Pre-Review briefing - Essex Schools Infolink

Desktop Review 2015
Name of School:
Name of Standards and Excellence Commissioner:
Date appointed
Chair of
ESPP/ External
Budget carry
forward 14/15
Number on roll Y2
School Self-Evaluation
The quality of teaching
The Achievement of Pupils
Behaviour and Safety of Children
The Quality of Leadership and management
Early Years
Self-Evaluation Grade
Number on roll Y6
Date (s) of any LA/
Governance/ Phonics/
Pupil Premium Review
Number of Education,
Health and Care
(EHC) plans
Number of PPG
(including “ever 6”)
Current Inspection
Previous inspection
Ofsted Grade
Absence %
Persistent Absence
Current inspection
Previous inspection
Programmes of support
LA programmes/other
What is the school’s target date to be judged good/outstanding?
Provisional School Improvement Priorities for 2015/6
ECC Standards and Excellence
RAG rating:
Page 1
The achievement of pupils at the school
Number in cohort:
Number entitled to pupil premium (PPG)
Please leave this column free for
additional information from the SEC.
Achievement in EYFS is outstanding/good/requires improvement/inadequate
The evidence for this is:
% of pupils that achieved an overall Good Level of Development (GLD)
Progress from the school’s baseline is
Add any comments relating to the achievement of groups eg Most able, EAL, PPG, Boys/girls,
Areas of relative strength:
Areas for development:
3 year trend against national is upward/downward/fluctuating/broadly in line (within 5% of national)
3 year school trend is upward/downward/fluctuating/ broadly in line (within 5% of previous year)
Which provider has the school selected for the Reception baseline in Sept 2015?
ECC Standards and Excellence
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Year 1 Phonics Screening
Number in the cohort:
Number entitled to PPG
% of Year 1 pupils achieving the expected standard
% of PPG pupils achieving the expected standard
3 year trend against national is upward/downward/fluctuating/broadly in line (within 5% of national)
3 year school trend is upward/downward/fluctuating/ broadly in line (within 5% of previous year)
Number of pupils in Year 2 who were re-assessed in Phonics Screening
Number successful:
% successful:
ECC Standards and Excellence
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Year 2
Number in the cohort:
Achievement in KS1 is outstanding/good/requires improvement/inadequate
The evidence for this is:
% of pupils at
% of pupils at
% of pupils at
Level 2+
Level 2b+
Level 3
Number of pupils attracting PPG:
Attainment of PPG
% of pupils at
Level 2+
% of pupils at
Level 2b+
% of pupils at
Level 3
How do these outcomes compare with predictions?
Any additional pertinent information?
3 year trend for all pupils at L2b+ against national is upward/downward/fluctuating/broadly in line
(within 5% of national)
3 year school trend for all pupils at L2b+ is upward/downward/fluctuating/ broadly in line (within 5% of
previous year)
Add any evidence of pupil progress in KS1 from entry to Year 1
Add any comments relating to the achievement of groups eg Most Able, EAL, Boys/girls,
Areas of relative strength appear to be
Areas for development appear to be
ECC Standards and Excellence
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Any additional comments in relation to progress since end of EYFS
What has school done to plan for assessment without levels?
How is the school tracking progress?
ECC Standards and Excellence
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Key Stage 2
Number of pupils in Year 6 cohort:
Achievement in KS2 is outstanding/good/requires improvement/inadequate
The evidence for this is:
Outcomes 2015
% at L4+
% at
% at L5
% at L6
% 2 Levels
% 3 Levels
How do these outcomes compare with predictions as sent to the LA?
Any additional pertinent information?
Number of pupils attracting PPG:
Outcomes for PPG
% at L4+
% at
% at L5
% at L6
% 2 Levels
% 3 Levels
How do these outcomes compare with predictions as sent to the LA?
Any additional pertinent information?
3 year trend for all pupils at L4+ combined against national is upward/downward/fluctuating/broadly in
line (within 5% of national)
ECC Standards and Excellence
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3 year school trend for all pupils at L4 + combined is upward/downward/fluctuating/ broadly in line
(within 5% of previous year)
Add any comments relating to the achievement of groups eg Most Able, EAL, Boys/girls
Areas of relative strength appear to be
Areas for development appear to be
Evaluation of any particular provision or intervention
Any additional comments in relation to progress since end of KS1
Evidence for other year groups in KS2
What has school done to plan for assessment without levels?
How is the school tracking progress?
The quality of teaching in the school
What is your judgement of the quality of teaching over time?
ECC Standards and Excellence
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The behaviour and safety of pupils at the school
What is the current standard of behaviour around the school in general?
How strong are pupils’ learning behaviours?
Is attendance above/below/in line with national?
The quality of leadership and management of the school
How effective has leadership been in addressing the key issues from the previous inspection report in
respect of the quality of teaching and therefore improving pupil achievement?
To what extent are the governors effective in their challenge as well as their support for the school?
What training have they undertaken?
What progress has the school made in relation to the new curriculum and SEN reforms?
Use/impact of the Pupil Premium Grant
Any additional relevant information eg staff/structural changes
School led school improvement
Please provide details of any collaborative partnerships which you are currently engaged in, including Teaching School Alliances
ECC Standards and Excellence
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ECC Standards and Excellence
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