SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE LEGENDS Table SM1 CFB calibration curve raw data given by Quasar tool. Table SM2 Lod-Loq raw values for all transitions and labeled peptides used in the CFB calibration curve. Table SM3 Proteotypic Peptide Sequences and Selected SRM Transitions measured in the human saliva. This table provides information about all peptides and the respective transitions (fragment ion and m/z) monitored in the human saliva. Table SM4 Peptide report result from Skyline. This table provides information about area, retention time, dot product and ratio light-to-global standards for all peptides measured in each sample (replicate name column). Table SM5 MSstat input for Protein Level modeling analysis exported using Skyline. This table contains information required for Msstats analysis: Protein Name, Peptide Sequence, Precursor Charge, Fragment Ion, Product Charge, Isotope Label Type, Condition, BioReplicate, Run, Intensity. Table SM6 MSstat input for Peptide Level modeling analysis exported using Skyline. Table SM7 MSstat results of group comparison using model-based inference at a protein level. Table SM8 MSstat results of group comparison using model-based inference at a peptide level. Table SM9 Normalized values (ratio light-to-heavy) for CFB YGLVTYATYPK and VSEADSSNADWVTK peptides, exported using Skyline. SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1 Calibration curve for the Schistosoma japonicum GST peptide IEAIPQIDK. A) A dilution curve of the unlabeled SJ GST peptide IEAIPQIDK peptide standard was spiked with a constant amount of the heavy labeled IEAIPQIDK peptide. The unlabeled to labeled peak area was measured by LC/SRM/MS for each standard. B) Using this linear equation the concentration of any unknown sample (y‐value) can be obtained by inserting the light‐to‐ heavy ratio of that sample (x‐value) into a standard y = m*x + b equation (concentration = slope * ratio + intercept). The concentration of the in vitro-synthetized protein was obtained. Figure 2 Calibration curve for the CFB peptides. A) A dilution curve of the digested CFB peptides was spiked in known concentration range from 0.1 to 100 fmol/µl with a constant amount of the heavy labeled YGLVTYATYPK and B) labeled VSEADSSNADWVTCK peptide. The unlabeled to labeled peak area was measured by LC/SRM/MS for each standard in triplicate and the light to heavy ratio used to calculated LOD and LOQ. C) YGLVTYATYPK was normalized by the peptides from global standards and linear regression was performed in the standard curve with the ratio light to global standards values. D) VSEADSSNADWVTCK was normalized by the peptides from global standards and linear regression was performed in the standard curve with the ratio light to global standards values. Figure 3 Quality Control plots for all proteins analyzed using MSstats at a protein level. X-axis: run. Y-axis: log-intensities of transitions. Reference (global standards) signals are in the left/right panel. The plots visualize potential artifacts in mass spectrometry runs. Figure 4 Profile plot for all proteins analyzed using MSstats at a protein level. X-axis: run. Y-axis: log-intensities of transitions. Line colors indicate peptides and line types indicate transitions. The plots help identify potential sources of interesting and nuisance variation for each protein. Figure 5 Condition plots for all proteins analyzed using MSstats at a protein level. X-axis: condition. Y-axis: log ratio of endogenous over reference intensities of each transition in a run. Dots indicate the mean of log ratio for each condition. Error bars are confidence intervals with 0.95 significant level for each condition. The plots visualize the differences between conditions, which are of the main biological interest. Figure 6 Volcano plot of the comparison Control vs No Lesion condition. X-axis: practical significance, model-based estimate of log-fold change. Y-axis: statistical significance, FDRadjusted p-values on the negative log2 scale. The dashed line represents the FDR cutoff (default sig=0.05) and fold-change FCcutoff=1.5. A) Results at a protein level. B) Results at a peptide level. Figure 7 Volcano plot of the comparison No lesion vs Lesion condition. X-axis: practical significance, model-based estimate of log-fold change. Y-axis: statistical significance, FDRadjusted p-values on the negative log2 scale. The dashed line represents the FDR cutoff (default sig=0.05) and fold-change FCcutoff=1.5. A) Results at a protein level. B) Results at a peptide level. Figure 8 Relative quantification using isotope reference peptides and global standards peptides. A) Scatter plot using ratio light to heavy for YGLVTYATYPK CFB peptide (Student’s t-test, * p<0.05). B) Scatter plot using ratio light to global standards for YGLVTYATYPK CFB peptide (Student’s t-test, * p<0.05). C) Scatter plot using ratio light to heavy for VSEADSSNADWVTK CFB peptide (Student’s t-test, * p<0.05). D) Scatter plot using ratio light-to-global standards for VSEADSSNADWVTK CFB peptide (Student’s t-test, * p<0.05). SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURES SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE 1 A) Light-toheavy Ra o 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 -5 B) MM (kDa) 260 160 110 80 60 50 40 30 20 Protein C1R TINAG SLPI SERPINE1 LGR1 LNC2 TAGLN1 ANX1 FAM49B y = 0,4674x - 0,0194 R² = 0,99983 20 30 40 50 nM IEAIPQIDK 1 2 3 4 5 6 Order 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average (nM) 2.5 2.8 4.7 5.2 6.0 12.1 14.7 22.9 40.1 Protein C1R TINAG SLPI SERPINE1 LRG1 LCN2 TAGLN2 ANXA1 FAM49B MW MW + GST 80 55 15 45 38 23 22 39 37 105 80 40 70 63 48 47 64 62 SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 2 A) VSEADSSNADWVTK B) YGLVTYATYPK 6 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -20 -5 0 40 60 fmol/µl 80 Ra o Light to Heavy Ra o Light to Heavy 20 y = 0,0545x - 0,0011 R² = 0,99979 5 y = 0,3989x - 0,6123 R² = 0,99797 100 3 2 1 0 120 C) 4 -20 -1 0 20 0,5 0 0 20 40 60 fmol/µl 100 120 VSEADSSNADWVTK 80 100 120 Ra o Light to Global Standards Ra o Light to Global Standards y = 0,0152x - 0,0453 R² = 0,99298 1 -0,5 80 0,4 2 -20 60 fmol/µl D) YGLVTYATYPK 1,5 40 y = 0,0034x - 0,0016 R² = 0,99933 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 -20-0,05 0 20 40 60 fmol/µl 80 100 120 SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 3 (.pdf file) SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 4 (.pdf file) SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 5 (.pdf file) SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 6 SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 7 SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE 8