Peer2Peer Offline Submission Form --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBMITTER INFORMATION: The information you provide in this section pertains to you as the Submitter. If you’re also the Facilitator, your account information can be carried forward in the Facilitator Information section. Please fill out the following information * = required input Salutation * Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. First name * Middle Initial Last Name * Suffix – optional Company * Job Title * Address 1* Address 2 Address 3 City * Country * o If Country is United Kingdom o o UK County * Postal Code * If Country is continental European, or outside the United Kingdom, Canada or USA County/Province/State Postal Code If Country is USA or Canada State/Province * Zip/Postal Code * Primary email address * Secondary email address Primary Telephone * PAGE 1 of 4 SESSION INFORMATION Note: A Peer2Peer session is a facilitated session among peers – NOT a presentation – no PowerPoints allowed. The topic and abstract should ask a question or frame a discussion for the participants. * = required input Topic Title * (Limit 75 characters including spaces) Enter Topic Title Here Topic Description * (Limit 400 characters including spaces) Write a one or two paragraph abstract. Enter Topic Description Here Quick Abstract * (Limit 200 characters including spaces) Enter Quick Abstract Here Session Length: Please note all sessions are 50 minutes Session Classification: All P2P sessions will be classified as General Interest Submitter’s Comments (Limit 400 characters including spaces) Enter your comments here Security Tags: Please provide up to 5 keywords to describe your session. access control cyberterrorism anti malware cyber warfare anti spam application security data loss prevention hackers and threats hacktivism identity management & governance data security identity theft penetration testing security services phishing SIEM physical security PII attacks database security incident response policy management audit denial of service insider threats privacy social engineering social networking software code vulnerability analysis software defined networking authentication DevOps Internet of Things professional development SSO big data digital rights intrusion detection remote access standards biometrics botnets e-discovery encryption key management law PAGE 2 of 4 research risk management storage security supply chain BYOD endpoint security case studies legislation ethics cloud security Malware exploit of vulnerability managed security services security analytics threat intelligence sharing threat management security architecture virtualization security awareness visualization VPN consumerization firewalls content filtering forensics mobile applications security consulting controls fraud mobile security security education vulnerability assessment governance risk and compliance network security security intelligence web services security government regulations password management government spying patch management critical infrastructure cryptography metrics secure coding security jobs zero day vulnerability security operations PROPOSED FACILITATOR Add a Facilitator NOTE: Only one facilitator is allowed per Peer2Peer session. A Peer2Peer session facilitator is an expert in a security topic area who has the ability to moderate discussions. * = required input: Salutation * Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. First name * Middle Initial Last Name * Suffix Preferred Name Company * Job Title * Address 1* Address 2 Address 3 Country * o If Country is United Kingdom o UK County * Postal Code * If Country is continental European, or outside the United Kingdom, Canada or USA County/Province/State Postal Code PAGE 3 of 4 o If Country is USA or Canada State/Province * Zip/Postal Code * Email address * (must be unique) Secondary Email Address Primary Telephone * Mobile Telephone * the Conference) Speaker Biography/CV * (Limit 800 characters including spaces) this information will appear on the website and in other marketing materials. Please do not use bullets. (Provide a number that we can use to reach you at Enter speaker biography/CV here If the proposed Facilitator has a blog, please enter blog link here: Enter blog link here If the proposed Facilitator has a Twitter handle, please enter the Twitter handle here: Enter Twitter handle here Experience in facilitating meetings or sessions * (Limit 500 characters including spaces) Enter language here As the proposed facilitator for this session, I agree to participate in the following activities: Complete an interview with the RSA Conference editor pre-Conference that previews the discussion and topics attendees should ponder before they come to the session. Post-conference, write a short blog within three weeks summing up the discussion and next steps identified by participants. (An example is here: PAGE 4 of 4