`1 KARNATAKA VETERINARY, ANIMAL AND FISHERIES SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, BIDAR TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENTS NON TRANSFERABLE Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services/PUB/2013-14/172/dt:14.02.2014 OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN TENDER PROCESSING CELL, INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL HEALTH & VETERINARY BIOLOGICALS CAMPUS, HEBBAL, BANGALORE-560 024 Telephone:080- 23417554 Fax: 080-23417554 The Karnataka Veterinary, Animal & Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar has invited Tender of 30 days duration as per the Standard tender document from the reputed firms for the procurement of the equipments. The details of the K/G-1 & K/G-2, Tender Notification, schedule, specifications are available in the website www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in. or www.kvafsu.co.in . The tender form fees, is as per the e-procurement portal NORMS. The EMD & Tender processing fee shall be paid using e-procurement payment modes. NOTIFICATION DATE: - 25-02-201409 .2013 LAST DATE FOR UPLOADING OF e-TENDER DOCUMENT: 25.03.2014 TIME: 05.00 P M 1|Page THIS TENDER DOCUMENT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING INDEX Sl.No Contents 1. Section – I Invitation To Tenderers 2. Section – II Terms And Conditions A. Technical Bid B. Commercial Bid SECTION -III 3 a. General Conditions b. Quotations 4 Clarifications to Tenderers 5 Amendment of tender document 6 Security Deposit and contracts 7 Fall Clauses 8 Specifications 9 Expiry Date 10 Quality, Testing & Inspection Page No. 4 8 12 13 13 13 15 17 17 18 11 Contract Documents and Information 18 12 Validity of Tender 19 13 Tender Evaluation 19 14 Orders and Delivery Schedules 19 15 Penalty Clause 19 16 Payment Clause 20 2|Page 17 Replacement of Items 20 18 Black- Listing of Defaulting contractors 20 19 Termination of Contract 21 20 Disputes and Jurisdiction 21 21 Savings Clause 21 22 Section-IV Special Note 21 23 Section -V 22 24 Annexure - A i) VAT Registration Certificate / Sales Tax Certificate ii) VAT clearance certificate up to September 2013 Annexure - B Annual Turnover Statement Annexure - C Market Standing Certificate 41 Annexure - D Tender offer form Annexure - E Detailed Specification of Items quoted by Tenderers Annexure - F Form of Authorization for the person to represent the tenderer Annexure – G Manufacturing License / Certificate of authorization from the manufacturer Annexure – H List of items quoted by the tenderer Price schedule 46 48 49 51 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 List of Equipments with the detailed specifications 44 45 52 53 3|Page TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENTS Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 SECTION – I INVITATION TO TENDERERS 1. The Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, KVAFSU hereby invites Tenders under e-tendering system from PRIMARY MANUFACTURERS / AUTHORISED DEALERS / IMPORT LICENSE HOLDERS (in case of imported equipments) for supply of EQUIPMENTS as detailed in Section V , of this Tender with a validity period of 1 year from the date of award. Note:- a. “A Primary Manufacturer” is defined as a person / firm having own unit that performs all the manufacturing and processing operations needed to manufacture and Quality Testing with a valid license issued by competent authority. b. The term “PURCHASER” means for the purpose of placing the Order, accepting or rejecting the goods, making payments and sending samples for analysis means, The respective Institutional Heads of KVAFSU as defined in Rule 2 of “The Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurement Act 1999” hereinafter called “Act”. c. The term ‘Authorized Signatory’, means a Proprietor / Proprietreix, or a Managing partner or an whole-time employee, in executive cadre, in a Proprietorship Concern / Partnership Firm or a person who is working as Managing Director / Director Finance / Director Marketing / General Manager / Assistant General Manager / Manager / Company Secretary in the Tenderer Company, who has authority to take decision on the spot with regard to all the aspects of the tender. d. The term “TENDERER” means the Primary manufacturer / Import license holder/ authorized dealer participating in this tender. Refer SECTION V , e. The term “CONTRACTOR” refers to the successful Tenderer who has entered into an agreement with The respective Institutional Heads of KVAFSU for the purpose of supplying EQUIPMENTS as mentioned in this tender. The Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, KVAFSU shall be the Tendering Authority for the purpose of this tender. f. SSI units of Karnataka State shall be given price preference in accordance with the regulation of Govt. of 4|Page Karnataka, Industrial Policy 2009-14 provided that they fulfill all the other prescribed criteria and become responsive or any other policies that may be indicated by the Government of Karnataka subsequent to the issue of this notification. g. Final Acceptance of this Tender is by the Tender Accepting Authority. (TAA) i.e. the Chairman of the Tender Accepting Committee, KVAFSU, Bidar. i Tenderer are free to quote for any or all of the items listed in Section V, . The evaluation of tender will be done as per Item basis, denoted by the item Code. ii. However, tendering authority reserves the right to evaluate the tender as per item basis or the entire documents as a whole for the purpose of evaluation, in case such an action is in the best interest of the institution of KVAFSU. iii. Tenders of only those Tenderer who fulfill the Terms and Conditions of this tender will be considered for evaluation. The tenders will undergo evaluation at every stage of processing and any tender found at any stage, not in conformity with the stipulated tender conditions including specification / found to be defective and incomplete documents / samples of the items found not in conformity with the specification or found defective either physically or analytically will be rejected. iv. Interested eligible tenderer may obtain further information from the Office of the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals, Hebbal Campus, Bangalore -560 024. Ph: 080- 23417554, Fax: 080-23417554. 5|Page 2. a. Schedule of Events: Last Date for Queries on or before Replies to Queries Last Date for Uploading of Tender documents on e-procurement platform on or before Opening of Tenders Technical bid ( Next working day, in case it is declared as a holiday) Scrutiny of uploaded tender documents with originals to be produced by the tenderer for verification at Tender Processing Cell, IAH&VB campus, Hebbal, Bangalore-24 Opening of price bid ( Next working day, in case it is declared as a holiday) 04.03.2014 07.03.2014 25.03.2014 5.00 PM 28.03.2014 11.00 AM 02.04.2014 & 03.04.2014 21.04.2014 11.00 AM b. Venue: Office of the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals, Hebbal Campus, Bangalore -560 024. Ph: 080-23417554, Fax: 080-23417554. c. Opening of Financial Bid / Commercial Bid:- Commercial bids of only those responsive Tenderers of Technical bid will be opened on a date notified date (next working day in case the Govt. Declares holiday) or on any further date to be notified / informed to the responsive bidders. d. Validity of Tender – will be for 12 months (1 Year) from the date of award of the tender, which may be extended by another 6 months if the purchaser desires so. 3. Required Tender documents shall be uploaded through e-tendering system using their user ID and to be addressed to Office of the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals Campus, Hebbal, Bangalore -560 024. Ph: 080-23417554, Fax: 080-23417554 in the manner described under instructions in Section – I 6|Page CONTACT INFORMATION: For further clarifications on registration, online support for uploading of Tenders, or any payment related issues please call Centralized e-Procurement Helpdesk on 080 – 25501216/25501227 or mail to Helpdesk: hphelpdesk.blr@intarvo.com or hphelpdesk.blr@gmail.com Timings: 9:00 am to 9:00 Pm from Monday to Saturday including government holidays (Take support on Kannada and English) Training details A free Training schedule is organized by Center for e-Governance at Bangalore on all GOK Working Wednesday’s & Saturday’s. Training Date Training venue Batches Training duration On all Govt of Karnataka working Wednesday’s & Saturday’s Training room no.1, Gate no.2, M S Building, Bangalore – 01 1 10:30 am to 1:30 pm 2 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm A free Training schedule is organized by Center for e-Governance at Dharwad on all GOK Working Monday’s. Training Date Training venue On all Govt of Karnataka working Monday’s Regional centre, Centre for e-governance, Opposite AIR Dharwad, PWD division compound, Dharwad – 580008. Note: Enquiries regarding new payment options can be made on any working day at e-Procurement cell. (Room no.141, Gate No.2, M S Building, Bangalore – 01). 7|Page SECTION-II : TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. ELIGIBLE TENDERERS: 1.1 The Tender shall be uploaded only if the Tenderer is agreeable to all the Terms and Conditions of this Tender, which includes the Description and Specifications of the Items mentioned therein. a. The Tenderer shall upload the tenders through e-tendering system using User’s ID and Digital Signature Certificate for Technical Bid and Commercial / Financial Bids. b. Equipments required are listed with specific Code numbers and other details in Section V . 