MCIL Sponsored Walk Map, directions, and guidelines

MCIL Sponsored Walk Details: The Route Map!
MCIL Sponsored Walk Details: The Written Directions!
Date: Saturday 13th June 2015
Gathering Time: 10.30am
Where? At the table outside the Potting Shed Café, next to the Garden
Centre, Morden Hall Park
Walk starts at 11.00am.
Go through the wall into the Stable Yard
Straight on past the water mill on the right
Straight on past the Rose Garden
Turn left to cross the white ornamental bridge... watch lips on all
bridges. Getting on and off them may be a problem for some of our
Turn right after the bridge
Cross 2 small wooden bridges
Turn right at the sign for Wetlands and Deen City Farm.
HAZARD Wait at tram lines with Walk Leader
HAZARD The next wooden bridge has soil erosion where the River
Wandle has worn away a substantial hole to the right of where the
bridge starts
Follow the path past the wind turbines
HAZARD Traffic now shares the road with you at Deen City Farm
HAZARD The Walk Leader will now want you to wait whilst we cross
Windsor Avenue together
Turn right into Merton Abbey Mills
Look for the walk between the Sound Lounge and Rock Star Sushi Bar.
There is a raised walk on the left for wheelchair users
HAZARD The Walk Leader will now help us cross the road to go past
KFC and Virgin Active, down to Merton Priory
11.45 We plan to stop for a break by M&S and we are invited to take a
tour of Merton Priory which is being opened specially for the walkers!
12.15 Following the route back to the Rose Garden, Morden Hall Park
1pm Walk ends in the Rose Garden where we shall have our LiberTea
2pm The Mayor of Merton, Councillor David Chung; will be speaking to
our walkers in the Rose Garden, Morden Hall Park. The Mayor will be
introduced by Merton’s only twice elected former mayor; Slim Flegg,
Trustee of MCIL, and will give out certificates to walkers and helpers!
Guidelines for Walkers
1. We are walking in summer time. Wear comfortable clothes.
2. But remember its British Summer Time so prepare for warmth,
cold, wet, dry and anything in-between.
3. Make sure you do not dehydrate. Bring a bottle of water with you
4. We have identified a number of hazards along the route. Your
walk leaders will help you to navigate these. Make sure you know
who the walk leaders are.
5. Listen to the instructions your walk leaders give you.
6. Should you get lost there are a number of stewards along the
route. They are wearing High Viz vests. They are here to help.
7. Respect the route. Do not drop litter.
8. If you have any problems with access or the attitudes of others
please let MCIL Members know about this.
9. Contact numbers during the event are 0744 936 2233(Rich) and
07778 677 750 (Lyla)
Enjoy the day. Its going to be a good one.
TWITTER Handle #mcillibertea
Photos will be available on facebook: Mertoncil