subject audit

Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Biology
Date: 21 October 2010
Teacher: Dr Fotheringham
Pupils: Muhammed Gani
Forms 1 & 2
We look at classification (ie groups of organisms,
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Biosphere unit in SG which looks at the environment and
pollution and the effect of human activity on eco-systems.
World of plants topic which looks at the importance of
biodiversity to society. In biotechnologies which looks at
sewage treatment and recycling waste.
Form 5 (Higher)
Photosynthesis, evolutionary adaptations and the effect of the
environment on the organisms. Effect of chemicals on growth
and development.
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Unit 2 is about ecology interactions between animals.
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Chemistry
Date: 28/10/20
Teacher: Mr Brett
Pupils: Lucy Thomson and Heather Duncan
Forms 1 & 2
Acid rain project, green house effect project, ozone layer
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Fuels, pollution, renewable, non renewable stuff,
batteries, cells, corrosion, plastics, non-biodegradable,
new ones are biodegradable, fertilisers.
Form 5 (Higher)
Chemical industry, energy transfers.
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Drama
Date: 22 October 2010
Teacher: Mr Cowieson
Pupils: Chloe Anderson
Forms 1 & 2
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Form 5 (Higher)
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Depends upon the devised options sent by the SQA.
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Geography
Teacher: Miss Quigley
Pupils: Lucy Thomson
Forms 1 & 2
Climate change, Hurricane Enquiry, Globalisation, Earth
Forces, Food Miles
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Industry, Glaciation, Population and Pollution, Natural
Form 5 (Higher)
Farming, Population, Development & Health, Industry,
Urban Areas, Atmosphere and Biosphere, MER.
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Individual studies on environmental issues.
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: History
Date: 27 October 2010
Teacher: Mr Fyall
Pupils: Michelle Arnot
Forms 1 & 2
Atomic Bomb – effect on earth and ozone layer.
Industrial revolution – pollution and effect on people.
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Cold war touches on atomic bomb again and its effects on the
Form 5 (Higher)
Touches on the Great War’s effects on the French landscape.
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Home Economics
Date: 26 October 2010
Teacher: Mrs Madden
Pupils: Jennifer Armstong
Forms 1 & 2
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Form 5 (Higher)
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Modern Languages (French German Spanish)
Date: 21/10/10
Teacher: Mr Summerville
Pupils: Andrew Kelly
Forms 1 & 2
Pupils learn about modes of transport in their chosen
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Pupils learn to discuss pollution & environmental issues,
such as different types of pollution in more detail.
Form 5 (Higher)
Pupils touch on the theme of the environment under the
topic of the wider world.
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
The environment is a major topic at Advanced Higher.
Pupils study sources of energy, effects of energy, urban
expansion, transport & implications for the countryside
& endangered species in detail.
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Modern Studies
Date: 4/11/10
Teacher: Mr Rennet
Pupils: Rosie Smith
Forms 1 & 2
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Pressure groups, Government, Green peace, Laws
Governing env, anti-nuclear, Scottish Parliament.
Form 5 (Higher)
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Pressure groups, pupils choice to use this
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: Music
Date: 3/11/10
Teacher: Mrs Scott Brown
Pupils: Ellie Hawkes and Sophie Kelly
Forms 1 & 2
Amazonian Rainforest (Latin American Music)
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Form 5 (Higher)
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject :Physics
Date: 08/11/10
Teacher: Dr.Mackay
Pupils: Ellen Andrew
Forms 1 & 2
Fossil fuels and renewable energy saving energy through
loft insulation.
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Loft insulation and reducing energy. Use of fossil fuels
and renewable energy.
Form 5 (Higher)
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)
Which environmental issues are covered as part of the
curriculum work in this subject?
Subject: RMPS
Date: 22 October 2010
Teacher: Mr Goodey
Pupils: Ray Lynham
Forms 1 & 2
Animal Rights
Ahimsa (a Hindu word which means to be at one with
the environment and to protect everything.)
Forms 3 & 4 (Course? : Standard Grade / Intermediate 2 )
Environmental terrorism.
Form 5 (Higher)
As a moral dilemma for utilitarianism / deontology
Buddhism and the environment.
Form 6 (Advanced Higher)