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Next Generation Curriculum-embedded Science Performance Task

Grade/ Course

Task Name

Task Summary



NGSS Practices

CT Standards

Middle School ( Grades 6 – 8 )

Shake, Rattle and Roll

In this task students research the location, magnitude and frequency of the world's earthquakes to determine where earthquakes most often occur.

Students will choose an area that they feel would benefit the most from earthquake proof structures. Students will plan and carry out an investigation that addresses common structural concerns in buildings. They will collaborate and analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best solution for their focus area. Students will design and test modified model. Students will make a claim that states reasons for design modifications and provide evidence for their solution to the problem. Evidence should include

Earthquake research, problem addressed and experimental data.


Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects.

[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on how some natural hazards, such as volcanic eruptions and severe weather, are preceded by phenomena that allow for reliable predictions, but others, such as earthquakes, occur suddenly and with no notice, and thus are not yet predictable. Examples of natural hazards can be taken from interior processes (such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions), surface processes (such as mass wasting and tsunamis), or severe weather events (such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods). Examples of data can include the locations, magnitudes, and frequencies of the natural hazards. Examples of technologies can be global (such as satellite systems to monitor hurricanes or forest fires) or local (such as building basements in tornado-prone regions or reservoirs to mitigate droughts).]


Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

MS-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity

MS-ETS1 Engineering Design

1. Asking questions ( for science) and defining problems ( for engineering)


2. Developing and Using Models

3. Planning and carrying out investigations

4. Analyzing and Interpreting data

6. Constructing explanations ( for science) and designing solutions ( for engineering)

7. Engaging in argument for evidence

8. Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information

7.3 — Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.

7.3a-8 Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate


boundaries where plates come together or move apart from each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and the centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate boundaries.

8.1 An object’s inertia causes it to continue to move the way it is moving unless it is acted upon by a force.

C INQ.3 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions.

C INQ.4 Identify independent and dependent variables, and those variables that are kept constant, when designing an experiment.

C INQ.5 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data.



Context and


C INQ.8 Draw conclusions and identify sources of error.

C INQ.9 Provide explanations to investigated problems or questions.

C INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic.

In NGSS in practices and cross cutting concepts as listed above

Task should be at the beginning of the Earth science 7.3 unit before addressing plate tectonics. The crosscutting concepts that should be stressed include patterns, cause and effect and scale model (extension).

RST.6-8.1, RST.6-8.7, RST.6- 8.9, MP.2

Task Characteristics The task includes four main activities, that encompasses five periods

(45 minutes)

A research activity in which students analyze the location, magnitude and frequency of the world's earthquakes to determine a focus area.

A controlled experiment in which students find a solution that addresses a common structural concern in buildings found in seismic areas.

Collaborative discourse where students combine results to create a solution that is better than its predecessors.

Final product that integrates quantitative information and cites evidence that supports the claim.

Task Materials The performance task requires location and frequency data (i.e. computer, map, chart or book). Building materials such as straws, masking tape, sponges, etc. A timer, sponge or upholstery cushion and 1/8” plywood, cardboard or card stock to simulate an earthquake.

Student Learning Objectives

What students need to understand?

Balanced and unbalanced forces

Forces involved in earthquakes- p-waves, s-waves and surface waves

Set up and carry out a controlled experiment


Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively as they analyze their experimental results to find the optimum solution to their problem.

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical data.

Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually.

Task Administration Overview

Session 1

Session 2

Overall Assessment Structure

Introduce students to the problem by showing video of earthquake movement and damage. Then ask “Why do some houses in earthquakes structurally remain intact, while others get destroyed?” Introduce task by stating,

“Engineers continually strive to make buildings stronger to resist the forces of earthquakes. As a member of a group of structural engineers, your company is to identify possibly regions on the earth that would benefit from earthquake proof structures. Using materials provided, your group will design and construct a scale model that can withstand the common forces associated with earthquakes.” Have students use internet, maps, books or other sources plotting frequency and magnitude of earthquakes to determine their focus city and collect data to use in their final product, including frequency and magnitude of earthquakes, structures found in city, etc. Students will also research the types of waves produced by earthquakes as well as the forces that may affect the stability of the structure.

Using model earthquake base, teacher begins class by reviewing balanced/unbalanced forces. Students will draw examples of each type of force and turn and talk with a partner.

