IS-LM-BP model of Ireland, as a country receiving financial assistance Viliam Páleník Institute of Economic Research SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, Belgium Introduction Ireland is currently receiving financial help from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.1 The condition for doing so is having accepted recommendations from joint experts of European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund. Macroeconomic stabilization together with fiscal restriction are also part of those. As it often happens, these recommendations are being criticized because of its need for expansive fiscal policy in the periods of recession. The aim of this article is to contribute to this discussion by constructing macroeconomic model of Ireland and present its quantitative and qualitative analysis. The article contains macroeconomic mathematical analysis of Ireland on the basis of macroeconomic model IS-LM-BP. It discusses its validity in the period between 1999 and 2011. We also consider the period before beginning of the crisis, depending on how the parameters of the model have changed since then and also whether it was possible to detect the potential problems even at the time. The imbalances of principal economic indicators are discussed as well. Basic macroeconomic indicators of Ireland Irish macroeconomic indicators had developed in very positive way in previous decades, country was considered to be economically successful and was fulfilling Maastricht criteria as a difference to Portugal or Greece. They obliged the pact of stability and growth: -inflation lowered under 5% at the end of 80s -government debt was less than 40% at the beginning of new millennium -the unemployment rate dropped from 15% in 80s to 5% in new millennium -economic growth measured by annual GDP growth was on 10% and never below 5%.2 Since the beginning of the crisis in autumn 2008 the situation in Ireland has changed dramatically. It was surprising that this country got itself to serious economic difficulties which even lead it to apply for foreign support. Here the question has to be asked, are usual basic macroeconomic indicators accurate enough to indicate the imbalances of economy? Was 1 European Union, Economic and Financial Affairs 2 GRACZOVÁ, D.- PÁLENÍK, V., 2012, pp. 14-18 the crisis all about the “bad” financial institutions and stock markets or was it only a logical consequence of wrong economy policy? To answer these questions, it is insufficient to only discuss the timeline of the indicators, therefore we have constructed the macroeconomic model. Models3 Speaking of economic model we understand clear, simplified view of reality with ambition of capturing the important and influential aspects of it, neglecting all the others. Given the aim of this article, we concentrate on Keynesian theory, as this theory was based on the 30s economic crisis with the goal of restructuring and highering employment and growth. Since then however, the theory has spread to various interpretations and studies, although the national economies have changed as well. In the case of Ireland we consider following relevant: it has opened itself for international trade and financial transactions and is a member of monetary union. We will use IS-LM-BP model as interpretation of Keynes in the conditions of open economy. In order to imply the method of lowering abstraction it is necessary to mention another two models, which are considered to be the forerunners of IS-LM-BP. Standard IS-LM model acknowledges closed economy, it gives balance on the market of goods and on this of money. Mundell-Fleming model is an expansion of IS-LM model, it takes into account also international trade as well as the exchange rate, therefore it is more appropriate model for countries with open economies. We estimate the linear regressions using the least square method and test the null hypothesis of given linear regression and its parameters. The benchmark for being statistically significant we take as 5%, marked with *. If the tested element is significant even for the benchmark 1%, we call it highly significant and mark with **. IS-LM Model This model illustrates the balance of money and capital market in closed economies. It is related to Hicks interpretation of Keynes theory (R.Parke), (B.Felderer, S. Homburg 1995). Model consists of two equations, containing two endogenous variables, pension and interest rate. In normal conditions there is only one solution to this problem, which lies on the intersection of two curves. (IS) Y = C(Y-T) + I(r,Y) + G (1) (LM) M/P = L(Y,i) (2) r =i-π (3) Model is graphically clear and mathematically very simple. In macroeconomic studies it is often discussed very broadly, including specific scenarios such as investment trap and liquidity trap. It