππ πβ1) = exp[β(ln(π ππ β1 π½ β1 )) (2π 2 )β1 ] πΈπ (π) = πΎππ β« ππ (π)π(ππ πβ1 )π dππ π(π) = πΈπ (πΈπ + βππ )β1 Growth: π(π πβ1 ) = [1 + (π π β1 πβ1 )β10 ]β1 (π πβ1 )1βπ π(π, π) = (πΌπ(π)βππ β ππ ππ )(1 β π(π πβ1 )) Reproduction: π π,π = 0.5 π π0 β1 β« ππ (π)(πΌπ(π)βππ β ππ ππ )π(π πβ1 ) dπ β1 β1 π BH,π = π π,π (1 + π π,π (π π max,π ) ) π max,π = (πΌπ0 βπ0π β ππ π0π )ππ2πβπβ3+π π₯ππ π = π0 βπ½ 2πβπβ1 exp[0.5(2π(π β 1) β π 2 + 1)π 2 ] (πΌπ0 β β ππ )β1 Mortality: ππ (ππ ) = β« π(π ππ β1 ) (1 β π(π))πΎππ ππ (π)dπ ππ.π = π0 ππβ1 (A3) (A4) (A5) (A6) (A7) (A8) (A9) (A10) (A11) (A12) (A13) 4 Table S2. Parameters and their units Resource spectrum π π 5 g πβ1 mβ3 Magnitude of the resource spectrum × 10β3 Exponent of resource spectrum (= 2 β π β π) π 2.05 1βπ β1 4 π0 g year Constant for regeneration rate of resource 1 g Upper mass limit of resource spectrum π€ππ’π‘ Individual growth 0.6 Initial feeding level π0 0.6 Assimilation efficiency πΌ 1βπ β1 Constant for max. consumption 20 β g year n 0.75 Exponent for max. consumption 1βπ β1 Constant for std. metabolism and activity 2.4 ππ g year 0.75 Exponent of standard metabolism π Food encounter 100 Preferred predator-prey mass ratio π½ 1.3 Width of size selection function π βπ β1 1459.5 Factor for volumetric search ratea πΎ g year 0.8 Exponent for volumetric search rate π Mortality 0.1 Fraction of body mass containing reserves π 1βπ β1 π0 2 g year Constant for background mortality Reproduction and recruitment mg Offspring mass π0 1 0.25 Mass at maturation divided by π π 0.1 Efficiency of offspring production π 50 Constant for maximum recruitment π a Calculated from the other parameters (Hartvig et al. 2011; eq. D1). 5 Supporting information. References Fenchel, T. (1974). Intrinsic rate of natural increase: the relationship with body size. Oecologica 14, 317β326. doi:10.1007/BF00384576 Savage. V. M., Gillooly, J. F., Brown, J. H., West, G. B., Charnov, E. L. (2004). Effects of body size and temperature on population growth. The American Naturalist 163, 429β441. doi:10.1086/381872