CHILD DEVELOPMENT BASEBALL QUESTIONS DECEMBER 19, 2013 Group 1: Caroline, Leilani, Marye K., Colleen Singles: Name the age range for this characteristic: often fatigued, the child sleeps deeply A. 10-13 B. 7-8 C. 6-7 The term ego was established by which philosopher? A. Erikson B. Freud C. Piaget At what age do children typically develop the “three point” hold with writing tools? A. 5-6 B. 6-7 C. 7-8 Doubles: What does viability refer to? A. A child’s likelihood of being academically successful B. A child’s likelihood of being socially successful C. Ability of a baby to survive outside of the mother’s womb Which of the following is not one of Kohlberg’s 6 moral stages? A. Individualism B. Universal ethical C. Guilt and shame At what age is a child n Freud’s phallic stage? A. 2-4 B. 3-6 C. 4-7 Triples: Name the age rage for this characteristic: Interested in perfecting most physical skills, both large and small motor abilities A. 10-13 years B. 7-8 years C. 6-7 years At what age does a baby develop the moral skills of: stands alone and turns pages of a book? A. 10 months B. 11 months C. 12 months Home Runs: The most rapid increase in body length occurs during what month of prenatal development? A. 4th B. 5th C. 6th In what stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development would a 3-6 year old be? A. Basic trust vs. basic mistrust B. Industry vs. inferiority C. Initiative vs. guilt Group 2: Andy L., Andrew K., Jonathan Singles: Which of the following is not one of Gardner's Eight Intelligences? a) Intrapersonal b) Telekinetic c) Logical/ Mathematical Which stage, according to Piaget's Theory, should a six year-old be in, a) Concrete Operational b) Pre-Operational c) Formal Operational Doubles: Erikson stage of development for children between 4-7 years of age is known as industrial vs. ____________ a) inferiority b) internal c) independence A child with a slender body type and longer arms in relation to torso can be described as a(n) a) endomorph b) ectomorph c) mesomorph Triples: According to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, which of the following is not one of the needs achieved before self-actualization a) Physiological Needs b) Esteem Needs c) Psychology Needs Which one of these is not an effective way to encourage sharing according to Pat Howard: a) Share meetings b) Writers' circle c) Personal Share Home Runs: Jane Loevinger developed which of the following theories of development; a) Ego development in adolescence b) Theory of interpersonal c) Theory of faith development Who said the following quote about play? "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation" a) Plato b) Mr. Rogers c) Vygotsky Group 3: Isabel, Carolyn B., Cristina Single: A gross motor challenge for most 3 year olds is? A. Can walk, run, jump with two feet B. Throw a ball in a random direction C. Balance D. Pedal a tricycle Single: What is not characteristic of the left side of the brain? A. B. C. D. Time Speech Patterns Analysis Double: Which level is not one of Kolhberg’s levels of moral development? A. B. C. D. Pre-Conventional Conventional Post conventional Pre-operational Double: Many four year olds can perform these tasks, expect for which? A. Talk in full sentences B. Make up stories C. Listen to the answer of their “why” questions D. Find humor in rhyming words Triple: Which stage of Bloom’s taxonomy is characteristic of using information in a new way? A. B. C. D. Analyzing Applying Understanding Evaluating Triple: Vygotsky’s development of thought depends upon one’s development of A. B. C. D. Logic Language Spatiality Experiences Home Run: In Piaget’s theory of development, when an organism interacts with the environment, the relationship is called what? A. B. C. D. Adaptation Observation Conservation Equilibrium Home Run: Rousseau’s purpose of learning is to be attuned with A. B. C. D. E. One’s natural self One’s independent self One’s true self One’s logical self Group 4: Carolyn D., Jennie, Christine Singles 1. How many stages are there in Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 2. Which philosopher created the idea of scaffolding? A. Erikson B. Piaget C. Vygotsky 3. Which of the following factors do NOT affect physical growth? A. Nutrition B. Emotional Climate C. Socio-economic status D. Size of Hands at Birth Doubles 4. True or False: Teenagers need more sleep than adults. True 5. Who came up with the idea of a pyscho-social crisis? A. Erikson B. Froebel C. Piaget 6. Whose theory incorporates the idea of concrete to abstract? A. Erikson B. Vygotsky C. Piaget Triple 7. Chose the option below that goes in chronological order: A. Piaget, Montessori, Rousseau, Gardner B. Rousseau, Montessori, Piaget, Gardner C. Rousseau, Piaget, Montessori, Gardner 8. What is reversibility? A. The understanding that a whole can be changed to a part and the process goes back to whole again. B. Development of the concept of right and left hand and can be interchanged. C. Objects can be used in more than one group. Grand Slam 9. What is Gina’s go-to karaoke song? A. Too Legit to Quit by MC Hammer B. Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A Lot C. You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful by One Direction D. California Gurl by Katy Perry Group 5: Brian, Chris, Devin Singles: 1. What is the average IQ of an adult? A. 90 B. 105 C. 100 * D. 85 2. If a child is struggling with conservation of mass he/she would struggle with which task? A. Play-Doh * B. Water C. Wooden beads E. Cows and grass 3. Which philosopher that we have studied developed the operational stages of cognitive development? A. Piaget * B. Vygotsky C. Master Sue Sava E. Montessori Doubles: 4. At what age do children begin to babble? A. 12 months B. 18 months C. 3-4 months * D. 6-8 months 5. Which model for learning would Rousseau promote? A. Math and science intensive curriculum B. Guided experimentation with manipulatives C. Free play with adult observation* F. Standards based learning Triples: 6. In which month does 90% of infants master the skill of walking up steps? A. 13.9 B. 12 C. 15 F. 22 * 7. What percentage of a full-grown adults height is a average 9 year old? A. 85% B. 75% * C. 70% D. 80% Home Runs: 8. Children with the sensory integration issue hyporeactivity have a _______ * A. High sensory threshold and bias toward parasympathetic nervous system reaction. B. Low sensory threshold and a bias toward a sympathetic nervous system reaction C. High sensory threshold and a bias toward sympathetic nervous system D. Low sensory threshold and a bias toward parasympathetic nervous system Group 6: Hanna Kaldec, Elle Emery, Laura Turner Singles: Piaget's pre-operational stage is between what ages? A. Birth - 2 years B. 2 to 7 years C. 3 to 5 years D. Both A and B Who thought that development leads learning? A. Piaget B. Vygotsky C. Howard Gardner D. Erikson Doubles: Who is known as the father of cognitive developmental theory? A. Vygotsky B. Tim Barrier C. Piaget D. Howard Gardner Carol Gilligan critiqued _________ for being inherently sexist in his assessment of morality. A. Froebel B. Kohlberg C. Dewey D. Erikson Triples: "An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory..." A. Froebel B. Montessori C. Vygotsky D. Dewey The normal age to learn to read is between what ages? A. 5 and 8 years old B. 3 and 5 years old C. 4 and 7 years old D. 3 and 7 years old Home Runs: In Goleman's Social Emotional development characteristics which is the correct list? A. Self-awareness, self-motivation, responsibility, compassion, empathy B. Compassion, courage, perseverance, respect, empathy, responsibility C. Self-awareness, handling emotions, self-motivation, empathy, social skills D. Perseverance, respect, responsibility, social skills, self-awareness Kohlberg identified six stages of moral reasoning. What were three of the stages? A. Pre-conventional Level, Conventional Level, and Inter-conventional Level B. Pre-conventional Level, Conventional Level, and Post-Conventional Level C. Conventional Level, Mid-Conventional Level, and Post-Conventional Level D. Interpersonal Level, Heteronormative Level, and Conventional Level Group 7: Michael, Stephen, Dan, Gina Singles Which Educational Philosopher has a chain of schools named after him/her? • Rousseau • Montessori • Vygotsky • Rowling Which Educational Philosopher believes in hands-on experience in learning? • Piaget • Vygotsky • Rousseau • Dewey Doubles Which Educational Philosopher has the largest presence in US libraries? • Dewey • Piaget • Montessori • Vygotsky At what stage of Koelberg's moral laws due children realize that everyone has their own viewpoint and may not be in agreement with their own? • Stage 1: Obedience and punishment orientation • Stage 2: Individualism and exchange • Stage 3: Good interpersonal relationships • Stage 4: maintaining the social order Triples A socio gram (or Socius) is the connection between two or more people in a given conversation