is also frequently criticized. In the light of our purpose, it is important that 3 GRACZOVÁ, D. - PÁLENÍK, V., 2012, pp. 18-30 IS-LM model abstracts the outside economic relations, which in the case of Ireland is in our opinion relevant factor. Although we believe this model is clear and simple, for our research needs it doesn’t enclose factors which are relevant at the place. Mundell-Fleming Model Mundell-Fleming model is modified IS-LM model for analysis of open economies. The equation of the goods market is therefore enriched by net export NX being depending on exchange rate and outside demand (R. Parke), (B. Felderer, S. Homberg 1995), (M. Luptáčik et al. 2006), (K. Morvay et al. 2005). The system of equations takes following form (IS) Y = C(Y-T) + I(r,Y) + G + NX(ε,FD,Y) (4) (LM) M/P = L(Y,i) (2) r =i-π (3) For constructing this model, Mundell and Fleming were awarded Nobel prize for economy. It illustrates a logical reaction of rising volume of international goods and trade of services. Model itself is widespread around the globe, has few different versions and extensions. It is in part more sophisticated than IS-LM model, but is still clear, graphically viewable and mathematicaly simple. In this model we only take into consideration international trade of goods. Nowadays however, countries are mainly having problems with financial flows, therefore we do not consider this model to be suitable either. IS-LM-BP Model As difference to previous projections, IS-LM-BP model takes into consideration balance of capital and financial account for given country. This is done through the inflow of net capital. The principle of equality in payment balance from definition is approximated by zero sum of net export and net inflow of capital. This model offers us perspective of exchange rate being endogenous variable. We discuss following form of the model (M. Páleník, 2004) , (V. Kvetan et al. 2007): (IS) 0 (LM) 0 (BP) 0 where r ud = C(Y - T) + I(r,Y) + G + (5) NX(ε,FD,Y) - Y = L(Y,i) - M/P (6) = NX(ε,FD,Y) + NK(ud) (7) =i-π = i + E(de) – if - RP (8) (9) IS curve states the balance in the goods market. The first part is private consumption given as increasing function of disponible income (Y-T), where exogenous variable T indicates the amount of taxes. Then we have investments, increasing together with Y and decreasing with growing interest rate. As third come government expenses, in this model being exogenous variable. Fourth component represents the connection with foreign countries via net export, which is given by the difference of export and import. It is function of real exchange rate, real pension Y and foreign demand. Rate depreciation leads to increase in export and decrease in import. Growing foreign demand FD leads to increased export and hence to increase in net export NX. This particle also shows as exogenous variable. The last component defines the condition of balance, stating that sum of individual parts of income has to be equal to its level. LM curve shows us balance on domestic money market. In general, the rule is that total money supply, generated by national bank and banking sector has to be equal to demand for money, generated by households, companies and government. The supply is represented by M/P, where M is total nominal money supply generated by banking sector and P (CPI) is a price index. Both of these variables are exogenous in the model. BP curve expresses balance on the foreign exchange market. The payment balance consists of common, capital and financial account, where common account will be represented by net export in the model, which is already defined in IS curve. It moves positively with foreign demand, opposite to total Y and exchange rate e. capital and financial accounts are represented by inflow of net capital NK, which is increasing function of interest differential, given by relation (9). Interest differential is the difference between domestic and foreign exchange rate, corrected by expected change in exchange rate E(de) and risk premium RP. Components of given curves are modeled as lineary dependent given by following formulas: C(Y) I(r,Y) NX(ε,FD,Y) EX(ε,FD) IM(ε,Y) L(Y,i) NK(ud) = a + b(Y – T) = c – d1r + d2Y = EX(ε,FD) - IM(ε,Y) = l1 – l2ε + l3FD = m1 + m2 ε + m 3 Y = h + gY - fi = k1 + k2ud (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Endogenous variables in the model are Y as total product, i as domestic interest rate, e as nominal exchange rate given as the amount of foreign units for one domestic unit, ε is real exchange rate. IS-LM-BP can be considered as Hick’s interpretation of Keynes for an open economy. It is also a model, which is acceptable in its cleariness and mathematical simplicity, though not trivial. Model can be standard and expanded, nevertheless in critical and special scenarios