Discussion Rubric

Discussion Rubric
Periodically, I will assess your contributions to class discussion. These discussion assessments will be
worth 5 points every time. In addition, I will use these criteria when the class is engaged in a Socratic
Seminar. Please note that I will be listening not only for the content and evidence you present but also
for your consistent use of consultative register.
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 point
Did not participate
1 points
Scholar draws inferences, citing specific textual evidence to support the idea.
Scholar uses inferences to explain why the evidence might have significance or
how the evidence might have significance. Scholar comments on inferences and
arguments of other students, extending or elaborating on the classmate’s ideas.
The scholar asks appropriate DOK level 2 and 3 questions. Scholar makes
connections between text under scrutiny and previous texts discussed in class.
Student attempts to make valid arguments while acknowledging the validity of
multiple interpretations of evidence. Scholar knows the definitions and
connotations of words in the text under scrutiny. Scholar remains in consultative
register throughout class discussion. Scholar avoids “forbidden discussion terms.”
Scholar cites specific textual evidence but paraphrases rather than draws
inferences. Scholar uses evidence to paraphrase. Scholar repeats ideas of other
students and agrees or disagrees. When questioned, the scholar may be unable to
articulate a valid argument or to explain the validity of the interpretations of
classmates. The scholar knows the definitions of the words in the text under
scrutiny. Scholar asks level DOK level 2 questions. Scholar rarely uses “forbidden
discussion terms.”
Scholar reads from notes or from text to answer questions. Scholar asks DOK level
1 questions regarding either the text or the discussion. The scholar may not
understand words in context from either the text or the discussion. Scholar may
at times drop register. Scholar uses “forbidden discussion terms.”
Scholar is unable to identify the aspect of the text that the class is discussing.
Scholar is unable to repeat ideas already articulated in class. Scholar may not
know definitions of words from either the text or the discussion. Scholar drops
register. Scholar uses “forbidden discussion terms.”
Scholar paidattention, but made no attempt to contribute anything of value to the
Maybe/ Perhaps/ Might
Supposed to
Everyone knows
Sort of
Could, should , would
Most likely
To me/For me