and was founded by: • Harry Harlow • Chip Woods • Tracy Kindler • Jacob Moreno Which age group will have reasonable and unreasonable ideas for changing the way the classroom and school operates? • 6 year olds • 8 year olds • 10 year olds • 12 year olds Homer Which Educational Philosopher would feel most at home at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? • Jean Piaget - "You must learn the basic spells before you learn the advanced one." • Maria Montessori- "Children spontaneously seek magic." • Lev Vygotsky - "Development of magic depends on the development of language." • Friedrich Froebel - "You must know magic in order to understand the world" Group 8: Dana, Ashley Singles: Sexual awareness begins to develop at six years old True False The ability of a child to follow instructions falls under the developmental domain of: A. Cognitive B. Social/emotional C. Moral Double: A. Conservation of mass is determined by using which manipulatives? A. The beads B. The cows C. The sticks D. Play-doh Triples: B. Which of the following falls lowest on the blooms taxonomy pyramid? A. Evaluating B. Remembering C. Decoding C. Graphophonics is 1. The study of handwriting 2. The study of charts and graphs 3. The auditory processing system 4. One of the four major cueing systems in reading Home Run: D. Which of the following is the most effective method of teaching handwriting? 1. Copying beside the letter with a variety of tactile methods 2. Unsupervised discovery with letter writing practice 3. A jar of stones E. Pseudo-choice is a more effective option for marginalized or disenfranchised children. True False F. Whose theory of cognitive development came first Jean Piaget or Lev Vygotsky? Jean Piaget Group 9: Michelle P., Trudie, Sarah, Molly Single Piaget wrote his first book at what age? a. 11 b. 10 c. 37 d. 19 This theorist introduced the idea of scaffolding… a. Kholberg b. Vygotsky c. Frobel d. Piaget Which Piagetian stage of cognitive development would a nine year old typically be in? a. Sensorimotor b. Preoperational c. Concrete operational d. Formal operational Double Which physical milestone is not correct for a five year old? a. Awkwardly perform tasks with fine motor skills b. Vary their pencil grasp c. Often stand up to work d. More aware of their fingers as tools Joe does not show empathy for his classmates. Which stage Kholberg’s scale of moral development is he in? a. Preoperational b. Conventional c. Preconventional d. Abstract True or false. Musical intelligence runs parallel to linguistic intelligence. Triple How would Piaget describe formal operations? a. Deductive reasoning process develops. Not dependent of physical world. Logical thought structures begin to develop. b. Understanding abstracted from direct experiences and by actions performed on objects c. Understanding abstracted from direct experience and by actions performed on objects d. Development o the understanding that a whole can be changed or divide and the process reversed to become whole again Which one of these is not one of the five guiding principles for language development? a. Redirect b. Be specific c. Focus on actions d. Convey faith in students abilities and intentions Home Run Howard Gardener was born in: a. Boston, MA b. Scranton, PA c. Philadelphia, PA d. Rice, IA What is not a typical cognitive development milestone for a four year old? a. Have a short attention span b. Learn best by moving large muscles c. Need to play and explore d. Crave constant validation Children who aren’t accepted by classmates are _____ times more likely to drop out? a. 12% b. 20% c. 8% d. 50% Group 10: Dena, Kayla, Michelle S., Kena, Mary Singles: What is on of Kohlberg’s three stages of reasoning? A. Pre operational B. Post conventional C. Pre cognitive D. Premenstrual Where what were the Paigetian tasks meant to measure? A. Physical Development B. Social Development C. Cognitive Development D. Moral Development What is the Zone of Proximal Development? A. The end of a football field B. A method for scaffolding C. The distance between a child’s culture and the society at large D. The distance between what a learner can do with help and without help. Doubles: What theorist developed the idea of scaffolding? A. Kohlberg B. Erikson C. Vygotsky D. Piaget At 2 months after conception, how what percentage does the head represent of body length? A. 50% B. 15% C. 10% D. 25% According to Paiget, a seven year old is at the beginning of which stage? A. Abstract