1.2 Irrespective of the terms and conditions the Tenderer may have specified, only the terms and conditions specified in this tender shall be binding on the Tenderer and the tendering authority. II. THE TENDERER SHALL UPLOAD THE TENDER IN THE MANNER DESCRIBED HERE UNDER: A. TECHNICAL BID SHALL CONTAIN DOCUMENTS LISTED AS UNDER A-1 Earnest Money Deposit / Bid security The Bidder / Tenderer can pay the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs .5000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) for each item in the e-Procurement portal using any of the following payment modes: Online payments: i. Credit Card – Visa or Master card ( any bank) ii. Debit Card – Visa, Master or Maestro card ( any bank) iii. Net banking – Selected Banks only Offline Payments: iv. NEFT / RTGS – Any nationalized bank v. Remittance at the bank counter using challan ( ICICI bank only) 8|Page The Tenderer’s bid will be evaluated only on confirmation of receipt of the payment (EMD) in the Government of Karnataka ‘s central pooling a/c held at ICICI Bank. EMD amount will have to be submitted by the Tenderer taking into account the following conditions: a. EMD will be accepted only in the form of electronic cash in any of the designated ICICI Bank, branches located across the Country (and not through Bank Guarantee) and will be maintained in the Govt.’s central pooling account at ICICI Bank until the warranty period is completed. b. The entire EMD amount for a particular tender item has to be paid in a single transaction. c. The EMD money received for all the tenders floated through the e-Procurement platform will be collected and maintained in a central pooling account. A-2. Refund of EMD. The EMD amount will be kept in the central pooling account until the tender is awarded to the successful bidder. Based on the instructions of Tender Accepting Authority (TAA) the EMD amount of all the unsuccessful Tenderers will be refunded. A-3. i) Latest Sales Tax / VAT Clearance Certificate as per Annexure-A or in the valid format of the Commercial Tax Department for 3 (three) years 31-03-2011, 31-03-2012 & 31-03-2013 and Tax cleared up to 30.09.2013 issued by the concerned authorities shall be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. ii) VAT registration certificate / sales tax registration certificate should be up loaded. Other wise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive” A-4. Annual Turn over statement for 3 (three) years i.e 2010-11 , 2011-12 & 2012-13 certified by Commercial Tax officer / Charted Accountant as per Annexure-B shall be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. A-5. Market Standing Certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant for 3 (three) years 2010-11 , 2011-12 and 2012-13 shall be uploaded as per Annexure – C Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. A-6. Tender Offer Form with an undertaking to abide by the terms and conditions of the tender in the format as per Annexure –D shall be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. 9|Page A-7. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS OF EACH ITEM of the offered duly signed individually / tendered equipment including model No. Make and catalogue no should Be given and to be uploaded separately as per SECTION V in Annexure-E. PROVIDING ONLY BROUCHER FOR SPECIFICATION IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. A-8. The form of Authorization ( for the person representing the tenderer at the time of verification of original documents), referred in Annexure –F in original, shall be uploaded. A-9. Copies of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for 3 (three ) years i.e., 2010-11 , 2011-12 and 2012-13 duly certified by the Charted Accountant, shall be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. A-10. i. Notarized copy of the Manufacturing license issued by competent authority, duly renewed up to date along with list of products permitted. (Items quoted) should be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive” (Annexure –G) ii. In case of Manufacturing License applied for renewal, it is insisted to upload the validity certificate from the licensing authority in respect of their license that it continues to be valid during the period of tender process i.e after submission for the renewal, till the time the license is actually been renewed, shall be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. iii. Certificate of authorization from the primary manufacturer should be up loaded. Sub- authorization / sub-dealership is not accepted – ( Annexure –G) A-11. The Certificate of incorporation signed by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) notarized shall be uploaded. A-12. Attested Copy by a notary of the valid updated import license - for imported items shall be uploaded. Otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. A-13. Notarized Affidavit declaration by the Tenderer to the effect that the product /products/company has not been Black Listed in any State of India otherwise it will be treated as “Non-Responsive”. A-14. Attested copy of valid SSI certificate issued by Director of Industries Commerce, Government of Karnataka shall be uploaded, by SSI units of Karnataka otherwise they will not be treated as SSI units of Karnataka. A-15. i. The Documents uploaded should be clearly visible failing which such documents shall not be considered. ii. The documents uploaded in general documents should be named individually. A-16. The originals of all the documents uploaded under Technical Bid shall be produced for verification 10 | P a g e On 02.04.2014 to 03.04.2014 failing which the Tenderer will be treated as “Non- Responsive”. A-17. Separate tenders should be up loaded for each item A-18. Warranty: All equipments should have a minimum of 12 months warranty from the date of installation, which can be extended wherever it is specified in the specifications A-19: List of items quoted by the tenderer has to be given in Annexure “H” B. FINANCIAL / COMMERCIAL BID SHALL CONTAIN THE DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREUNDER: B- 1 PRICE SCHEDULE Price of the items should be given in price schedule only and should never be given in the technical bid i. Price schedule format shall be furnished in the e-Procurement platform. The rate quoted per unit for landed / basic price shall be inclusive of Excise duty, packing forwarding charges, freight, Insurance, customs duty and local sales tax / VAT etc,. ii. The rate quoted in the e-procurement platform format should be for the unit. The Tenderers are strictly prohibited to change / alter specification or unit size given in the e-procurement platform format otherwise the rates offered will not be considered. iii. The Tenderers are required to furnish the break up details of landed price as per the e-procurement platform format. The landed price which shall include all the above components shall be the criteria for evaluation of price bid / financial bid under e-Portal of this tender. iv. Every bidder / tenderer should quote only in one currency for each item that he has participated. Multiple currencies is not allowed. v. Tenderer while up loading tenders for the imported items shall quote in foreign currency and specify INR equivalent value ( foreign exchange value) as on the date of submission ( only for comparison purpose). For all other items the rates must be quoted in INR. vi. Prices have to be quoted FOR destination, i.e. Veterinary College, Bangalore/ Hassan/ Bidar/ Shivamogga/ Fisheries College, Mangalore / Dairy Science college, Bangalore as mentioned in the notification –Section- V. vii. All Institutions of KVAFSU are exempted for Central Excise duty and Customs duty and the same will be issued to the tenderer at the time of clearing from customs duty and excise duty , wherever required. 11 | P a g e viii. B-2. In case of equipments, supportive documents in the form of catalogues & brouchers should be enclosed and original printed boucher/ catalogue should be submitted on the date of verification of documents Both the Technical Bid & Commercial Bid for supply of EQUIPMENTS shall be uploaded under appropriate headings. In the event of any discrepancy with respect to the rates quoted ( in words and figures) the Purchaser reserves the right to accept the lowest rate offered . SECTION-- III: a. GENERAL CONDITIONS i. The language of the Tender shall be in English. In case, the original documents are issued in vernacular, the translation certified by the authority signing the original / by a notary should be uploaded along with the original. ii. The Tender Inviting authority may, at their discretion, extend the deadline for submission of Tenders, in which case, all rights and obligations of the Tendering authority and the tenders subjected to the previous deadline, will thereafter be subject to such extended deadline. iii. The Tender Accepting authority reserves the right to accept or cancel or Re-tender the tender for supply of all articles, one or more at any point of time without assigning any reasons. iv. Technical Bids will be opened on date: 28.03.2014 at 11-00 a.m by the Tender Opening Committee, constituted by the KVAFSU in the Office of the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals Campus, Hebbal, Bangalore -560 024 in the presence of Tenderer or their authorized representative who may choose to be present. Commercial Bids of only those companies which satisfy the standard criteria laid down on the basis of the details furnished by the Tenderer in Technical Bids [under terms and conditions for Technical bid (Section -II) will be opened on 28.03.2014 or any further date to be notified /informed to the responsive bidders. v. Entry to participate in the Tender Opening Committee Meeting shall be restricted to only one person per tenderer who shall be the “Authorized signatory” [Refer Section I 1(e)]. vi. The Tenderers or their Authorized Representative who are present shall produce the authorization letter and sign in the concerned Register evidencing their presence during the opening of tenders. vii. The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his tender and the Tender 12 | P a g e Inviting authority / Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or out-come of the Tendering process. III. b. QUOTATIONS: Tenders have been invited for the supply of Equipments. The Tenderers shall quote the rates for each specifications of each item shall be as per details given in section V . item. The i. The quotation shall be the rate inclusive of all taxes, FOB charges, excise duty, VAT etc., and should be FOR destination. ii. The quotation shall be in figures as well in words in a legible manner in English language only iii. All corrections shall be duly attested with full signature and seal iv. Each page of the quotation shall be signed with seal of the firm / company v. The rates quoted when accepted will be binding on the Tenderer IV. CLARIFICATION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification /any queries regarding tender documents may notify the purchaser through e-procurement platform only with in the specified date mentioned in schedule of events. The