Cities Presentation Assignment:

World History AP
Dr. Kuhn
Unit IV Student Presentation Assignment
100 points possible
The purpose of this assignment is for you and your classmates to formulate answers to questions found on the 17501914 study guide.
Questions from these presentations will appear on the unit exam for this course.
Students have been divided into “teams” of 3-4 people. On the day indicated below, the team will be responsible for
leading class. For the first part of class, each person on the team will give a 4-5 minute presentation about the
questions and/or topics listed below. While each individual team member is responsible for answering his or her own
question, team members need to work with together to ensure that the presentations fit together into a coherent whole
with minimal repetition.
The second half of class will be devoted to class discussion. As part of your presentation, please find 3-4 primary
documents related to your topic. These sources can be pictures, maps, journals, scholarly writing, etc. Primary
sources will be distributed to your classmates so they can come to class prepared to discuss the documents with you.
Therefore, your group must get approval for your primary sources from Dr. Kuhn as well as submit them to her at
least three days prior to giving your presentation.
I’ll be grading on content, presentation, time, quality of sources, and teamwork so be sure to address the topic fully
and completely and rehearse your speech. You and your teammates should rehearse together several times before
To get the maximum number of points possible, you must use more than four quality sources. The Spodek textbook
can count as one of these references. However, your presentation should go beyond Spodek. The purpose of the
presentation, after all, is to give your classmates information beyond what they are able to read in the text. All other
references should be academic in nature – encyclopedias, library books, etc. You may use JSTOR, but you CANNOT
use other internet sources. You must use parenthetical citations in your presentation notes though you should not
mention these citations in your speech or include them in your presentation slides. You must hand in a reference list
(in MLA format) with your notes AFTER you give your presentation. Information on MLA style can be found in your
Bedford Handbook. If you have questions or are unable to figure out how to cite something, look it up, go to one of
your English teachers, or come see me.
Great sources in our library include (but certainly are not limited to):
Milestone Documents in World History
Eyewitness to History
The Human Record
New Dictionary of the History of Ideas
The 18th Century
The 19th Century
The Age of Empire by Eric Hobswam
The Age of Revolution by Eric Hobswam
Notes on presentation style:
Do NOT start your presentation by telling the audience your name and reading your title slide. We know who you
are. We have been in class with you all year. Also, we know the title. Not only can we read, we have a copy of the
presentation schedule. Try to come up with an appropriate attention getter to draw your audience into your speech.
“Hi, my name is Dr. Kuhn and I’m going to talk about the Mongols” is NOT an effective introduction.
Find a way to connect your presentations and topics together.
“Umm..ok” is NOT an effective transition between slides.
“Now it’s Heiwon’s turn to speak” is also NOT an effective transition between presentations.
PLEASE keep in mind that your classmates will be taking notes during your presentation, so speak slowly, clearly,
and craft an organized presentation. You are limited to three PowerPoint slides for your portion of the presentation.
Presentations will be graded according to the attached rubric. Dr. Kuhn will keep a rubric for you. You do not need to
give her one prior to the start of your presentation.
You will also be graded according to your participation in each class discussion that takes place following the
presentations. You will be able to score up to 10 points per class discussion. Please consult the rubric below to ensure
that you are aware of the expectations I have for your involvement.
Late Penalty
If students are not ready to present when the bell rings for class, each member of the team will be assessed a 10 point
late penalty. All materials (presentation notes, references lists, etc.) are due at the end of class on the day of the
presentation. If any materials are handed in after class, a 10 point late penalty will be assessed on the individual
Who was Karl Marx?
Seong Joon
What is Marxism?
Eun Ji
How is it a reaction to the events of the time period?
Dong Gun
Where and how did Marxism spread from 1860 to the present day?
Social Darwinism
Who was Darwin?
What is Social Darwinism?
How was this idea used to justify imperialism/colonialism?
Indian National Congress Movement (INC)
Outline the founding, organization, and major philosophies of the
INC from its founding in 1885-@1914. Discuss the major figures
in the movement.
Ye Seung
Date Due
September 7
How were the philosophies and major tenants of the INC responses Byoung-Hun
to Western Intervention in India?
How was the INC an expression of Indian nationalism?
Outline the founding, organization, and major philosophies of the
Pan-African Assoication from its founding in 1885-@1914.
Discuss the major figures in the movement.
How were the philosophies and major tenants of the Pan-African
Association responses to Western Intervention in Africa?
How was Pan-African an expression of nationalism?
Compare and contrast nationalism as it relates to Pan-Africanism
and the Indian National Congress Movement.
What are the debates about the nature of women’s roles (at work,
in the home, in the family, in government, etc.) during this period?
How do these debates apply to industrialized area (mainly Europe)
October 13
October 21
Dong Keun
and how do they apply to colonial societies?
