Punnett Square Group

Blood Type Webquest: Punnett Square Group
Directions: Answer all of the following questions in an online word document using your Microsoft
office 365 account. When you are finished, share your document with Mr. Stevenson. Use your own
words; do not copy and paste information!
Save your document as your first and last name and your class period!
Blood Type Background
Go to: http://www.ck12.org/biology/Blood/lesson/Blood/?referrer=concept_details and read the
information on blood and blood typing. Click on any links that you may find interesting or important
including videos.
Next go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj8ziUBMQhU and watch the video on the different
types of blood.
Answer the following questions in your word document that you have created through your Microsoft
365 Account.
Why is blood important for your body?
What makes up blood?
In your own words, describe the four main parts of blood.
Fill out the chart below on the four main types of blood in the ABO blood type. Include an
image from the web for each blood type. You can easily get images using the “Snipping Tool” on
your tablet.
Type of
5.) What is the Rhesus Blood Type?
6.) How do the Rhesus Blood Type and the ABO blood type both determine a persons blood?
Now go to http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/blood-types and answer the following
7.) What is a blood transfusion?
8.) Why might someone need a blood transfusion?
9.) What type of donated blood is the most needed by the American Red Cross? Why?
10.) What type of donated blood is the least needed by the American Red Cross? Why?
11.) How is your blood type determined?
Blood Type Codominance
Use what you learned to complete the worksheet below. Type right into the word document!
Human blood types are determined by genes that follow the CODOMINANCE pattern of inheritance.
There are two dominant alleles (A & B) and one recessive allele (O).
Blood Type
Can donate blood to:
Can receive blood from:
ii (OO)
A,B,AB and O
(universal donor)
A,B,AB and O
(universal receiver)
1. Write the genotype for each person based on the description:
a. Homozygous for the “B” allele
b. Heterozygous for the “A” allele
c. Type O
d. Type “A” and had a type “O” parent
e. Type “AB”
f. Blood can be donated to anybody
g. Can only get blood from a type “O” donor
Pretend that Brad Pitt is homozygous for the type B allele, and Angelina Jolie is type “O.”
What are all the possible blood types of their baby? (Do the punnett square)
Complete the punnett square showing all the possible blood types for the offspring produced
by a type “O” mother and an a Type “AB” father. What are percentages of each offspring?
Mrs. Essy is type “A” and Mr. Essy is type “O.” They have three children named Matthew, Mark, and
Luke. Mark is type “O,” Matthew is type “A,” and Luke is type “AB.” Based on this information:
a. Mr. Essy must have the genotype ______
b. Mrs. Essy must have the genotype ______ because ___________ has blood type ______
c. Luke cannot be the child of these parents because neither parent has the allele _____.
Two parents think their baby was switched at the hospital. Its 1968, so DNA fingerprinting technology
does not exist yet. The mother has blood type “O,” the father has blood type “AB,”
and the baby has blood type “B.”
a. Mother’s genotype: _______
b. Father’s genotype: _______
c. Baby’s genotype: ______ or ________
d. Punnett square showing all possible genotypes for children produced by this couple.
e. Was the baby switched? _______________________
Blood Type Game
Go to the link below and play the blood type game.
Click on the game that says “Quick Game; Random Patients:
In the space below, describe what you learned by playing the game. Give me a paragraph or two using
The Biology Project: Blood Types
Go to http://www.biology.arizona.edu/human_bio/problem_sets/blood_types/blood_types.html
Answer the six problems below. Just retype the answer, not the entire problem. You can also screen
shot your answer if you like (“snipping tool” app). Use “The Biology Project” website to help answer the
Performance Task: Select ONE of the following prompts below!
Prompt 1: American Red Cross Marketing
Pretend that you are an employee of the American Red Cross. You are in charge of marketing and your
job is to persuade more people to donate blood. You can use any form of media to try and persuade
people to donate more blood, including writing a blog or newspaper add (Microsoft Word), a
PowerPoint presentation (you do not need to present), a video commercial, a poster, or anything else
you can think of to demonstrate your knowledge. I imagine most people would like to write a short
persuasive essay as a part of this word document, but I do not want to limit your creativity!
Your final product must show me that you understand the following topics.
1.) The composition of blood.
2.) The different types of blood.
3.) Codominance and blood types.
4.) The importance of donating blood.
I will grade you based on the rubric below:
The composition of
The different types of
Codominance and
blood types.
The importance of
donating blood.
5 points
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of the four main
components of blood.
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of the A, B, AB, and O
blood types.
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of how the trait of
blood type is
codominant in humans.
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of the importance of
donating blood.
3 points
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of the four main
components of blood.
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of the four main blood
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of how the trait of
blood type is
codominant in humans.
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of the importance of
donating blood.
1 point
Student does not
understand the four
main components of
Student does not
understand the four
main types of blood.
Student does not
understand how the
trait of blood type is
codominant in humans.
Student does not
understand the
importance of donating
Prompt 2: American Red Cross Research
Pretend that you are a biologist hired by the American Red Cross to conduct research into different
types of blood. Your goal is to research blood types and discover a way of making donated blood more
accessible to those who need blood transfusions. What would you research? Describe your research
anyway you would like (short paragraph, PowerPoint, video, etc.) and share it with me! Be creative if
you like, or simply type a short paragraph below.
Your final product must show me that you understand the following topics.
1.) The composition of blood.
2.) The different types of blood.
3.) Codominance and blood types.
4.) The importance of donating blood.
I will grade you based on the rubric below:
5 points
3 points
1 point
The composition of
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of the four main
components of blood.
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of the four main
components of blood.
Student does not
understand the four
main components of
The different types of
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of the A, B, AB, and O
blood types.
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of the four main blood
Student does not
understand the four
main types of blood.
Codominance and
blood types.
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of how the trait of
blood type is
codominant in humans.
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of how the trait of
blood type is
codominant in humans.
Student does not
understand how the
trait of blood type is
codominant in humans.
The importance of
donating blood.
Student demonstrates
a strong understanding
of the importance of
donating blood.
Student demonstrates
a partial understanding
of the importance of
donating blood.
Student does not
understand the
importance of donating