Purchaser will respond through e-Procurement platform to any request for clarification of the tender documents. V. AMENDMENT OF TENDER DOCUMENT. i At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the purchaser may for any reason whether at its own initiative or in response to clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tender documents by amendment. ii All prospective tenderer who have contested will be notified of the amendment through e-Procurement. iii In order to allow prospective tenderer reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their tenders, the purchaser at its discretion may extend the deadline for the submission of tenders VI. SECURITY DEPOSIT AND CONTRACT. a. The Tenderer whose offer is accepted, on being informed, should execute a Contract Agreement on Karnataka Government Stamp Paper in duplicate of the value of Rs. 100-00 (Rupees One Hundred Only – cost to be borne by the Tenderer) as provided by Article 5 of the schedule of Karnataka Stamp Act. A copy of the contract agreement will be given to the Tenderer. The Specimen form of agreement will be available in the Office of the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, Institute of Animal 13 | P a g e Health & Veterinary Biologicals, Hebbal Campus, Bangalore -560 024. In case L- I default in executing a Contract agreement within the next 30 days of acceptance of his tender his status as L-I will stand cancelled and L-II tenderer will be invited to enter into Contract agreement consequently the EMD of the L-I stand forfeited to the Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar. b. The Successful Tenderer whose offer is accepted as lowest shall be required to pay a Security Deposit as detailed below: 10 % of the total cost of the equipments up to 50.00 lakhs The Security Deposit should be furnished in respect of each Tendered item on or before the due date fixed, in the form of Demand Draft only, drawn in favour of the The Assistant Comptroller of the respective Institution / drawing officers of the institution as the case may be. i. The agreement along with the specified “Security Deposit” should be submitted within Thirty (30) DAYS from the date of receipt of the intimation of the Acceptance of Offer. ii. Agreement not accompanied by the Security Deposit or any partial agreement deleting certain clauses /items, will not be accepted, and will be deemed as non-submission of agreement and violation of the Tender Condition and the Earnest Money Deposit of such Tenderer will be forfeited to the University without notice. Further, such Tenderer ceases to have any rights whatever in this regard with respect to his tender or the Contract issued thereon. c. The Earnest Money Deposit i. EMD of such successful Tenderer, who fails to execute the Agreement / who fails to furnish the Security Deposit within the stipulated period / who furnishes partial agreement deleting / altering the specified clauses will be forfeited to the University and his tender will be rejected and the company will be Black Listed and he will be liable for all damages caused including the liabilities to pay any difference between the prices accepted by him and those ultimately paid for the procurement of the Equipments to the concerned Such damages shall be assessed by concerned authorities whose decision is final in the matter. ii. The original agreement shall be with the Institutional Heads who place orders for the supply. The Tenderer shall collect the signed copy of the agreement on his own. The purchaser will not be responsible for the loss of the copy not collected by them. d. Violation of any of the Clause of the Agreement shall be deemed as violation of Terms and Conditions of this Tender. e. The Tenderer permitted to claim the Security Deposit on completion of the Warranty Period. The refund of the Security Deposit shall be subject to satisfactory performance of the contract as per the terms and conditions of the contract. The Security Deposit not claimed within three (3) years from the date of expiry of the contract shall be forfeited without 14 | P a g e notice. VII. FALL CLAUSES 1. The price quoted shall not in any case exceed the maximum wholesale ceiling price (bulk), if any, fixed by the Govt. of India / NPPA / State Government or the Whole Sale price fixed by the tenderer for General Market. The Tenderer shall mention such fixed rates in the quotation sheet against each item quoted. 2. The rate quoted for the Equipments supplied under this Tender, in no event shall be more than the lowest price quoted at which the Tenderer sells his products of identical description to any other persons, State, Union territory, Corporation, Board, University, Trust, Local authority, Company or any others including his own dealer/ distributor/, stockist/, agent A. Contacting the Purchaser i. No Tenderer shall contact The Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, KVAFSU, IAH&VB campus, Hebbal, Bangalore -560 024 on any matter relating to its tender, from the time of the tender opening to the time the Contract is awarded. If the tenderer wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the purchaser should do so in writing. ii. Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the Purchaser in its decisions on tender evaluation, tender comparison or contract award may result in rejection of the Tenderer’s tender. B. Post qualification i. In the absence of pre-qualification, the Purchaser will determine to satisfaction whether the Tenderer that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive tender meets the criteria and is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. ii. The determination will take into account the Tenderer’s financial, technical and production capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Tenderer’s qualifications submitted by the Tenderer, as well as such other information as the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate. iii. An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the Contract to the Tenderer. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Tenderer’s tender, in which event the Purchaser will proceed to the next lowest evaluated tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer’s capabilities to perform the contract satisfactorily. C. Award Criteria i. The Contract will be awarded to the successful Tenderer whose products quoted in tender has been determined to be substantially responsive item wise and has been determined as the lowest evaluated tender, provided 15 | P a g e further that the Tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. ii. Acceptance / Placing of orders is subjected to the availability/ release of grants. iii. In case of the imported items, all constituent institutions of KVAFSU will make payment only through SIGHT DRAFT. If LC is to be considered, the entire LC charges should be borne by the tenderer. The successful Tenderers are required to supply the item on CIF value at the designated destination only and the firm should arrange to take delivery of the equipment on behalf of the institutions on arrival at the air port / sea port and should provide the required documents to the respective institutions from where orders of supply are issued and obtain necessary certificates (DSIR) for customs clearance. D. Purchaser’s right to vary quantities at the Time of Award The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease by 25% of the quantity of goods and services originally specified in the Schedule of Requirements without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions subject to availability of budgetary grants and also depending upon exigencies and emergency conditions demanding the requirement of a particular item. E. Right to accept any Tender and to reject any or all Tenders The right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without there by incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers is reserved. F. Notification of Award i. Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the Purchaser will notify the successful tenderer through e-Procurement plat form its tender has been accepted. ii. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract. G. H. I. Signing of Contract i. The purchaser will send the Tenderer the Contract Form provided in the tender documents, incorporating all agreement between the parties. ii. Within 15 days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful tenderer shall sign with date of Contract and return it to the Purchaser Security Deposit i. The successful Tenderer shall furnish the security deposit in accordance with the Conditions of Contract with in 30 days to the Institutional Heads of KVAFSU, who place orders for the supply of the goods. ii. Failure of the successful Tenderer to comply with the requirement shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the earnest money deposit, in which event the Purchaser may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Tenderer or call for new tenders. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 16 | P a g e The KVASFU requires that Tenderers / Suppliers / Contractors observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of Government financed contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the KVAFSU: a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth as follows: i. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution’; and ii. “fraudulent practice’ means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the determent of the KVAFSU and includes collusive practice among tenderers (prior to or after tender submission) designed to establish tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the KVAFSU of the benefits of free and open competition; b. will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; c. will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Government financed contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a Government financed contract. VIII. SPECIFICATIONS. i. The Equipments supplied shall conform to the Quality Standards including the standards specified ii. The Tenderer shall indicate the storage conditions of his product in the quotation sheet against each item. iii. The supplier shall provide such packing for the goods including the outer bulk packs, as required for preventing their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as well as storage. vi. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to weather conditions, prevailing in the Karnataka State during transit and storage. vii. The goods shall be packed using virgin packing materials in such a manner as to ensure delivery in good condition. viii. Supplies with smudged, corrected, over-written or masked labels due to whatever reason will be rejected. ix. All equipments should be accompanied by printed brochures and user’s manual IX. EXPIRY DATE: i. The stocks of all products having date of expiry should be replaced with fresh stocks from the latest batch if informed 6 months before the date of expiry to a maximum extent of 25% of the total stocks procured . iv. Replacement should be made within 30 days from the date of intimation, failing which the equivalent amount will be recovered from their pending bills / Security Deposit. 17 | P a g e X. QUALITY, TESTING AND INSPECTION i. “Purchaser” or the officers of the KVAFSU reserves the right to test each item of the consignment received either at the time of receiving the goods or at any time during the warranty period, test and analyse at any approved laboratory ii. If the items supplied are declared as “ NOT OF STANDARD QUALITY ” by the University appointed committee the entire consignment shall be deemed to have been rejected. iii. In case of a consignment being declared as” not of standard quality” ” by the University committee, Contractor shall replace with a fresh stock of “Standard Quality” products at no extra cost equivalent to the entire quantity of the consignment supplied earlier, irrespective of the quantity available in stock, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such communication. iv. The stock declared as “Not of Standard Quality” shall be destroyed by the “Purchaser” or the officers of the KVAFSU after receipt of the fresh stock ; shall not be returned to the Contractor under any circumstances. v. An amount equivalent to 0.5% of the value of the said consignment supplied shall be recovered from the Contractor towards the expenses for such destruction and disposal. vi. In event of the tenderer failing to make good, the rejected stocks, the security deposit furnished by the Tenderer shall be forfeited and in respect of the remaining damages, action under the existing laws will be initiated to recover such loss. vii. In case fresh supplies are not affected within 30 days, the “Purchaser” shall be free to purchase the identical item from any other alternative source and recover the difference of cost from the Tenderer. XI. Contract Documents and Information; Inspection and Audit by the KVAFSU i. The Supplier shall not, without the Purchaser’s prior written consent, disclose the contract, or any provision thereof, or any specification, sample or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the supplier in performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. ii. The supplier shall not without the Purchaser’s prior written consent make use of any document or information enumerated in except for purpose of performing the Contract. iii. Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in shall remain the property of the Purchaser and shall be returned to the Purchaser on completion of the Supplier’s performance under the Contract if so required by the Purchaser. Iv. The supplier shall permit the KVAFSU to inspect the Supplier’s accounts and records relating to the performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the KVAFSU ( if so required ) 18 | P a g e XII. VALIDITY OF TENDER The rates quoted shall be valid for the period not less than 12 months (1 year) from the date of award of tender which may further be extended by another 6 months if purchaser so desires. XIII. TENDER EVALUATION i. Tenderer evaluation will be done by the Tender Scrutiny Committee. ii. The “Purchaser” after due evaluation will have option to prepare item-wise selection in the order of priority as under a. b. c. First Preference awardee Second Preference awardee Third Preference awardee L1 L2 L3 The “Purchaser” will call upon the successful Tenderer, the acceptance of item / items and rate offered in the Tender, indicating the category L 1, L 2 & L 3 under which their offer is accepted for the purpose of the accepting Tender, requesting them to furnish a Security Deposit and to execute the agreement with in specified period. The “Purchaser” shall exercise his options to purchase in the same order L1, L 2 & L 3, indicated for each item. XIV. XV. iii. If the L1 contractor fails to execute the order, then the L 2 / L 3 will be opted in the order of priority and the difference of cost, if any will be recovered from the defaulting contractors. iv. The Tender Accepting Authority (TAA) before passing the order of accepting a tender may negotiate with lowest tender L 1. as per KTPP Act Circular No. 1359/SOFC/2001(p-2) dated 3/12/2002 vide 3.1 negotiations. v. For imported items conversion rate on the date of opening of the tender will be considered uniformly for all the items for the purpose of comparison only and the conversion rate on the date of payment will considered while placing orders. ORDERS AND DELIVERY The Contractor shall supply the ordered Equipments to the required destination on the F. O. R basis within a period of 60 days from the date of order, otherwise the orders stands automatically cancelled. However the purchaser may for valid reasons, may extend the delivery by a maximum of another 30 days PENALTY CLAUSE: (Delays in the suppliers Performance / Non Supply) In case the supply is not completed fully, the “Purchaser” reserves the right to cancel the order for non supplied 19 | P a g e quantity and liable for forfeiture of Security Deposit to the KVAFSU and subsequent cancellation of the Contract. i. The difference of cost due to purchase from the next alternate source like L 2, L 3 or open market in the same order of preference shall be recoverable from the Contractor ii. However, the contractor for the items to be imported are permitted to supply the equipment with in 90 days without penalty and a penalty at 3%the belated supply shall be recovered and the total time taken for supplies with penalty shall not exceed 120 days from the date of receipt of the supply order. If the supply exceeds 120 days the contractor should inform the purchaser about the delay in writing and get his consent . If not the contractor is liable for cancellation, blacklisting and forfeiture of EMD / Security Deposit without notice. iii. In case the supply is not completed, the Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the order and proceed with the purchase of the same item from L- II or L- III or from the open market in the order of preference as specified . XVI. PAYMENT CLAUSE: i. No advance payment will be made towards the supply. Payment will be made only after the supplies are effected and installed (in case of equipment) as per the supply order. ii. Payment shall be made in Indian Rupees / the currency in which the tenderer has quoted. iii. Advance payment will be considered for those works whose accepted value exceeds Rs. 100 lakhs / custom made equipments XVII. REPLACEMENT OF ITEMS Items supplied in damaged or soiled condition or found “not in conformity” with the accepted specification, will not be accepted and shall be replaced at no extra cost to the place within 30 days from the date of receipt of intimation, failing which the “Purchaser” shall be free to proceed with the purchase from alternate sources. i. In case of dispute, regarding the non-conformity with the specifications, the decision of The TAA, KVAFSU is final. XVIII . BLACK-LISTING OF DEFAULTING TENDERERS a. The Purchaser reserves the right to BLACK-LIST any Tenderer either in whole or in part limiting to specified product / products, for breach of any of the Terms & conditions of the tender. b. Such blacklisted tenderer and his establishment will not be eligible to participate in any of the KVAFSU Tenders for subsequent 5 years. c. KVAFSU reserves the right to reject the tender of blacklisted companies and those companies whose past performance with KVAFSU / any similar agencies / Veterinary Institutions was poor due to delayed and erratic supplies, frequent quality failures etc., 20 | P a g e XIX. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES The “Purchaser”, by written notice sent to the supplier, may terminate the contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the purchasers convenience, the extent to which performance of the supplier under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. XX. DISPUTES AND JURISDICTION In the event of any dispute arising out of the Terms and conditions of the Tender, such disputes would be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Bangalore. XXI. SAVING CLAUSE PROTECTION OF ACTION TAKEN IN GOOD FAITH :- No suit, prosecution or any legal proceedings shall lie against the “Purchaser” or KVAFSU or any officer of the KVAFSU for anything which is done in good faith or intended to be done in pursuance of this Tender. SECTION IV SPECIAL NOTE (SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT) The following special Conditions of Contract shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the General Conditions of Contract. The corresponding clause number of the General Conditions is indicated in parentheses 1. Definitions (GCC Clause I) a. The Purchaser -The Heads of Institutions of KVAFSU, Bidar b. The Supplier is -________________________________________________________ THE PURCHASER SHALL RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE THE EQUIPMENTS OVER AND ABOVE THE QUANTITY MENTIONED IN THIS TENDER, DURING THE TENDER PERIOD. 