AUTUMN 2015 – TERM 1 BECK ROW PRIMARY SCHOOL RABBITS CLASS Picture by Elissa Ogles EElissaEllissOglesMurp hy NEWSLETTER Welcome… English Welcome back after a summer break that seemed to fly by! We have some exciting new topics for these next six weeks and we are looking forward to teaching them. We are continuing with one to one reading at school and guided reading and we encourage parents to read at home with their children daily. If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher either in person or via your child’s planner. Class teachers will be signing them weekly so you know that any queries have been seen. Miss Martinez, Ms Gilmour and Mrs Scott In Year 1/2 this term, our topic is ‘The Carnival of the Animals’. In English we will be starting by writing lists, captions and labels. We will then move on to writing non-fiction facts sheets surrounding the topic of birds. Our texts for this term will be ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’, ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ and ‘Cinderella’. We will be writing invitations, storyboards, roleplay, writing alternative titles and own versions of fairy tales. Spellings are set on a Friday and tested the following week. MATHS In maths we will be looking at ordering and comparing numbers up to 100, addition and subtraction within 100, ordinal numbers, multiplication and length. Every week children will be assessed on their mental maths ability, and fortnightly for arithmetic. Timetable for the week Topics In Science this half term we are looking at animals, including humans, living things and habitats. In topic we will be looking at the geography of Africa and Australia to compare the types of animals living there. In history we will learn about Mary Anning – the fossil hunter and about the origin of carnivals. In Art and Design Technology we will be looking at the sculptor Kendra Haste and also designing and making animal sock puppets. In Music we are learning about the Carnival of the Animals (Le carnival des animaux) a musical suite of fourteen movements by the French Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saens. In RE we are learning about Noah’s Ark and the lessons we can learn. P.E, Behaviour expectations In PSHE we will be focusing on the theme of new beginnings. & Rewards Systems We are introducing a new reward system called ClassDojo. Each class member have their own profile and ‘monster’ and gain points for such things as; being on task, persistence, helping others, sitting smartly, participating and so on. They also can lose points for being off task, calling out, being unkind etc. For excellent work in class and for getting on with the task promptly, children are awarded a golden ticket. They then write their name on the ticket and it goes into our special gold box. At the end of the week one child’s name is drawn and they get a prize. The more times that they are producing fantastic work and getting on with the task, the more golden tickets they receive and the higher the chance of their name being drawn at the end of the week. Ways that you can help your child at home this half term To help your child at home could you please assist with learning spellings and also daily reading. Please write in their diary when you have read with your child so we know if they have finished with the story. Books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. Handwriting and presentation will be a big focus this term in Year 1/2, so anything that you can do at home to improve these areas would be great! Our class mascots will be going home each weekend with child from class and I know they are looking forward to having some exciting adventures! He goes home with a child from class at the weekend and they come with a diary to write down any exciting things they do with your family over the weekend. The mascots enjoys having their pictures taken so don’t be shy about taking a photo of them doing something fun at the weekend.