Be sure to address the following areas: Europe, Latin America,
China, Japan, Africa, India, Russia, the Ottoman Empire
Poor (2)
Fair (3)
Good (4)
Excellent (5)
Audience cannot
understand presentation
because there is no
sequence to the
Audience has difficulty
following presentation
because student jumps
Student does not answer
question or stick to the
topic provided so much
information is muddled
and unclear. Student
unnecessarily repeats
content from other
student’s presentations.
Students answer question,
Students seem to
but without coordination
answer question in a
with team member; student
roundabout way.
minimally attempts to
Audience can mine out
integrate content with the
information, but it
presentations given by
takes work.
other students.
Students answer questions
given in assignment, makes
helpful and appropriate
references to information
given in other presentations;
presentation effectively
answers the overall question or
addresses the overall topic
Visual Aspects of
Speaker/ Eye
Student has no poise and
poor posture, reads the
report with no eye
contact or sense that he
or she rehearsed or is
prepared for this
Student has adequate
poise and posture,
occasionally uses eye
contact, and still reads
most of the report.
Students show professionallevel poise and posture,
maintains eye contact with
audience, seldom returns to
Student mumbles,
peppers presentation
consistently with “like”
or ‘Um” or other
distracting word.
Student may speak too
quickly for classmates to
take effective notes on
the presentation. Student
speaks too quietly for
other in the class to hear.
Does not use effective
transitions between slides
and presentations.
Student mumbles,
sometimes uses “like”
or ‘Um” or other
distracting word when
student is nervous or
lost during the
Student’s voice is low.
Audience members
have difficulty hearing
Attempts, albeit
unsuccessfully, to use
transitions between
slides and
Student does not provide
sources or uses nonJSTOR internet sources
(does not follow
Student primarily uses
two quality sources
and may have pulled
information from a
third source.
Reference List
Student provides
Student does not provide reference list that is
reference list.
incomplete, incorrect,
or filled with errors
Visual Aid
Slides are not
appropriate, are not
visually pleasing, or are
too wordy or awkward.
Presentation is under 4
minutes or over 5
Student presents
information in logical
sequence which audience
can follow.
Student has good poise and
good speaking posture,
maintains eye contact most
of the time but frequently
returns to notes.
Student presents information
in logical, interesting sequence
which audience can follow.
Student uses a clear confident
voice and correct, precise
pronunciation of terms so
Student speaks clearly,
audience can hear
pronounces most words
presentation. It is obvious that
correctly, and most
student is confident and
audience members can hear
understands the material
presentation. The
he/she is presenting.
transition between slides is
Transitions between slides and
effective, but not smooth.
presentations are smooth,
effective and rehearsed.
Students use three or four
quality sources references Student does a superior job of
and does an adequate job synthesizing multiple (more
including them in his or her than four) resources.
Student provides reference
list that is almost perfect
Student provides a nearly
but may have a few
flawless reference list.
consistent mistakes.
Slides are simple and
appropriate, but do not Slide provides a pleasing
seem to add anything balance between words and
“extra” to the
Slides perfectly compliment
the speaker and seem to be
well-timed with his or her
Presentation is between 4 and
5 minutes.
Quality of
Student works
independently; his or her
presentation does not
connect to the
presentation given by
others on the team.
Student’s information is
repeated by others on the
Quality of the
presentation is hurt by
the student’s
unwillingness to
cooperate. Teacher
receives reports of
student’s unwillingness
to cooperate with
Student works as a
cooperative team member,
but at times will not take
Student makes some
responsibility for his or her
effort to work with
workload to the extent that
others, but has clear
others have to make up
unresolved conflict(s) work for him or her.
with one or more team Student does not rise to the
members. The quality occasion to lead when
of the presentation is
needed OR tries to take
minimally affected by over when others are trying
this student’s
to lead. Student is
uncooperative and
unsupportive when team
members made
Student works as a cooperative
team member. Student takes
responsibility for his or her
share of the workload. Student
exhibits leadership when
necessary and is a supportive
follower when needed.
Does not participate
and/or only makes
negative or disruptive
remarks, comments
are inappropriate or
off topic
Struggles but
occasionally offers a
comment when
directly questioned,
may simply restate
questions or points
previously raised,
may add nothing new
to the discussion or
provoke no responses
or question
comments but
lacks depth, may
or may not lead
to other
questions from
comments, most
are appropriate and
reflect some
leads to other
questions or
remarks from
student and/or
Timely and
appropriate comments,
thoughtful and
reflective, responds
respectfully to other
student's remarks,
provokes questions
and comments from
the group
Unable to refer to text
for evidence or
support of remarks
Has not read the
entire text and cannot
sustain any reference
to it in the course of
Has done the
reading; lacks
thoroughness of
understanding or
Has done the
reading with some
thoroughness, may
lack some detail or
critical insight
Clear reference to text
being discussed and
connects to it to other
text or reference
points from previous
readings and
Score and Comments
Marxism: __________________________________________________________________________________
Social Darwinism:____________________________________________________________________________
Indian National Congress:_____________________________________________________________________
Pan-Africanism : ____________________________________________________________________________
Gender: ___________________________________________________________________________________