1. IN ALL THE ABOVE CONDITIONS, THE DECISION OF THE TENDER ACCEPTING AUTHORITY, KVAFSU, BIDAR SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING. 2. The appellate authority is the Vice-Chancellor of KVAFSU, Bidar 21 | P a g e SECTION-V SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENTS Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 Sl. No. Tender item No. Item Name & specifications Qty VETERINARY COLLEGE, BANGALORE 1 K/G-2-501 INCINERATOR HSD / ELECTRICALLY OPERATED 1 No Tender may be quoted for HSD and electrically operated Incinerator separately. The Incineration capacity should be 100kg /hour. The refractory of incinerator should be high alumina castable refractory with temperature resistance of 1440 0 C and cold crushing strength of 325kg / cm2. The primary and secondary chambers should be horizontal and vertical with the material of MS confirming IS: 2062. The burners should be 2 Nos with fully automatic, pressure jet, oil fired and it should contain the following: 1. Fuel pump 2. Motor 3. Fan 22 | P a g e 4. Transformer 5. Sequence controller 6. Photocell 7. Electrode assembly The incinerator should be provided with CHIMNEY having suitable height confirming to the pollution control norms. In HSD incinerator fuel tank should be provided with necessary piping system. In case of electrically operated incinerator essential accessories should be provided. The quoted price should be for total installation of the equipment at Veterinary College, Hebbal , Bangalore Warranty : 2 years 2 K/G-1-502 CARBON DI-OXIDE Incubator 1 No Air jacketed system with sterilization, Microprocessor control with central message center Capacity: 184 liters Inchamber HEPA filteration system to prevent contamination and class 100 environment inside the chamber Temp range amb + 5 deg C to + 50 deg C with a uniformity of +/- 0.3 deg C Display Digital LED Over temp sensor: Precision thermistor control of 0.1 Deg C CO2 Range: 0 – 20% control of +/- 0.1% CO2 recovery < 3 minutes Sensor: TC Humidity range: Ambient to 95% Interior material: Type 304 SS with molded corners, Exterior: 18 gauge cold rolled steel, powder coated Controls for Set temp, over temp, CO2, Audible / Visual Alarm, alarm silence, calibration of temp , CO2 , Configure audible on/off, access code, HEPA filter change reminder, remote alarm contacts, tracking low temp and high, low CO2 alarms and following options :Automatic tank selector, RS -485 interface and display temp / RH Removable gasket, outer door: four sided, molded magnetic vinyl 23 | P a g e Inner door : removable, cleanable feather edged silicone Uniform direct heat, sterilization heat up to 140 deg C to decontaminate the chamber Sterilization period : 12 hours Removable stainless steel shelves, standard 4 shelves Microbiological filters on gas inlet and sample port, HEPA Filter, Class 100 air quality to be achieved within 5 minutes of closing door. HEPA filter to filter the entire chamber volume every minute to provide and aseptic culturing Electrical: 230 V 50Hz. Suitable Stabilizer should be provided during installation Warranty : 2 years 3 K/G-1-503 1 No GEL IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEM: Fully computer controlled Gel Documentation & Image analysis system. High resolution scientific grade camera with REAL 5 mega pixels ( 2592 x 1944) (Not software manipulation) Enclosed camera / lens with high resolution interface with integrated touch TABLET iPad computer with Wi-Fi. There should be provision to connect the Desk Top directly to capture the images. Provision for Blue light Module for safe dyes and White Light Table for protein applications. Viewing Window with 560nm Amber Filter for gel observation. Dark room should have the LED panel to operate the dark room. Different filets to visualize different Florescent stains DNA, coomassie blue, pink and silver stains etc.. Dye Compatibility - SYBR® Safe, SYBR family, Ethidium Bromide, Coomassie Blue, Silver Stain, and more Dark room Compact Foot print with ABS Front panel preferable. through 24 | P a g e Excitation - Trans-UV with adjustable intensity 365 nm wavelength with Imaging Area should be – 21 X 26 cm Image capture and manipulation software, providing access to a wide range of application and hardware control functions. Automated Image capturing software 1 touch fully automated Analysis software Molecular weight, Density, Dendrogram, Cluster analysis Up gradation with no extra charge. 4 K/G-2-504 Suitable Branded computer with UPS Warranty should be 2 years from the date of the installation. FULLY AUTOMATED CLINICAL CHEMISTRY ANALYZER 1 No 1. The instrument should be fully automated random access clinical chemistry analyzer. 2. Instrument can able to analyze Enzyme, Substrate, Specific Protein, , DOA, TDM & Immuno Suppressive Drugs. 3. Type of sample can be analyze Serum, Plasma, CSF, Urine & Whole Blood 4. System should support whole blood sample type analysis on instrument. 5. System through put should be minimum 200 test per hour without ISE and 380 test / hour with ISE(Optional). 6. The system should have disposable cuvette to ensure quality of reporting for test and efficiency. 7. Instrument should have onboard storage of minimum 600 cuvettes with walk away capability of 2 Hr. 25 | P a g e 8. Instrument should have auto loading & Auto discarding of cuvette during analysis. 9. The system should support minimum 11 wavelengths covering 340nm to 800nm.photometer to ensure accuracy of wavelength selection as well as long operating life. 10. System should support following analytical methods: End Point, Initial Rate, Kinetic 11. System should support programming of R1,R2,R3 & R4 for any parameter. 12. System should support following calibration methods: Linear, Non Linear with Antigen Excess check. 13. The system should have preferential treatment for STAT with min. 5 separate position. 14. The instrument must have minimum 35 shared cooled positions to place Reagent bottles (10ml, 20ml & 60ml) 15. The instrument must have minimum 84 positions for Routine sample. 16. The instrument should support loading & unloading of Reagent & Sample without interrupting ongoing analysis (No pause mode required) 17. Instrument should support loading of sample in sample segment instead of Sample tray. 18. System programmable sample volume should be 1ul to 120μl. 19. System programmable reagent volume should be 2ul to 250ul. 20. The minimum reaction (reading) volume should be 100μl (Including R1+R2+R3+R4+ Sample) to ensure low cost per test. 21. The system should support automatic Pre-Dilution and Post-Dilution with 1+120 times. Also possible to enter manual dilution ratio for calculation. 26 | P a g e 22. The system should support automatic series dilution for calibrator. 23. Different controls should be defined with the availability of L-J plot with West guard rule. 24. The system should have photometric absorbance range from 0 to 2.5 A with resolution of 0.001 to support high absorbance range required in certain immuno Turbidimetry tests. 25. System should use Halogen Lamp as a light source for photometer. 26. System probe mechanism should have automatic liquid level detection and crash Detection. 27. Reaction Cuvette temperature control should be preferably by direct heating incubator to maintain uniform 37o C for reaction. 28. The system should have on board Barcode Reader for Positive Sample ID. 29. The system should have external Barcode for Reagent. 30. Instrument should have DI water, liquid & Solid Waste container inside part of Instrument. No external connection of Waste & Water inlet. 31. The system should have minimum requirement of water 1L/Hr. 32. Instrument should have USFDA along with CE. 33. The company service centre should be within Karnataka. 34. Warranty: 2 years. 5 K/G-2-505 Veterinary Ultrasound Colour Dopler for Veterinary Use Machine 1 No DESCRIPTION Compound Pulse Wave generator Multi Processor High speed Digital Beam former 12 bit Digital Front end Wide Band Super High Density Probes 27 | P a g e Directional e flow Quint / Quad frequency Pixel focusing Multi beam processing for high Frame rate. Trapezoidal imaging Color Frame rate up function IP Select-8 steps programmable Data acquisition and Storage Raw data storage of Image, Line data Image data management tool Patient data storage FD / MOD / CDRW DICOM connectivity Measurement and Application Package. Veterinary Abdomen, Obstetrics, Gynecology, etc. User assignable study function. 45 User programmable presets Assignable HOT key functions 15” high-resolution flat-panel LCD (XGA non-interlaced) Tilt swivel & height adjustable monitor 10.4” LCD Touch panel SOFTWARE FEATURES Adoptive Image Processing Spatial Compound imaging Broad Band Harmonics Image optimizer Trapezoidal Scan Free Angular Mode (new) ONLY ALOKA DICOM E-Flow Extended flow (new ) Automated Nuchal Transluceny (NT)Measurement Automated IMT Measurement 28 | P a g e PROBES (3 to 6 MHz) 20mm Radius Multi frequency Harmonic Convex Probe. 2 KV on line UPS Warranty : 2 years Veterinary College, Hassan 6 K/G-1-506 ULTRASOUND SCANNER FOR LARGE ANIMALS – EASI-SCAN: - 1 No Portable, Frequency 4.5 MHz- 8.5 MHz FRAME RATE: 40 frames/second (late mode 28.5 frames/second), Preset modes: Detail, foetal sexing, ovarian /early pregnancy, late pregnancy DIGITAL CHANNELS: 16, Dust proof, Image storage via USB cable, Storage capacity/size: 100 images, Clips storage with recording device, Viewing device: BUG, Easi-Scan remote display, wrist monitor, Arm-free scanning with probe introducer, PROBES: 128 elements broad band, 60 mm foot print, rectal use and external use Power: Battery powered only, Charging options -Battery charger, in-vehicle charging, Battery life-7 with standby mode APPLICATIONS- Fertility, Pregnancy, Sex determination, Non reproductive applications in bovine, sheep, goat, pig etc. Small animal- reproduction Warranty: 2 years Veterinary College, Shivamogga 7 K/G-1-507 AUTOMATED BLOOD GAS ANALYSER : - 1 No Specifications of Electrodes: 1. Features to measuring pH, po2, pCo2, So2, Haemoglobin, & Haematocrit (Upgradable to Electrolytes, Sodium, Potassium and Chloride, Lactate, Calcium, magnesium, Glucose) 2. Test Samples: Blood, Plasma, Serum 3. Long life electrodes with minimum 1 year warranty. Specification for Analyzer controller with soft ware: 4. Analyzer controller with soft ware for analysis of more than 15 parameters 5. Should have large monitor with touch screen and inbuilt thermal printer. 6. Working temperature range: 10-30°C, display language: English 7. Quote the reagents and cost per test with the analyzer to run the machine satisfactorily for two years with the sample load of 3 per day. 29 | P a g e 8. System should have on board QC to analyze the performance of the Machine. 