Students will build model earthquake



NGSS Connection


Practices 1, 4, 8


Practices 2,3


Session 3

Session 4 & 5 shakers to create the different types of waves produced by an Earthquake and determine the types of motion that related to each wave.

Students will plan their experiment by choosing the independent variable they will test from a list of common structural concerns in buildings found in seismic areas. (The teacher could use the list below or could have students brainstorm the list on their own.)

Heavy roofs

Open Spaces

Unreinforced walls

Type of Footing

Height of Building


(Teacher should make sure students in each class select a variety of independent variables and should explain how the dependent variable, time, will be measured to insure reliability).

Using the materials provided

(constraints) they will draw a model building (specs) that is representative of the seismic area they chose. The model should include floor(s), beams and roof

(constraints). Students will write experimental procedure and complete data table.

Students build control and experimental models (prototype) to scale. Students will carry out controlled experiment

(test prototype), recording data in data table. Students should revise drawing of model (specs), as needed.

Students will share their findings. Each student will determine the 3 optimal solutions to help revise their original prototype to create a solution that is better than the predecessor. Students will revise their design using the three optimal solutions. Students will test the redesigned prototype and if time allows make additional changes to their design.


Practices 2,3,4,6,8

MS-ESS 3-2



Practices 2,3,4,6,7,8



NAME: _____________________________

Engineers continually strive to make buildings stronger to resist the forces of earthquakes. After watching the video in the space below free write why you think some houses in earthquakes structurally remain intact, while others get destroyed?

National Geographic Earthquake Destruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y-62Ti5_6s










Your Task

As a member of a group of structural engineers your company is trying to increase business by finding new clients to design and build earthquake resistant buildings. You are to identity possible regions of the world that would benefit from your proposal. Then, using limited material, you will design, investigate, test and revise a prototype earthquake resistant building.


Using the resources provided analyze the data by looking at the location, magnitude and frequency of the world's earthquakes. Consider the number of earthquakes that occur in your chosen area, not just the size of the earthquakes. Determine an area of the world you would like to target your earthquake proof design. Once you have chosen a target area, research the types of structures commonly found in the area.

Location, Frequency and Magnitude


Types of structures found in the location

Target Area Location: _____________________________________________


In addition as an engineer you will also have to research the types of waves produced by earthquakes as well as the forces that may affect the stability of a structure. Using the links below, collect the necessary information you will need to help you design your building.

Forces Affecting Structures

Types of Seismic Waves


Earthquake Data http://earthquake.usgs.gov/ http://www.iris.edu/seismon/ http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/historical.php/

Design Structure http://www.hgpho.to/wfest/house/house-e.html

http://www.hagafoto.jp/index.php?option=com_photostock&Itemid=33&view=list&thumbsize=large&lang= en&lightbox=1&curbox=&phrase=Traditional+House&showtitle=inner http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/pictures/structures.html


https://maps.google.com/ https://earth.google.com/


Forces http://legacy.mos.org/etf/force.html http://www.iris.edu/hq/programs/education_and_outreach/animations/6 http://www.safestronghome.com/earthquake/01.asp http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/EQTips/EQTip09.pdf



All Topics http://www.exploratorium.edu/faultline/activezone/index.html

As you know, a force is a push or a pull on an object. In this investigation you will be studying balanced and unbalanced forces as they relate to stresses created by the different types of seismic waves. In the space below draw a picture of balanced and unbalanced forces. Using your drawings turn and talk with a partner to explain each type of force.

Unbalanced Force

Balanced Force

Which type of force will cause a house to collapse during an earthquake? Keep this in mind as you begin to build your model house.






2 nd part


In this investigation, you will explore the effect of seismic waves on your prototype.

Model to create seismic waves-A Method for Producing Earthquake Waves:


Plywood 1/8 inch, heavy cardboard or card stock

Sponges or upholstery cushion


Construct a model earthquake shaker table like the one in the diagram below. Place a sponge or upholstery cushion on a table, this represents the interior of the Earth. Place a piece of cardboard, wood or card stock which represents the Earth’s crust, on top of the sponge or cushion. This will allow you to create the three types of earthquake waves.

