Teacher: School: Essential Question(s) NGSS Grade/Subject: K/ Science Week of: How can you prepare for severe weather? Some kinds of severe weather are more likely than others in a given region. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that the communities can prepare for and respond to these events. (K-ESS3-2) Lesson Objective Opening/ Do Now Description of Each Instructional Component I can Create a storm preparedness kit by using prior knowledge about storms accurately naming 3 out of 4 items necessary. Circle Time Youtube Video Sesame StreetWhat do you need to prepare for the hurricane? https://www.yo utube.com/watc h?v=9zjrAnsa3K Q (2:10-3:00) 1.Mini- Lesson (I Do)Teacher introduces “Preparing for Severe Weather” and “We are prepared” by use of a Power point. (Slides 119122 and 144-148) Teacher will also review activity slides for Severe Storm Safety Procedures. http://www.trenton.k12.nj. us/files/_7PBup_/f2bf7f12 eca5e1f33745a49013852ec 4/Unit_6__Severe_Weather__Presentation_Slides.pdf SWBAT Create a storm preparedness kit and safety plan Have students draw a picture of one thing that was needed to prepare for the hurricane. The teacher will read over slides, thinking aloud, “What do I need to do to prepare for severe weathers?” Teacher will introduce and read passage “Clouds and Rain” http://www.readworks.org /passages/clouds-and-rain Formative Assessments: Checks for Understanding 1. Clouds and Rain Question Sheet 2. PowerPoint Questions (Slide8890 and 127-128) 3. Severe Weather Adventure GameDivide you class into small group. Assign a type of severe weather to each group. Allow each group time for discussion. Then have each group act out what they need to be prepared for the storm and how they would practice weather safety. Allow them time to create signs and/or pictures of the type of severe weather approaching. Differentiation/ Modifications Special Education and or ELL*Pacing(provide ample time preparedness kit creation) *Simple Language *Create Vocabulary cards with vocab terms and pictures *Teacher can create a large font anchor chart for severe weathers preparedness using language including pictures and key terms *Deliver minilesson in small groups *Group students with partners to complete kit creation *Modify presentation questions Closing/ Reflection/ Assessment Materials/ Resources Used *Presentation of Computer severe weather preparedness Youtube kit Severe *What storm Weather are you Powerpoint preparing for Journal *What is in your kit? Why? Clouds and Rain Reading Materials Arts and Crafts Materials 2.We Do- See formative assessment 2 and 3 3.Storm Preparedness kit and Safety Plan (You Do) Unit 6-Severe Weather Students will create a readiness kit for a storm of choice from the unit. Students will draw and label items and explain why these items are in their kit. *Model preparedness kit *Allow oral responses for kit or drawn responses Visual- Use pictures of materials needed ;Create vocabulary flashcard with words and pictures that depict each word Bodily KinestheticUse manipulatives to create a preparedness kit Musical- Listen to Youtube weather song) InterpersonalGroup students together with a partner to complete preparedness kit creation. Allow students to discuss and share their reason for items and safety plan. IntrapersonalAllow student to independently create kit. Linguistic-Have students verbally explain their safety plan and preparedness kit. Logical- Have student give reasoning behind each item in their preparedness kit.