9. System should be supplied with UPS with at least 30 minutes back up. 10. All the parameters should be analyzed within a minute with single aspiration of the sample. Warranty: 2 years AMC: AMC for next three years to be quoted separately 8 K/G-1-508 FLOW METER (BLOOD FLOW METER): - 1 No Mode: Continuous laser Doppler flowmetry Primary Measurement: Micro vascular blood perfusion (Relative RBC Flux) LDF Units: Relative units (0–7500 Blood Perfusion Units, corresponding to 0–7.5 V output) BSC Units: Relative units (0–100% corresponding to 0–7.5 V output) Laser Type: Semiconductor laser diode (temperature stabilized) Laser Wavelength: 830 nm +10 nm Laser Power: < 0.5 mW from probe Laser Class: Class 1 (as per 21 CFR 1040-10 and 1040-11) Doppler Signal Bandwidth: 16 kHz Linearity Range: up to 0.35% moving scatterers by volume. Flow Response Time: < 0.2 s Reading Stability: 5% (measured with standard motility solution) Zeroing: Automatic, controlled Flux Calibration: Factory or user calibrated using a motility standard (concentration of latex spheres undergoing Brownian Motion) Power Supply Voltage Range: 100–240 V AC (50–60 Hz), 0.8–0.4 A Output Power: +5 V, ı}12 V DC Fusing: Internal, 2 A 240 V resettable Physical Configuration Power Requirements: 240 V or 120 V (internally set) @ l5 W Operating Temperature: 0–50 °C Operating Humidity: 0–100% (non-condensing) Warranty : 2 years 9 K/G-1-509 INTEGRATED TISSUE BATH SYSTEM (ITBS) WITH FORCE TRANSDUCERS AND DATA ACQUISITION FOR ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY, TISSUE BATH& RECTAL TEMPERATURE: - 1 No A). Portable 2-channel data acquisition system: with sophisticated algorithms providing beat-by-beat analysis of the primary physiological signals and necessary software for instant reading of the cardiogram from rat/mice/G.pig/rabbit etc. Two-universal inputs; Voltage range: ±200 µV to ±2 V; Sample rate: 48 kHz/channel; Bandwidth: 0-10 kHz; Power: USB (1.1 or 2.0); Flexible and powerful Software and able to record cardiogram from Rat/Mice/Rabbits/G.pigs . Essential to be supplied : 1) Unipolar needle uncoated (12mm); Needle dimensions: 320 µm (dia) x 12 mm (length); Lead wire dimensions: 1.2 mm (dia) x 30 | P a g e 61 cm (length) and (2) Unipolar needle teflon coated (37mm); Needle dimensions: 300 µm (dia) x 3.7 cm (length); Lead wire dimensions: 1.2 mm (dia) x 61 cm (length). (2). Rectal temperature rats and mice - Waterproof Probe: Response time: 1.1 sec, Max operating temp: 60°C, Accuracy & Interchangeability: ±0.2°C, Compatibility: YSI(r) series 400 and Dimensions: 9.8 mm x 3.3 mm. B). Integrated tissue bath station: with heating circulator suitable for smooth/ cardiac/ skeletal muscle isolated tissue preparations with jacketed robust bath (30ml capacity) and reservoir (800ml capacity) in a range of volumes; Heating circulator (1600ml volume); Programmable temperature range 20 0C to 44 0C with circulator pump (15W) and flow of 500 ml/minute with movable micrometer - transducer assembly and user friendly display and microprocessor based controls. ITBS should be supplied with two sets of triangle/ tissue clip each and 3-rotarory value and power supply (220V/50Hz). Field stimulation electrodes (platinum rings size 5mm, rings spacing 2cm and connector) to work with ITBS and stimulator. feature specification of the tissue bath station. Jacketed bath and reservoir Integrated, programmable dry heat system Silicone tubing Movable micrometer-transducer assembly User-friendly display and controls One-switch control of fill and drain cycle Microprocessor control Acrylic, robust bath Small, lightweight setup Specifications: Heating should be done with air. 1 x Bath 1 x Reservoir (800 ml) 1 x Integrated Heater (1600 ml volume, programmable temp. 20ºC-44ºC) 1 x Circulator Pump (15 W; 500 ml/min) 1 x Micrometer-Transducer Assembly 2 x Triangle Tissue Clip (Stainless Steel0 2 x Tissue Clip (Stainless Steel) 1 x Tissue Holder (Stainless Steel) 1 x 3-way Rotary Valve 1 x Power Supply C). Force Transducer with dimension of 90×25× 190 mm for tissue bath and isolated organ bath experiment with sensitivity range of 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 gm respectively with noise (1Hz LP) level of 1, 2, 4, 10, 20 mg. and temperature range of (-) 10 0C to (+) 70 0C with computer interface. The Force Transducer mounted on rod should be attachable in three different locations and should have drop shock protection to ensure against rough laboratory handling. Specification of force transducer. 31 | P a g e Rated Output: Nonlinearity: Hysteresis: Non repeability: 30 minute creep: Temperature Range: Maximum Excitation: Length: 1mV/V <+/-0.025% FSR <+/-0.05%FSR (for 50 gram range) <+/-0.05%FSR (for 50 gram range) <+/-0.05%FSR (for 50 gram range) -10˚C to 70˚C 10VDC 19mm wide, 25mm thick, 190mm long with mounting rod Cable Length: 2 meters Thermal Zero Shift: <±0.03% FSR/°C Thermal Range Shift: <0.03% Reading/°C The system should be supplied with D). Necessary software for analyzing dose-response (DR) effects of drugs and capable of generating log doseresponse (LDR) curve and other pharmacodynamic (PD) measurements. E) Compatible Personal computer (PC) with user friendly laser jet printer should supplied. Warranty : 2 years Veterinary College, Bidar 10 K/G-1-510 DEEP FREEZER (ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURE VERTICAL FREEZER) Capacity -276 ltr upright model Mounted on wheels with key lock and microprocessor alarm. Refrigeration system: High Stage 1.5HP low. Stage 1.5 HP, CFC-free foam insulation minimum 120130mm, 100% HFC and CFC free refrigerants 4 shelves 3 adjustable multi-point gasket seals eye-level controls, the shelves should withhold minimum of 50kg /shelf weight. Heavy duty swivel casters claw-like inner door latches and two air insulated inner doors with four compartment. Heavy-gauge steel cabinet and built in voltage booster running on single phase 220V 60Hz; 230V 50Hz; with surge suppressor. Microprocessor control system, digital temperature display system & set point security system. Air – cooled cascade refrigeration system and two air cooled compressor. Temperature range -100 to -400c automated temperature recorder. Air cooled condenser and efficient down feed evaporator Additional requirement: Battery backup and cryo-gloves to be supplied 1 No 32 | P a g e Cost inclusive of electrical accessories, installation and demonstration FOR : Veterinary College, Bidar Note: Costs inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo & training at BIDAR Veterinary College. 11 K/G-1-511 FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPE 1 No -Uplanfl 4x Objective, -Uplanfl 10x Objective -Uplanfl 20x Objective, -Uplanfl 40x Objective -Uplanfl 100x Oil Immersion Objective -3 Position Trinocular Head (100% Eyes/ 100%Camera/ Split Between Eyes & Camera) -10x Widefield Eyepieces, -Bx-Ura2 Fluorescence Illuminator With Rotatable Front 6 Cube Turret, -100 Watt Mercury Lamphouse -100 Watt Mercury Power Supply, -100 Watt Quartz Halogen Lamphouse. For Transmitted Light, -6 Place Nosepiece, -Abbe Type Condenser, -Right Handed Mechanical X Y Stage W/Slider Holder, -1x C-Mount Power Cord, Dust Cover & Instruction Manual. Note: Costs inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. 12 K/G-1-512 INVERTED MICROSCOPE : 1 No Observation Tube :Binocular head Siedentopf type, 45º inclined Trinocular head Siedentopf type, 45º inclined (light split 100:0/20:80) Eyepieces WF PL 10X/22mm high eye point eyepiece, with diopter adjustment and rubber eyecup Nosepiece Side facing quintuple nosepiece Objectives CCIS Plan Achromat objective PL4X CCIS Plan Achromat phase objective PL Ph10X, LWD PL Ph20X Stage Plain stage, glass and metal inserts Condenser ELWD N.A. 0.30 condenser, Phase slider, centrable PH1, brightfield, PH3 Focus By nosepiece movement, Coaxial focusing knobs, Coarse focus with torque adjustment, Fine focus with 2μm minimum increment. Illumination Koehler illumination quartz halogen 6V/30W 33 | P a g e Note: Costs should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. Warranty : 2 years 13 K/G-1-513 DARK FIELD MICROSCOPE 1 No. UIS2 optical system, Built-in motorized nosepiece focus Stroke: 20 mm, minimum increment: 0.01 μm, maximum nosepiece movement speed: 3 mm /s Built-in Koehler illumination for transmitted light, Light intensity LED indicator, Built-in motorized field stop ,High color reproductively LED light source 12V 100W halogen bulb (pre-centered) ,Motorized septuple revolving nosepiece Interchangeable reversed coded septuple nosepiece, Widefield tilting trinocular Widefield trinocular Widefield erect image trinocular. Widefield tilting binocular Widefield tilting, Telescopic, Lifting binocular tube. Widefield ergo binocular Widefield binocular Ultrasonic stage (Stage stroke: X:76 mm x Y: 52 mm, maximum stage movement speed: 30 mm/s Motorized universal condenser (N.A. 0.9, motorized 8-position turret, Aperture stop, polarizing filter in/out mechanism and top lens swing out mechanism), for 1.25x-100x [swing-out 1.25x-4x, with oil top lens: (N.A. 1.4)] Swing out Achromatic (N.A. 0.9), for 1.25x-100x (swing-out: 1.25x-4x) Achromatic Aplanatic (N.A. 1.4), for 10x-100x Universal (N.A. 0.9), for 1.25x-100x [swing-out: 1.25x-4x, with oil top lens:(N.A. 1.4)] Ultra low (N.A. 0.16), for 1.25x-4x Darkfield dry (N.A. 0.8-0.92), for 10x-100x Darkfield oil (N.A. 1.20-1.40), for 10x-100xr Note: Cost should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. Warranty : 2 years 14 K/G-1-514 1 No. CARBON-DI-OXIDE (CO2) INCUBATOR for IVM-IVF and cell culture Air jacketed system with sterilization, in chamber HEPA filtration system, microprocessor control with central message center, capacity 184 liters temp range amb + 5 deg c to + 50 deg C with a uniformity of +/- 0.3 deg C. Display Digital LED, over temp sensor, precision, thermisot control of 0.1Deg C. CO 2 Range. 0-20% control of +/- 0.1% CO2 recovery < 3 minutes, sensor. T/C, Humidity range. Ambient to 95% interior material: Type 304 SS, Exterior. 18 gauge cold rolled steel, powder, coated, controls for set temp, over temp, CO2, Audible / Visual Alarm, alarm silence, calibration of temp, CO2, Configure audible on/off, access code, HEPA filter change reminder, remote alarm contacts, tracking low temp and high low CO 2 34 | P a g e alarms and following optional accessories Automatic tank selector, RS-485 interface and display temp/RH. Removable gasket, outer door, four sided, moulded magnetic vinyl Inner door: removable, cleanable feather, edged silicone uniform direct heat, sterilization heat up to 140 deg C, Sterilization period: 12hours Removable stainless steel shelves, Microbiogical filters on gas inlet and sample port, in chamber HEPA Filter, Class 100 air quality to be achieved within 5 minutes of closing door, IN chamber HEPA filter to filter the entire chamber volume every minute to provide and aseptic culturing Electrical. 