MINUTES: Race, Equality and Diversity Forum – Meeting – 9 December 2014 Rose Bowl 522 Attendees: Kevin Hylton Linton Robinson Killian Ngong Inder Hunjan Katrina Tilbrook Sana Waliyat Shakiya Nisa Sarah Grey Faith Muimo Sunny Chukwu Monica Campbell Harry Singh James Appleby Danielle Chavrimootoo Guillaine Brutus (Student Union) Apologies Sunita Morris Vivienne Caruana Naeema Hann Zainah Khan Tom Fletcher Susan Waltham Norma Cannonier Emily Marshall Kalist Musinga Yvette Smalle Julie Fimusanmi Bernadette Saltibus Mumtaz Khan Yasmin Valli Minutes of the Previous Meeting Accepted as a true record. Matters Arising From the Previous Meeting Student Union Membership – GB/KH not present to update Mentoring Scheme – KH referred to the current Leeds Beckett Research Mentoring web pages and questioned what progress had been made with the scheme expressing concerns that the Steering Group had not met for some time and that momentum was being lost. Carnegie’s own mentoring page has also reappeared potentially causing confusion to faculty colleagues. KT replied that there had been some issues with the web pages following the name change update in September resulting in broken links on the university wide web pages. The Leeds Beckett Research Mentoring page is owned by HR and these had all now been fixed. The Carnegie website is administered and owned by the Faculty and so any changes to their webpages would need to be taken up directly with them. KH queried who would be leading the scheme. KT said that this should be the Steering Group and that Faculties should be taking ownership themselves for maintaining the scheme with support from colleagues in HR and a monitoring role for the Equality and Diversity Team. A meeting for the Faculty Coordinators has been arranged for late January to ensure consistency of approach across the areas to coordinate more profiles and engage/support staff onto the programme. KH suggested that the Steering group needs to meet to decide who the established leads are in order to pass on good practice and then run it through each faculty area. 1 SG reported the group will meet up and coordinate the programme. HR can promote the scheme and pass the information and feedback of the programme. the going forward the Research Mentoring scheme is to be supported by the People Development team with Equality and Diversity’s role to be one of monitoring in relation to gender and ethnicity. JA questioned whether similar support is available for service staff. SG responded that a mentoring scheme is currently being developed for support staff (grades 2-4) as part of the professional pathway and colleagues will be able to access the mentoring soon. Communication & Promotion – LR distributed a draft email and requested members to circulate the email after discussion on any amendments to be made. LR idea is to hand out cards/leaflets and self-promotion via members networks (forum). LR suggested linking up with different networks i.e. other universities to communicate the message. IH suggested it would be a good idea to get members more engaged and to develop links to widen the forums remit by getting involved with different organisations and sectors. Sunny Chukwu & Guillaine Brutus will also be added to the contact list to distribute flyer/cards in their contacts. KT highlighted the circulation list and those who can’t attend expressed a keen interest to remain on the list. The forum would need to get more volunteers involved. IH agrees we should link with other education organisations, Leeds College of Art for instance were impressed with the Biennial conference and would like to join the forum. KH questioned how this would benefit the forum? LR suggests the forum could share ideas but with loose involvement & contribution. IH suggested applying same principles as other institutions on good practice but primarily the focus should be to engage more people from our university. SG agreed: the forum should involve own staff on the programme. KH one suggestion would be to invite other institutions (Reps) to a particular timed session. IH believes in order to move forward the forum needs more student engagement on student webpages, at the moment there is no mention of the forum on the student pages, and it not easily accessible. KT mentioned they are working more closely with Mike & the Student Union to make information more visible and to communicate messages better to the students. GB agreed the webpages not easy to access but suggested trying to use Blackboard/Google Calendar to convey & promote information to students. IH suggested promoting the forum via Staff Development & to review how the message is delivered on the webpages. SG thought it was a good idea & would see how this can be controlled on the plasma TVs. Student Services Recruitment Panel – ZK not present to update Stuart Hall commemoration – MAK not present to update University Race Equality Week- BS not present to update Biennial Lecture Feedback (22nd October 2014): KH, VC, LW, IH 2 This was a fantastic evening; great promotion and turnout and overall a highly successful event. Speakers were well received and the event generated a lot of interest as well as recruiting new members into the forum. Leeds Beckett Ambassadors kept the evening running and a huge thanks to their help. KT: looking forward the members need to discuss how to develop an annual programme & event. LR: One of the speakers had requested she does not want to appear on the video. This will