9th grade ART NEWSLETTER March 28, 2014 CLAY PROJECTS

March 28, 2014
CLAY PROJECTS interrupted by Quiz Day and Field trip this week!
Thank you to our chaperones and the great behaviors shown on the field trip.
Big shout out for how well students are cleaning and maintaining clay materials I am super impressed, thank you for
instilling respect in your children.
Week: March 24-28
Monday- Tuesday: We continue our focus on sculpture.
WHEEL GROUP 2 working on wheel throwing skills. Table groups developing handbuilding skills with coil method
Wednesday Short day quiz on Clay terms!
Thursday Students met Camille Patha who walked through her abstract paintings in the Tacoma Art Museum
exhibition of the last 50 years of her work and answered questions ranging from her inspirations to overcoming her
obstacles as a female painter in a male dominated field. The art museum provided materials for students to create
an abstract painting of their own to express an emotion through use of color, shape and line.
Friday- At this point most students have 4-5 clay sculpture pieces made, the first bisque fired pieces were removed
from the kiln today. This are now ready to be glazed and glaze-fired.
Clarification ONLY GLAZE WARE counts for the final pieces to be graded for the clay projects unit.
Sneak Peek for following week:
Next week’s wheel group will be Parrish, Eunice, Brittany, Katie, Artyshia, and Kaylee.
We will have a glaze demonstration and another demonstration of how to use each of the methods in different
Your child has an opportunity to watch these videos, these are resources for groups on wheel. They
may watch them in the library before and after school or at home. This is out of class work:
Six steps to throwing bliss-wheel demonstrations
Creating cups, great examples from hobbyist, Tammy Jo Shopert
Shannon Brennan
George R. Curtis Junior High School
Art Teacher
566-5670 ext 1104
“We can do more good by being good, than in any other way.” Rowland Hill