230V 50Hz The equipment should be supplied With CO2 cylinder, two stage CO2 regulator & Suitable stabilizer Note: Costs should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination 15 K/G-1-515 STEREO ZOOM TRINOCULAR MICROSCOPE: WITH SCIENTIFIC GRADE COLOUR CCD CAMERA WITH SOFTWARE 1 No Use for identification and grading of oocytes and embryos, Magnification 0.67x to 4.5x or more, zoom ratio 6.7:1, Eye pieces 10x to 30x magnification, Fiber optic illumination system, scientific grade colour CCD camera with software, live display, high resolution images, 2 million pixel CCD, 15fps speed. Note: Cost should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. 16 K/G-1-516 COMPUTER ASSISTED SEMEN ANALYSIS SYSTEM: 1 No Integrated Computer Aided Semen Analyzer System semen motility studies consisting of 1 set 1400000.00, High Speed Camera: High Resolution, Digital CD Camera with 60 fps. Suitable for Semen analysis applications. Software: Biovis Motility Plus Biovis Chrom software for chromosome analysis and Karotyping. Trinocular Research Microscope with Plan Phase contrast acromatic objectives 10x,20x, 40x, Bright Field Plan acromatic objectives 4X,10x, 40x,100X, suitable for Semen Sample Analysis Hi resolution Colour Camera for Morphological applications 35 | P a g e Note: Cost should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. 17 K/G-1-517 VETERINARY ULTRASONOGRAPHY DIGITAL SCANNER: 1No. For examination of reproductive organs in canines, Ovine, Caprine, cows and buffaloes. Electronic convex / Linear/ micro convex, Display modes B, B/B, 4B, M, B/M, Real time dynamic imaging, RDF, RDA, DFS, DRA, Scanning depth 240 mm, Probe frequency 2.5 MHz to 10 MHz, 10 inch SVGA high resolution monitor, CINE loop 128 frames, Image storage on built in memory and USB disc, 4 step zoom, soft ware package for canine: GS, CRL,HD,BD, Bovine BPD, CRL, trunk diameter, Ovine BPD, CRL, Trunk diameter, B mode, M mode, Patient information management, Main Unit + 3.5 MHz convex probe, 5 MHz Linear rectal probe, video printer, DICOM, 5MHz micro convex probe, probe connector, 2 USB VGA port Note: Cost should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. 18 K/G-1-518 1 No LEAD SHEET FOR X-RAY HALL 300 SQ. FT. FOR RADIATION PROTECTION: Lead sheet 2mm, along with plywood 10mm for wall fixing in the x-ray room for radiation protection including fixing charges at Veterinary College, Bidar 19 K/G-1-519 VETERINARY SPECIFIC MULTIPARA MONITER: FOR SURGICAL PATIENT 1 No Veterinary specific multipara moniter should have following parameters 1. SPO2 2. Pulse rate 3. ECG 4. Temperature 5. NIBP (Non invasive blood pressure). Equipments should include the following accessories. Accessories: 1. SP02 probe should be Veterinary specific and can be attached to animal tongue /ear. 2. ECG probe should be with special clips to suit variety of animals 3. NIBP cuffs should be of different sizes for different species of animals 4. Temperature probe should be veterinary specific and can be measured by placing the probe in rectum. Note: Cost should be inclusive of electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR destination. 36 | P a g e 20 K/G-1-520 VITAL SIGN MONITOR: 1 No Vital Multi-parameter monitor for Veterinary patients should have: 1. Five lead ECG, Digital SPO2, Heart rate, Respiration rate and Non invasive Blood pressure Monitor 2. TFT/LED Monitor must have large 4-trace display of 12” and above active matrix TFT/LED display of 800 x 600 pixel or higher resolution 3. ON screen trending for all parameters, auto-correlation technology and battery backup for at least one hour duration during power failure 4. At least 99 patient memory as past record 5. Accessories should include five ECG leads, temperature probe, temperature cable, reusable oesophageal / rectal probe, IBP transducer kit with startup kit 6. Should be supplied with veterinary data logger with secure digital flash card reader and compatible with MS Excel 2007 and PDF format. 7. Warranty: 1 year 21 K/G-1-521 1 No INHALANT ANAESTHETIC MACHINE With stainless steel coating along with intermittent positive pressure ventilator (conventional mounting of circle absorber type) with isoflurane vaporizer, with oxygen and nitrous oxide cylinders, one Magill’s or bain circuit: Note: Price should be inclusive of custom clearance if applicable, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR. 22 K/G-1-522 1 No FIVE HEADED TEACHING MICROSCOPE: With 1.25 Abbe Condenser, Right Hand Mechanical Stage, 6 Position Nose-piece (4X, 10X, 40X, 60X), Trinocular Head (Eyepieces should be Included) with U-CMAD-2 Camera Mount, 4 Tilting Head with Eyepieces, 12V 100W Lamp house, U-MDOB Pointer system with 2 bridge attachments fitted with 5MP microscopic digital camera. 23 K/G-1-523 SURGICAL DIATHERMY With monopolar & bi polar cautery machine for animals 1 No 37 | P a g e 24 K/G-1-524 WATER DISTILLATION SYSTEM: Distillation units quartz double demountable boiler panel series, vertical type with 2.5 lit / hr capacity 1 No Note: Price should be inclusive of, electrical accessories and complete installation with demo training at BIDAR. 25 K/G-1-525 AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATION 1 No Data logger with Program execution rate of up to 1Hz, 12-bit analog to digital conversions, temperature compensated real-time clock, gas Discharge Tube protected inputs, data values stored in tables with a time stamp and record number, final storage of 128,000 data points in the table based memory structure, battery backed SRAM and clock that ensure data, programmes, and accurate time are maintained while a data logger is disconnected from the main power source, support for pakbus protocol, 5 Analog inputs and 2 Pulse inputs & 2 Digital I/O Ports with Auto ranging facility, analog voltage accuracy +/- temperature Range -40 to 50 C, current drain /power -0.2mA, Supported software for PC to read the data with sensors for Air Temperature Sensor and Relative Humidity Sensor with Radiation shield (Sensirion SHT75 or PT100 or Thermistor, Range 400 to 700 c or better, RH Range 0 to 100%) Wind Direction Sensor: Range 0 to 360 degree, Accuracy + 5 degree. Wind Speed Sensor: Range 0-50m/s, Accuracy + 0.5 m/s. Air Pressure Sensor: Pressure Range. 600 to 1100 mb, Operating Temperature -40 to 600C Accuracy at 200 C + 0.5 mb. Rainfall Sensor Sensor type, tipping bucket /magnetic reed switch material. Anodized aluminum, Temperature 00 to +500C. Resolution. 1 tip Solar Radiation Sensor: Absolute accuracy +/5% for daily total radiation Temperature response <1% at 5 0 to 400 C. Enclosure: 12” x 14” Enclosure suitable for Data logger with a power supply and one or more peripherals, non corrosive, white with UV stabilized, power supply voltage Regulator for charging the battery from Solar Panel and giving voltage to Data logger. Solar panel of 10 watts, Rate should include customs duty & clearance charges if applicable transportation to the destination. Electrical & other hardware accessories and complete installation Warranty : 1 year 26 K/G-1-526 THREE SEATER DESK CUM BENCH WITH BACKREST FOR SENIOR STUDENTS. 1 No Overall size: H-785 × W-1370 × D-835(mm), Seat Height: 460 mm Material specification Desk of 18mm pre-laminated Particle board (PLB) with 2mm PVC beading all edges. Main frame of 30 x 30 x1.6 (16 swg) thick. Square ERW tube Seat, Back & shelf of 20swg CRC Sheet 38 | P a g e 27 Good quality PVC shoes. All steel parts in powder coated finished with standard quality powder after 10 tanks antirust treatment. Note: 1. The supplier should be a ISO: 14001-2004 & OHSAS 18001-2007 certified company. 2. Supplier should enclose a copy of Brand registration certificate.( Trade Marks registration certificate) 3. Warranty: 1 year 1 No K/G-1-527 AUTOMATED ISE BASED ELECTROLYTE ANALYZER Automated Ion Selective Electrode based Electrolyte Analyzer for measurement of Na+, K+, Cl-, pH and iCa in all type of biological samples with sensitivity for K+ of 0.5-0.6 mmol/L . Should have adjustable sampling arm, data storage for 5000 samples Sample size ≤ 150 μL Analysis time ≤ 1min, to allow user initiated calibration cycle, use refillable electrodes and individual reagent bottles, portable with CE certification. Warranty : 1 year 28 K/G-1-528 HIGH SPEED TABLE TOP REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGE 1 No Acceleration Profiles – 9, Deceleration Profiles – 9, Display - LCD Display, Control Communication – Digital, Parameters Setting Switches - BI - Directional Encoder, Brushless Motor with Frequency Drive, Inverter fault detection with auto shut down, CFC Free Refrigeration System, Last Set Parameters Recall, Choice of RPM / RCF Setting, Temperature Display - º C / º F, Digital countdown timer 0-99 min & Continuous Run, Automatic Door Opening, Automatic Rotor Identification, Emergency Lid Lock Release, Imbalance Detection with Centrifugation Cut Off, Gas Hinge to Prevent Door Falling, Max Speed – 20000, Max RCF – 37570, Max Tube Size – 100ml, Recommended Voltage Stabilizer - input 170 volts to 260 volts, output 220 volts to 240 volts Refrigerated / Cooling Centrifuge Rotors Angle Heads with Polypropylene Tubes 1. Capacity 4 x100 ML, 2. Capacity 8 x50 ML, 3. Capacity 12 x15 ML, 4. Capacity 24 x1.5 ML Type of Container: Plastic. Warranty : 1 year Director of Student welfare, Bidar 29 K/G-1-529 HIGH JUMP LANDING MATS: - 1 No Made of PV FOAM with non. Tearing vinyl cover. 