Comparative Anatomy Notes

Comparative Anatomy between Dog and Rabbit (Predator and Prey Species)
Use the following information about Dogs and Rabbits to make a Venn diagram on the large paper provided then answer
the questions.
Commonalities of All Mammals
Have mammary glands
Have a single lower jaw
Have hair
Are endotherms
Have a diaphragm
Have a four-chambered heart
Dog Characteristics
Excellent sense of smell. Helps them to sense prey
Eyes in Front of Head
o Allows for depth perception
 Sensitive whiskers
 Whiskers work with air currents to pinpoint where prey might be
 Touching whiskers closes the dog’s eye for protection
 Nictitating membrane
o acts as third eyelid
 Walk on toes at 90° angle
 Paw pads for protection
Maintaining Body Temperature
 Main cooling is from panting
 42 teeth in adult
 There are four types of teeth.
o Incisors are the primary biting teeth.
o The canine teeth bite and tear food.
o The premolars shear, grind and mash food.
o Molars are responsible for the most rigorous chewing.
 Gestation period is 63 days
 Only goes into heat (estrus) twice a year so can get pregnant only twice a year
 Has an average of 6-8 babies at a time depending on breed
Rabbit Characteristics
Excellent sense of smell. Helps them to sense predators
Eyes on sides of head
o Allows for two fields of vision – looking for predators and escape route simultaneously
o Poor depth perception
 Sensitive whiskers
 Nictitating membrane
o acts as third eyelid
 Flat-footed with no foot pads
 Use claws for traction
Maintaining Body Temperature
 Large ears for temperature control and hearing
 Two pairs of incisors in upper jaw. One smaller pair behind the larger pair
 28 teeth that grow continuously
 They have molars and premolars too!
Gestation period is 31 days
Does not go into heat (estrus) so can get pregnant at any time
Has an average of 6-8 babies at a time depending on breed
BE VERY SPECIFIC AS TO WHY STRUCTURE RULES FUNCTION. It is not enough to just say what the characteristic is. You
MUST say why that characteristic is important. Answers without explanations will receive zero points.
1. What structural characteristics of dogs make them well suited to be predators?
2. What structural characteristics of rabbits make them well suited to be prey?
3. What structural characteristics of dogs make them carnivores?
4. What structural characteristics of rabbits make them herbivores?
5. In terms of the energy pyramid, why do you think that rabbits have a higher reproduction rate when compared to