Picture of sponge or upholstery cushion foam with a piece of cardboard or wood on top to create the shaker table


As you have learned, seismic waves are vibrations that carry energy released from an earthquake through the Earth. Earthquakes produce three different types of seismic waves: P wave or primary waves, S waves or secondary waves and Surface waves. Create the different types of waves produced by an Earthquake by moving the board on top of the sponge/cushion from side to side, up and down and with a rolling motion. Below fill in the correct type of Earthquake wave that goes with each motion. Turn and talk with your partner to be sure you agree.

Motion Type of Seismic Wave

Side to Side

Up and Down




Investigate possible solutions for your prototype design.

In order to first identify possible solutions, you must create a prototype.

Design a model building that is representative of the seismic area you chose using the materials provided. The model should include floor(s), beams and roof. Design your model using any or all of the materials listed below


2 index cards 12 straws

1 sponge 18” masking tape

Describe your challenge (criteria). Describe area you chose (provide evidence), technology you will modify, problem you want to address and final goal.










Describe the resources we have given you to help you investigate the problem (constraints). List the time, material, people, equipment.











Now you are ready to investigate. You will plan your prototype by choosing one independent variable you will test from a list of common structural concerns in buildings found in seismic areas. Other students will be investigating different concerns and you will find the optimal design of your prototype using all of the class data. You may determine a different independent variable than listed below, with the approval of the teacher. Make sure to design a control structure and an experimental structure.

Heavy roofs

Open Spaces

Unreinforced walls

Type of Footing

Height of Building


Draw your plans below.

Control Experimental


To find your optimal solution, write a procedure being sure to describe how you will change the independent variable, measure the dependent variable, and keep the other factors constant in your experiment. Include enough detail so that you or someone else could repeat your experiment and get similar outcomes. Repeat trials to gain confidence in your results.

DEPENDENT VARIABLE: _________________________________________

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: _______________________________________

CONSTANTS: _______________________________________________________________

PREDICTION: _______________________________________________________________________

I predict this because I think that




Get your teacher’s approval before you begin your experiment.________________


4. Conduct your experiment and record your data in a table in the space below. Does the data seem reasonable? If not, do you need to repeat any trials to correct errors? What must be done to the data to make sense of it?

Change the table so it fits your experiment:


What were the first steps you took to solve your challenge (investigations)?

Describe your prototype. Did your design work the way you wanted it to? How do you know? Use your data to explain.












5. Collaborate with your classmates the findings of each independent variable tested. Take notes and make drawings as needed below. Make sure you look at the mean and the spread of the data before choosing your three modifications. The modification should always make your design more stable. This information will be used to redesign an optimal structure based on the shared data.

After viewing class results, what modifications will you include in your new prototype? Why did you add these improvements? Use class data to explain (select and justify optimal solutions).












6. Revise your design. Determine the 3 optimal solutions to help revise your original prototype to create a solution that is better than the predecessor. Draw the new design in the space below, being sure to label the 3 optimal solutions you included. Build and test your revised prototype.


Are there additional changes you would recommend? If time allows, test again and make changes to your design. Record changes below.











What did you learn about engineering from this activity?












Scoring Rubric for Shake, Rattle and Roll

Define problem



Select and justify optimal solutions


Explained design problem in detail including all criteria (area with seismic activity, model accurate for area chosen, withstand 3 types of

EQ forces) and constraints (limited building material and time).

4 3

Explained the design challenge in a few sentences including some of the criteria and the constraints.

2 1

Briefly explained design challenge only listing only general criteria constraint.

Research includes two of the three pieces of relevant information.

Research includes only one piece of relevant information.

Research includes seismic data, description of technology (house) and earthquake forces.

Procedure described quantitatively how to change the independent variable, measure the dependent variable and listed the constants.

Experiment is replicable and contained enough data to answer the question.

Used data/evidence from 3 investigations and from research to justify the design of the building.

Procedure described generally the independent variable, the dependent variable and a few constants and thus is not replicable. Data contains only 1 trial.

Used some data/evidence from investigation or research to justify design of the building.

Procedure is not clear about what you changed. Data contains only 1 trial.

Suggested an optimal solution but did not provide any data/evidence to justify design of the building.

Design and document the selected prototype

Students combined 3 modifications into their drawing of new building and built it.

Test and revise the working of the prototype.

Student tested and revised new design more than one time

Points: _____________/30 Comments:

Students combined 1 or 2 modifications into their drawing of new building and attempted to build it.

Student tested and revised new design

Students combined 1 or 2 modifications into their drawing of new building or just built a new building.

Student tested new design