39 | P a g e 5.5 m X 4.00 m X 66 cm Diary Science College, Bangalore 30 K/G-1-530 SPECIFICATIONS FOR AMMONIA COMPRESSOR FOR CHILLED WATER FOR PROCESSING OF MILK: 1 No Should have Reciprocating type compressors of V-belt driven and should be suitable to operate with ammonia as refrigerant. Should be V-belt driven ammonia compressors suitable for coupling and belt drive Should be of state of art light weight design for precision balancing of moving mechanical parts to reduce vibration and noise Pressure oil lubrication by means of reversible gear pumps Make : Reputed or Approved Model : 4’ x 4’ Motor: Matching cap of suitable Horse power of reputed make: 7.5 HP, 1440 RPM Machine Capacity: 8-10 Tons of Refrigeration per hour College of Fisheries, Mangalore 31 K/G-1-531 THERMAL VALIDATION AND MONITORING SYSTEM 1 No 4 Channels Master Module, Measuring Range : -100 º C to +400 º C x 0.01 º C System Accuracy : +/- 0.1 º C , ; Capacity , 4 channels, ;Power Supply :110-240 V- 50 / 60 Hz or 12V DC with basic Software packageThermal Validation and Monitoring System Connection kit - Packing Gland including solid rubber packing (no holes), 3/4 " , Packing Outer, 3/4", Rubber Packing with 6 holes, 3/4" Thermocouple Probes and Accessories for monitoring the core temperature of products packed in sealed Pouches. TS-ID Probes (needle 1.2 dia x 80mm rounded point, Teflon insulated Silicone cables, 7 meter long, plug type, Operating Range : - 20 to + 135 º C, ; Accuracy : +/-0.05 º C after calibration response Time : 0.8 sec / Electrode Material : Stainless Steel, Electrode diameter : 1.2mm). For providing strength to the sample pouches while applying perforation - TESA Tape – high Temperature Insulation Tape. Cutting Tool for pouches – 1 No Packing Glands for Cans (measuring length = 5 cms from the sides.- Packing Glands 52mm SS tube – 4 no, Space bars in high performance PEEK – 4 no. Tools for Cans - Cutting Tool for metal container-1no, Pre-Perforator- 1no. Spare Parts - Rubber Washers for SSA Probes, 10 pieces – 1no, Rubber Washer, Outer (O-ring) for GKJ Packing Glands, 10 pieces -1no. 40 | P a g e Data Monitoring System with Process validation Software (Including Computer, UPS, 1 KvA 3hr back up, Printer &Software) for process documentation -1no. Warranty: 1 year ANNEXURE – A (UP LOAD HERE) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 FORM OR CERTIFICATE OF SALES TAX VERIFICATION TO BE PRODUCED BY AN APPLICANT FROM THE CONTRACT OR OTHER PATRONAGE AT THE DISPOSAL OF THE KARNATAKA VETERINARY, ANIMAL & FISHERIES SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, BIDAR i) Up load the scanned copy of VAT Registration Certificate ii) UPLOAD VAT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE ( UP DATED) 41 | P a g e (To be filled by the Tenderer) 01. Name or style in which the applicant is assessed or assessable to Sales Tax Addresses or Assessment. 02. a. Name and address of all companies, firms or associations or persons in which the applicant is interested in his individual or fiduciary capacity b. Places of business of the applicant (All places of business should be mentioned) 03. The Districts, taluks and divisions in which the applicant is assessed to Sales Tax (All the places of business should be furnished) 04. a. Total contract amount or value of patronage received in the last 3 (Three) years A. 2010-2011 B. 2011-2012 C. 2012-2013 D. Latest issued by concerned CTO’s in their formats b. Particulars of Sales – Tax for the 3(Three) years Year Total T.O. be assessed Rs. Total Tax assessed Rs. Total Tax paid Rs. Balance due Rs. Reasons for balance Rs. 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 c. If there has been no assessment in any year, whether returns were submitted any, if there were, the division in which the returns were sent. d. Whether any penal action or proceeding for the recovery of Sales tax is pending 42 | P a g e e. The name and address of Branches if any: I declare that the above information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of applicant: Address : Date : (To be filled up by the Assessing authority) I my opinion, the applicant mentioned above has been/ has not been/ doing everything possible to pay the tax demands promptly and regularly and to facilitate the completion of pending proceedings. Seal: Place: Date : Deputy / Asst. Commercial Tax officer Note: A separate certificate should be obtained in respect of each of the place of business of the applicant from the Deputy Commercial Tax Officer or Assistant Commercial Tax Officer having jurisdiction over that place. Signature & Seal of the Commercial Tax Authority. 43 | P a g e ANNEXURE- B (UP LOAD HERE) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 Annual Turn Over Statement The Annual Turnover of M/s. ____________________________________________________________________ for the last 3 years are given below and certified that the statement is true and correct. Sl. No. Year Turnover in lakhs (Rs.) 1 2010-2011 2 2011-2012 3 2012-2013 Total (Rupees ___________________________________________________________________________) Signature of Commercial Tax Officer/ Chartered Accountant Seal: Place : (Name in Capital) 44 | P a g e Date: ANNEXURE –C Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 MARKET STANDING CERTIFICATE (UP LOAD HERE) Performa for Market standing During the Years 2010-2011 , 2011-2012 and 2012-13 Name & Address of the Manufacturer / Authorized Dealer: Sl. No. Year Name of the Product sold Item Code No. Name & Address of the “Purchaser” Govt. sector 1 2 1 2 3 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 3 4 5 Pvt. / Non-Govt. Sectors 6 Place: Date: Signature of the manufacturer Signature of the Chartered Accountant and Official Seal 45 | P a g e ANNEXURE – D (UP LOAD HERE) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 Affix the Photograph of the person signing the document with sealed & attestation To: The Chairman Tender Processing Cell, IAH&VB campus, Hebbal, Bangalore-560 024 Sir, Having examined the tender documents in connection with supply of equipments & Specialized Works etc., to your University under 2013-14, called by you, I/We, the undersigned offer to supply and deliver the equipments & Specialized Works etc., in conformity with the terms and conditions of the tender at the rates quoted in the Annexure if the contract is awarded in my/our favour. I/We understand that the quotation offered shall be valid for a period of 1 year from the date of acceptance of offer which may further be extended by another six months if required by you. I/We undertake if our quotation is accepted I/We will enter into Contract to deliver the goods accordingly. I/We agree to abide by this tender for the period as above & during the extended period, in case of extension. 46 | P a g e I/We undertake to deposit Security Deposit amount in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender if our offer is accepted. I/We until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the tender together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us I/We understand that, in competing for (and, if award is made to us, in executing) the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely, “Prevention of corruption Act 1988”. I/We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any quotations you may receive. Place: Phone No. (Off) ___________ Date: Fax No. ______________ (Res) ____________ Signature Name & address of the person signing the tender form NOTE: Signature ________________________ Name in capital 1) The quotations shall be indicated in the format attached. 2) Quotations not in the format will be rejected. 3) Duly authorized to sign tender for and on behalf of ___________________________________________ In what capacity Seal of the Firm 47 | P a g e ANNEXURE - E( UP LOAD HERE ) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 PROFORMA FOR DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS OF EACH ITEM QUOTED BY THE TENDERER Item code No. Name of the item quoted & its detailed specifications of the item quoted Catalogue No Make Place of origin Total No. of Items Quoted: 48 | P a g e Total No. of attachment used: Signature with Seal Place: Date ANNEXURE – F (UP LOAD HERE) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 FORM OF AUTHORIZATION (To be uploaded in the Company Letterhead) No…………… Date: To The Chairman, Tender Processing Sell, KVAFSU Bangalore Sir, Sub: Issue of Authorization Letter. Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 I, ……………………… (Proprietor / Proprietrix) of the above concern, wish to obtain digital signature from the designated service provider to sing the tender, attend the opening of the tender, represent the concern in all or any of the meetings convened by the Chairman, TPC, KVAFSU in respect of the tender referred above. I) I, ………………………, Managing Partner, of the above Firm, who have been duly authorized by the other partners, wish to obtain digital signature from the designated service provider to sign the tender, attend the opening of the tender, represent the 49 | P a g e Firm in all or any of the meetings convened by the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, KVASFU, and to take decision on revision of prices quoted in respect of the tender referred above. II) We hereby authorize Mr…………………. who is working as …………… in our Firm to obtain digital signature from the designated service provider to sign the tender, attend the opening of the tender, represent the Firm in all or any of the meetings convened by the Chairman, Tender Processing Cell, KVASFU, and to take decision on revision of prices quoted in respect of the tender referred above.\ My/Authorized Signatory’s photograph is affixed below and attested. Yours faithfully, Signature and Name of the Primary Manufacturer) Specimen Signature of the Authorized Person 1. 2. 3. Photograph to be affixed. Attested (Signature and Name of the Primary Manufacturer) NOTE: (In case a Proprietor / Proprietrix wish to participate in tender process use Sl. No. (I), in case Proprietor / Proprietrix wish to authorize a person to participate in tender process use Sl, No. (II), in case, a Partner of Partnership Firm wish to participate in tender 50 | P a g e process use Sl. No. (III), in case the Partnership Firm wish to authorize a person to participate in tender process, use Sl. No. (IV) and in case of Company use Sl. No. (V) mentioned below. Strike of whichever is not applicable.) Annexure – G ( UP LOAD HERE) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 Manufacturing License / Certificate of authorization from the manufacturer 51 | P a g e ANNEXURE – H ( UP LOAD HERE) Ref. No: -TPC/KVAFSU/e-Proc-05/ Goods & Services /PUB/2013-14/172 dt:14.02.2014 PROFORMA FOR SL.NO. CODE NO. ITEMS QUOTED BY THE TENDERER NAME OF THE ITEM QUOTED Total No. of Items Quoted: Signature with Seal Place: Date 52 | P a g e PRICE SCHEDULE (UP LOAD HERE) Item code Item description Quantity Price for each unit Ex- factory/ exware house/ exshowroom 1 2 3 4 Total price Excise duty if any 5 Inland transportation, insurance and other local costs incidental to delivery 6 Sales tax /VAT /CST and others payable if contract is awarded 7 Unit price 4+5+6+7) 8 9 Signature of the tenderer 53 | P a g e