Ataturk`s Biography Key

Kemal Mustafa Ataturk
You and your partner read different biographies of the life of Ataturk. You should work together
to answer the questions below using the biographies you read.
1. Kemal Mustafa Ataturk was born in the year __1881__ and died in __1938.
2. When The Great War began, Kemal was stationed in ___Bulgaria______.
3. What type of school did he attend? ___Military School/Academy__________
4. What military confrontation was Kemal involved in between 1912 and 1913?
_____The Balkan Wars________________
5. In which WWI battle did Ataturk gain fame? _____The Battle of Gallipoli____.
6. Ataturk fought against the Greeks who were attempting to occupy the city of
7. What are five ways that Kemal transformed Turkish society as president?
1. Any five of the following: Emancipation of women, abolition of Islamic
institutions, introduction of Western Legal codes, Western dress, calendar, and
alphabet, replacing the Arabic script, pursued policy of neutrality, introduced
surnames, secularism, industry.
8. What does Ataturk mean? _______Father of the Turks______________
9. What was Kemal’s father’s job? Minor official and then a timber merchant___________
10. Why did Kemal take on the name Ataturk? ___Because he required the use of surnames
and that name was given to him by the Grand National Assembly___________
11. What was the name of the second peace treaty between the allies and Turkey?
____Treaty of Lausanne______
12. Where did Ataturk establish his government? ____Ankara________