it is less discussed than IS-LM. The reason for this might be relatively new composition, together with more complexity and less visibility. Model works with real effective exchange rate which brings an obstacle in the case of Ireland as for choosing the right statistical indicator. In accordance with our hypothesis IS-LM-BP is suitable for analysis of the situation in Ireland and for creating economic and political implications. IS-LM-BP Model of Ireland In Table 1 we can see that marginal propensity to consume b in ireland is 0,64, and is even lower than in the years before crisis. In equation (15) for LM curve the nominal short-term interest rate is shown only in period 1999-2011, but it bears opposite mark compared with expectations (f). In this period also the statistical significance of interest rate in equation (11) for investment (d1 ) is shown. Until 2008 there was no proven interest rate to fit into equation (11). Purchasing power parity (l2 ) is shown in export equation (14), hence with increasing value of PPP export is decreasing and vice versa. In import equation purchasing power parity (m2) was not proved. Ireland model includes following: (IS) (LM) (BP) 0 0 0 = C(Y - T) + I(r,Y) + G + NX(ε,FD,Y) (5I) =- YL(Y,i) - M/P (6I) = NX(ε,FD,Y) + NK(ud) (7I) Table 1 Parameters of the model for Ireland4 a b c d1 d2 h g f k1 k2 PPP l1 l2 l3 m1 m2 m3 1999q1 – 2011q2 1 061,81 0,64 968,18 408,3 0,23 -536,14 0.05 -35,15 -5 497,79 -1 379,72 ** ** ** ** * ** * 1999q1 – 2007q4 416,3 0,66 -1 963,54 0 0,3 -789,32 0,05 ** * ** ** ** 54 882,64 50 129,92 0,12 -6 080,35 ** ** ** ** 48 926,22 45 557,82 0,13 -5 093,96 ** ** ** ** 0,85 ** 0,82 ** With IS-LM-BP model of Ireland we get the results shown in Table 2. This is obtained through real exchange rate defined as ratio of production and consumption price index and purchase power parity. For equations (13) and (14), ratio PPI/CPI has proved not to be significant on required significance level, although for benchamrk set on 7%, it has come as significant in equation (14), and therefore was included in model. We can compare results with those obtained by choosing PPP. Outputs which came out other that expected, are 4 GRACZOVÁ, D.- PÁLENÍK, V., 2012, p. 51 highlighted. Those are clear to influence nominal interest rate, which is caused by adversive relation of liquidity from interest rate. Restrictive fiscal policy has negative impact on GDP, hence 1 billion euro cutback in government costs will cause drop 0,72 billion euro in GDP. Furthermore, 1 billion increase in tax revenues will lead to 0,46 billion euro drop in GDP. In adddition, restrictive fiscal policy will higher interest rates. Increase in risk premium causes decline in GDP. Direct foreign loan of 1 billion euro will result in 0,7 billion GDP downfall, on the contrary sterilized direct investment of 1 billion euro will lead to 0,92 billion increase in GDP. T able 2 IS-LM-BP model of Ireland results for period 1999q1-2011q25 Y Fiscal policy G 0,72224 T -0,45979 Monetary policy M 0,20209 Fiscal and monetary policy G, M >0 (t1,t2)6 RP -996,49436 Foreign demand FD, if >0 (t1,t2) FD 0 Direct loan PP -0,72224 Direct investment PI 0 Sterilized direct investment SPI 0,92433 i e (PPI/CPI) e (PPP) -0,00093 0,00059 0,00001 -0,00001 0,00004 -0,00002 0,00021 0 -0,00001 <0 (t1,t2>0) 1,27876 >0 (t1>2*t20,1) 0,00928 >0 (t1>2*t20,1) 0,03126 <0 (t1,t2) 0 <0 (t1,t2) 0,000004 <0 (t1,t2) 0,00001 0,00093 0,00001 0,00002 0 0,00002 0,00006 -0,0009 0,00001 0,00002 For period prior crisis, nominal interest rate in LM equation (15) has not proved to be significant, therefore the fiscal policy was shown to be ineffective. Conclusion Ireland used to be country known as “The Celtic Tiger”. GDP growth set on high level, government debt was reducing, unemployment dropped in large in 2000 and until the crisis held under 5%. The economic indicators were very optimistic for this country, even showing 5 6 GRACZOVÁ, D.- PÁLENÍK, V., 2012, p. 52 Coefficients by which government spending G and money supply M is multiplied. If greater than 1, expansive policy takes place, if less than 1, restriction is set. Thus, t1, t2 represent intensity of either restrictive or expansive policy. overheating of economy (real estate boom). Hence Ireland suffered considerably from the crisis, with consequences apparent throughout all sectors of economy. For small, open economy, we get very similar results from IS-LM-BP model and MundellFleming model. During the analysis, we observed balanced situation for different values of , both in the period prior and after beginning of crisis. IS-LM-BP model has furthermore verified and precised its results. In the case of Ireland, we recognise little changes while lowering the abstraction of analysed models. 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