require 1 half hours of footage to be re-edited. In future this will need to be highlighted that the event will be filmed and used. There was discussion that the filming of the event had been very clear and obvious from the start but agreement that the amount of edited footage required will not affect the overall video as her speaking parts were towards the end of the panel discussion session. The footage will be available after editing on the website and pictures of the event are also available on Google drive. KH suggested that the idea of a Poet in Residence was very popular (Kadija) and suggest we establish this role institutionally and use her for future events. LR: Feedback was so positive from the event, especially since VC was there to endorse the event, her visible presence had a great impact to the event. Timed Session: Race Equality Charter Mark This will be submitted in April 2015. SAT (Self-Assessment Team) met on 5 Nov, all minutes will be on the Race Charter website. Once the data is collated the action plan will need to be formulated by Jan 2015 to be submitted in April. Key points from the survey (staff & student) total 5ll responses. Not a huge response (staff 10% & student 1%). Future surveys will probably need to make better use of social media with students rather than relying on their university email addresses. Those who responded wrote detailed responses and themes from these will help to inform the staff and student focus groups. There was discussion at the SAT around who would facilitate these and it had been agreed that Deborah Gabriel from Bournemouth University and the founder of Black British Academics would be asked to do this. Discussions to run the focus groups on 8 & 9 Jan, approx. 8/9 people per group & she will run 4 sessions. This will need to be communicated to all staff & forum members to take part too. The focus group will be recorded & the group will be notified of this prior to agreeing. The focus groups are aimed at BAME staff only and one of these will also be set aside specifically for CARES staff. Student Union will be running the student focus group (mid Jan 4x sessions). 3 A question was asked as to whether the staff focus groups would include BME agency staff. KT responded that they would be included as the focus groups are for those who work here and have experiences to contribute. Sunny: Requested if a flyer could be created to distribute to these staff. SG: We will contact managers in these areas to raise awareness of the focus groups. KT: SAT meets on 10 Dec and data will be available on the website in the first week of Jan 2015. KT told the members that from the data specific patterns had emerged from mixture of response from all background (ie progressions/career). For example, International Students mentioned sense of belonging which is specific to Leeds. Also the feedback from BME only 66 out of 511 declared their ethnicity (17 staff of BME) and more women responded then men. MC- asked in terms of response how we compared with other universities. KT not sure but linked into Manchester Met & Bradford University initial responses from our own survey indicate staff perceptions around career progression & inconsistency in the support which people felt was available. There is also some suggestion that it was not clear how to access promotion. KT: Has created a flyer to promote the focus group. Reassured all members who take part in the group that anonymity will be key (members from the forum have agreed to take part in focus group) There was some concern expressed that the focus group would be recorded however this would only be for Deborah Gabriel to have access to for the purpose of producing an anonymous report which is what the University would be given. SG reminded members the key thing is to formulate an action plan & make a difference from the data. Equality and Diversity Update KT provided a brief update on the use of positive action statements which have just been introduced for professorial roles as gender and ethnicity are currently under-represented in these roles. The first adverts to feature these statements were for a number of professorial posts within the Carnegie faculty. AOB Not discussed Date of Next Year’s Meetings 2. Tuesday 24th February 2015 Rose Bowl 3. Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Headingley Time: 12.30-2pm. 4 Key Actions Agenda Item Student Union Membership Action: Guillaine Brutus attended the meeting 2nd Biennial Lecture 2014 Action: All Members to discuss as agenda item on how to develop an annual event & programme Mentoring Scheme Action: KT Liaise with People Development to meet with the Faculty Coordinators to review progress and ensure momentum is maintained Race Charter Action: KT/LW and Forum Members All Members to: Spread the word about focus groups and generate interest KT: distribute flyer for focus group Communication and Promotion Action: NK/LR – KT to add Sunny & Student Union Rep to email list KT Find out how to promote the forum to the students via use of Student Hub/Calendar/ Plasma TVs Communication Promotional Flyer Feedback Action: ALL Members to discuss how to setup timed sessions for networks from other institutions (Reps) Student Services Recruitment Panel Diversity Action: ZK Stuart Hall commemoration Action: MAK will prepare and make a presentation for next meeting. University Race Equality Week Action BS next meeting RE&D Web Page Update: http://www.leedsmet.ac.uk/staff/race-network-group.htm 5