Clarendon Pupil Premium Grant 2012-13: Academic Impact Report PPG Allocation: £30204, of which £24,762 spent on direct teaching interventions. Number of pupils eligible: 43 Literacy. Literacy Number of PPG pupils targeted for intervention 201213 Average progress for PPG cohort before intervention in 2011-12 0.78 Average progress for non-PPG cohort before intervention in 2011-12 1.1 Average progress for PPG cohort after intervention in 2012-13 Average progress for non-PPG cohort in 2012-13 School Average, 2012-2013 NC sub-levels 21 1.46 1.42 1.43 NC points score 1.56 2.2 2.92 2.82 2.86 Reading Age (in months) 16.4 10.3 9.2 7.1 8.15 Commentary: In literacy, a significant gap in attainment (0.32 of a sub-level) was noted between the PPG cohort and the remaining school population in the academic year 2011-12. 21 pupils were targeted for specific individual or small group work for periods of at least one term during the academic year 2012-13. The gap was closed, with the PPG cohort narrowly exceeding the attainment of their peers after the intervention. In reading, PPG eligible pupils have performed significantly better than their non-PPG eligible peers in both 2011-12 and 2012-13 according to standardised testing. Numeracy Numeracy Number of PPG pupils targeted for intervention 201213 Average progress for PPG cohort before intervention in 2011-12 0.75 Average progress for non-PPG cohort before intervention in 2011-12 1.06 Average progress for PPG cohort after intervention in 2012-13 Average progress for non-PPG cohort in 2012-13 School Average NC sub-levels 43 1.16 1.16 1.16 NC points score 1.5 2.12 2.32 2.32 2.32 Maths Age (in months) 2.47 3.7 6.47 6.69 6.58 Commentary: In numeracy, a significant gap in attainment (0.31 of a sub level) was noted between the PPG cohort and the remaining school population in the academic year 2011-12. All 43 pupils were targeted by providing an additional maths ability group for the year 2012-13, thus reducing pupil numbers and increasing staff ratios for all groups. The gap was closed, with the PPG cohort exactly matching the attainment of their peers after the intervention. In standardised maths testing, a significant gap of 1.23 months of progress between PPG and non PPG eligible pupils has been narrowed to 0.22 months. Year 11 Accreditation Total number of pupils in Yr 11 cohort, 2012-13 14 Number of PPG pupils in Yr 11 cohort, 2012-13 6 Average Points score for PPG cohort, 2012-13 88.25pts Average Points for nonPPG cohort, 2012-13 61.81pts Whole Year 11 cohort average Points score 73.18pts Commentary: In the Year 11 cohort 2012-13, 6 of the 14 pupils (43%) were eligible for PPG. This cohort achieved significantly better than their non-PPG eligible peers, with an average point score 26.44 higher. It should be noted, however, that the sample number is so small as to make statistical analysis unreliable.