B. Preoperational C. Concrete Operational D. Formal Which philosopher talked about the concepts of inner speech and outer speech? A. Piaget B. Freud C. Vygotsky D. Erikson What does cortisol do to the body? A. It activates body and brain defense mechanisms. B. Stimulates Growth hormone C. Activates the urge to dance D. it calms you down. Triples: What is the average age when infants learn to crawl? A. 5 months B. 8 months C. 4 months D. 10 months Home Runs: What does the amygdala complex do? A. Dictates personality B. Processes emotional content of behavior and memory C. Monitors physical safety D. Converts short term memory into long-term memory Carol Gilligan is associated with the concept of: A. Morality of Justice B. Morality of Care C. Morality of Education D. Morality of Punishment According to Kohlberg’s first stage of moral judgment, what a child’s focus is on… A. Emphasis on moral principals B. Emphasis on social rules C. Avoiding punishment and getting rewards D. Emphasis on universal principles. Grand Slam At age 11, this person wrote a short paper that is now considered the beginning of a brilliant scientific career. Who is he/she? A. Sue Sava B. Erikson C. Vygotsky D. Piaget Group 11: Johnnie, Kailey, Annie Single 1. Who created the zone of proximal development? a. Vygotsky b. Piaget c. Rousseau 2. What is the first stage of Piaget’s Stages of Development? a. Concrete operational b. Preoperational c. Foundational Double 3. How many stages are there in Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development? a. 4 b. 7 c. 6 4. Who developed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983? a. Howard Gardner b. Sue Sava c. Dee Jay Coulter Triple 5. What type of education did John Dewey believe in? a. Experiential Learning b. Perceptual Learning c. Kinesthetic Learning 6. Who came up with the Domain Theory? a. Lawrence Kohlberg b. Elliot Turiel c. Carol Gilligan Home Run 7. In Dee Jay Coulter’s theory of the Cycles of Development, what are the characteristics of a 6-8 year olds attention? a. Narrow focus, fixates at small details, marvels at amazing facts, doesn’t always get the main point of the picture. b. Wide focus, fixates on larger details, unimpressed by facts, can’t grasp main point of the picture. c. Medium focus, small detail are unimportant, easily impressed by simple facts, always grasps the main point of the picture. 8. In “The Having of Wonderful Ideas” by Eleanor Duckworth, she discusses the interaction between Piaget and which child? a. Hank b. Peter c. Kevin Group 12: Ellen Hoenig Single Q: According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, which stage encompasses children age 7 to 11 years old? A: Sensorimotor B: Preoperational C: Concrete Operational D: Formal Operational Q: Which of the following intelligences will someone fall under if their core components include having sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words as well as the different functions of language? A: Linguistic B: Musical C: Spatial D: Interpersonal Double Q: Which of the following cueing systems is considered a surface structure? A: Semantic B: Syntactic C: Schematic Q: At what age do children typically start attaching meaning to words? A: 6 months B: 8 months C: 12 months D: 18 months Triple Q: Which of the following is NOT a function of the right cerebral hemisphere? A: Does relational and mathematical operations B: Puts events in spatial matters C: Processes input more holistically and abstractly D: Generates spoken language Q: Which of the following is NOT a core component of someone with intrapersonal intelligence? A: To perform transformations on one’s initial perceptions B: Knowledge of one’s own strengths, weaknesses, desires, and intelligences C: Access to one’s own feelings Home Run Q: What is a good instructional strategy to use with someone who is in the nonverbal stage of second language acquisition? A: Encourage all attempts at speaking B: Teach concepts that transcend cultures (i.e. food, music, animals) C: Provide an appropriate amount of running commentary about what is happening D: Learn basic conversational words in the child’s home language Q: Which of the following answers demonstrates what a person will be able to do while in the analyzing level of Blooms Taxonomy? A: judge, appraise, criticize, test, support B: compare, examine, appraise, experiment, question C: choose, interpret, distinguish, solve, discuss D: describe, compare, contrast, paraphrase, defend