Department of Psychology Courses for B.A. in Psychology Last updated: June 2, 2015 Blank in “New” column means the course number has not changed. Blank in “Old” column means the course is new. XX means doesn’t count toward the major. Note there are additional requirements for the major. See advising materials. PSY/PSYS/PSYC OLD 100 PSY 175 PSY/PSYS/PSYC 175 199 PSY/PSYS PSY/PSYS PSY/PSYC PSY/PSYS 210 211 250 290 PSY PSY/PSYS PSY PSYS PSY PSYS 299 301 310 321 340 345 PSY/PSYS 350 PSY PSYS PSY PSYS PSY PSY PSYS PSYS PSY 355 361 365 370 371 390 405 407 410 PSYS PSY PSY PSY 411 412 421 422 PSYS PSYS PSYS PSY PSYS PSY PSY PSY/PSYS PSY PSY PSY PSYS PSY PSYS PSY PSY 423 424 430 432 NEW PSY/PSYS 100 PSY/PSYS 220 PSY 250 PSY 290 PSYS 290 313 482 PSY 346 413 339 333 431 PSY 331 PSYS 331 363 453 433 435 436 440 441 442 443 450 455 470 445 462 465 Intro Psy How applies to new B.A. Required C or better. University Experience Intro Development Psy XX Elective Research Methods Research Methods Lab Adjustment Personal Growth Supervised Study Supervised Study Selected Topics Statistics/Psy Educational Psy Child Developmental Psy Sport Psy Psychology of Sexuality Foundations of Clinical and Community Behavioral Health Social Psychology Required Required Elective Elective Elective Elective Required XX Elective Behavioral Change or Elective Elective new course 2015. Elective Issues Cross-Cultural Psy Psy Measurement Intelligence and Creativity I/O Psychology Psychology of Sales Behavior Field Experience in Psy Cognitive Psy Psychology of Language Psy of Learning Princ. of Human & Animal Learning Sensation/Perception Motivation And Emotion Psy of Early Adolescence Adolescent Psy Group Behavior or Elective Elective Elective Group Behavior or Elective Group Behavior or Elective Elective Foundations of Behavior or Elective Elective Foundations of Behavior or Elective Elective Foundations of Behavior or Elective Foundations of Behavior or Elective Elective unless had PSY 422. Foundations of Behavior or Elective unless had PSY 421. Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Foundations of Behavior or Elective Behavioral Change or Elective Elective Behavioral Change or Elective Behavioral Change or Elective Foundations of Behavior or Elective Behavioral Change or Elective Elective Elective Group Behavior or Elective Psy Adult/Aging Develop Seminar Psy of Women Psy of Gifted and Creative Judgment/ Decision Making Moral Dev and Education Applied Cognitive Psychology Abnormal Psy Psy Aspects of Alcoholism Beginning Skills in Psy Interviewing Behavior Modification Personality Intro to Clinical/School Psychology Neuroscience Learning Memory Psychopharmacology Psychology and Law Colonnade E-SB | SB Colonnade E-SB | SB Group Behavior or Elective Colonnade K-SC PSYS PSYS PSYS PSYS PSY/PSYS 473 480 483 485 490 PSY/PSYS PSY/PSYS 495 499 360 463 451 PSY 490 PSYS 490 481 Training Business Industry Behavioral Neuroscience Evolutionary Psychology Psychology of Religion Readings/Research Readings/Research History Of Psy Senior Seminar Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Required Elective