June 2014 Minutes - St. Mary`s School

4 June 2013
6:30 pm
Attendees: Meghan Williams, Ann Marie Deutsch, John Falbo, Jean Mercandetti, Carmen Laurence,
Eileen Laborde, Liz Gilges, Sue Jensen
Meghan Williams
Review Minutes from Last Month’s Meeting
A. Principal
Mrs. Deutsch
1. Fr. Stan visited class rooms last week
2. Last day of school is June 19th
3. 1:00 Mass for Father Mull followed by reception from 2-4:00 in Dougherty Hall.
Father Peter is going to cluster of churches in Henrietta
4. Interviewing for teaching positions for 7th, 4th and Early Childhood grades.
Sue Jensen
B. Treasurer
Lynn Nicoletti
1. Total on deposit $27,127.32.
2. The PTO borrows its annual operating budget of $52,000 from the parish in July
and is charged with paying it back by June 30th the following year.
3. According to the bylaws, the PTO sponsors five major fundraisers each year—
Summer Festival/Super Bowl boards, Fall/Spring candy sales, Meat Raffle, Potof-Gold raffle, and year-end Gala—to earn money for this purpose.
4. Each family is charged with participating in the aforementioned fundraisers in
order to shoulder their portion of the goal, $52,000 ÷ 148 families, or $350 in
5. PTO has already paid $16,000 to church toward the $52,000 owed
6. Lynn to make an additional $25,000 payment to parish this month
7. Deficit for the year of $11,000. Third year in a row we’ve been short.
C. Activities
1. Review prior – Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
a. Held on 5/31, all went very well, many thanks to Rowena Simons and all
who donated food and time. No lessons learned.
2. Upcoming
a. June 7th - First Friday Mass is at 9:00, reception for volunteer
b. June 13th - Graduation Mass and Dinner
c. June 19th - Last Day of School Mass & Fr. Mull Reception
i. Ann Marie to identify an 8th Grade family to present gift to Fr.
ii. Reception hall will be set up and note will be going out to ask
for volunteer assistance in the morning to set up.
d. June 20th – Graduation (desserts needed, note out in blue folder)
e. Festival – August 22nd – 24th. Nights only Thursday and Friday (5:00PM11:00PM), all day on Saturday (12pm-11pm). Volunteer sheets to be
sent home before the end of school.
f. Chosen Run (shirts and timing are the biggest expenses) - Volunteers
are needed Saturday August 24th. This is not a fund raiser, point is to be
a presence in the community and good PR for the festival. Eileen
Laborde to organize the event. Meghan Williams to support.
D. Fundraising
1. Raffle board for the summer festival is shaping up, a $100.00 gas card and Fred
Jackson autographed football have been donated.
2. Pot of Gold
3. Final Gala profit $25,666.57
Old Business – Tablecloths - Eileen Laborde will send a note to the 8th grade families
requesting that they donate $10.00 and / or a table cloth from Bed, Bath & Beyond. These
will be used only for graduations.
New Business
A. Election of Officers
1. Vice-President – John Falbo volunteer
2. Treasurer – Lynn Nicoletti
B. All present voted and John and Lynn have been voted into their positions of VicePresident and Treasurer
C. Fundraising Discussion
1. Current Schedule:
a. Raffle Boards (Summer Festival & Super Bowl) - continue
b. Fall/Spring Candy Sales – spring one people enjoy, fall sale is
rework/rethink (Innisbruck was not as successful)
c. Meat Raffle
d. Pot of Gold
e. Cinco de Mayo Gala – rework/rethink /replace with (Vegas on the Lake)
2. Desired Changes & Ideas
a. Carmen Laurence – To contact Fr. Stan - motorcycle ride through the
Canandaigua area, gather information during the festival. Have the
Chosen Ride on the 17th of August , 11:30am. Biker mass and blessing,
pancakes & organization and end at the chicken barbeque.
b. Offer families an option to opt out of fund raising during the year by
writing a one-time $350.00 check at the beginning of the year.
c. PTO last minute fund raiser – Last chance for each family to meet the
obligation (which has been short for the past 3 years), this is a deficit
the school has with the church, Meghan to send a note stating that this
is the last opportunity, if you feel that you can contribute to erase the
11K deficit please - send money in via blue folder, attention PTO
d. Holly Miller idea – Children’s art being placed on all sorts of items
e. Liz Gilges - Engage Naked Dove - SMS Ale / wine
Casino Night – Lisa Carey may possibly spearhead , look to borrow
games if possible
PTO booth at front door during orientation, Ice cream social, etc., home
room parents be the liaison between PTO and that class
a. Level set with homeroom parents, class room fundraisers have
to be coordinated and managed, find a way to fundraise
efficiently (e.g. scratch off pages).
b. While there are a lot of fund raisers, it seems that people
participate in what they want to. However, it would be
beneficial if the fund raisers are coordinated within and
between the homeroom parents and that the money earned is
counted by them and then reported to the office for tracking
John Falbo to create Facebook page for SMS
Carmen to look into Twitter
Need a social media administrator (Carmen and John)
ROC the day – Solicitation for charitable donations
Scratch off’s
3. PTO vs. class generated events - see above
D. Changes to Bylaws (none needed)
E. Next year’s PTO meeting dates
1. Tuesday - September 10th – Evening 6:30PM
2. October 1st - 3:00PM
3. November 5th – 6:30PM
4. December 3rd 3:00PM
5. January 7th – 6:30
6. February 4th 3:00
7. March – 4th 6:30
8. April 1st – 3:00
9. May 6th 6:30
10. June 3rd 3:00
F. Next year’s PTO event dates
8/28 Ice Cream social
9/3 Locker Day
9/4 School Starts
Lemonade & Pencils at Dismissal**Sue Jensen to check to see if she can do it**
9/13 Picnic
10/25 Harvest Lunch
10/4 Pet Blessing
11/31 Halloween Parade
11/2 All Souls Day
12/7 Breakfast with Santa
12/20 Christmas Lunch
12/13 Santa Store
1/26 CSW reception for CSW Week
1/29 Deliver cookies to supporters
2/1 Family Night /skate/ bowling/dance/ family game night
3/1 Meet Raffle
5/3 Casino on the lake
5/30 Teacher Appreciation
Respectfully submitted by Suzanne Jensen