Predicting Microstegium vimineum invasion in intact forests of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, U.S.A. 5 Dean P. Anderson, Monica G. Turner, Scott M. Pearson, Thomas P. Albright, Robert K. Peet and Ann Wieben D.P. Anderson (Corresponding author): Landcare Research, P.O. Box 40, Lincoln, New Zealand. Email: 10 M.G. Turner · A. Wieben: Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53760. S.M. Pearson: Biology Department, Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, NC 28754 15 T.P. Albright: Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA. R.K. Peet: Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 2759920 3280. Date: 10 September 2010 Word count: 6504 25 1 Abstract The spread and establishment of invasive plant species is determined by interacting broad-scale factors that influence the movement of propagules across the landscape and finescale factors that determine local suitability for recruitment. Shade tolerance may facilitate 30 deep incursions of non-native invasives into intact forest communities, but detection of such species can be difficult because occurrences may be sparse and subsequent rates of spread are typically slow. Further, the distribution of such species may exhibit spatial aggregation that is not explained by environmental factors because propagules are not likely to have reached all areas of a landscape. We examined broad- and fine-scale factors that may influence the 35 distribution of the shade-tolerant Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus in forests of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, U.S.A. We modeled the spatial structure of M. vimineum to predict its presence in intact forest and gain insight into the spatial scale of the present invasion. Analysis using Markov-chain Monte Carlo revealed that, at broad scales, intact forests surrounded by areas with high human activity and low forest cover were at highest risk 40 of M. vimineum invasion. At fine spatial scales, the probability of M. vimineum presence increased with increasing native species richness, increasing soil pH and decreasing basal area of acidophilic shrubs (Ericaceae). After accounting for environmental covariates, spatial parameters revealed that intact forests within 3 km of established M. vimineum populations were at an elevated risk of invasion. 45 Keywords invasive species, Markov-chain Monte Carlo, propagule pressure, soil fertility, speciesdistribution model, species richness, variogram 2 Introduction 50 Non-native invasive plant species are recognised as a major threat to ecosystem structure and function (Vitousek et al. 1987; Wilcove et al. 1998; Asner et al. 2008; Hejda et al. 2009). Basic and applied environmental research in recent years has focused on understanding factors that influence the spread and establishment of invasive species, with the eventual aim of predicting and controlling invasions. A common finding in invasive research 55 is that invasive plant species abundance increases with human-related disturbance and movement of propagules along roads, trails and water ways (Hodkinson and Thompson 1997; Von der Lippe and Kowarik 2007). Rates of establishment are lower in intact natural areas (Lonsdale 1999) where disturbance and invasive propagule pressure are low (Eschtruth and Battles 2009), however shade-tolerant invasives can have detrimental and long-term impacts 60 on intact forests (Martin et al. 2009). Detection of such species can be especially difficult in areas of dense, closed-canopy forest because occurrences of the invader may be few and its subsequent rate of spread is often slow. Nonetheless, understanding the spatial patterns of such invasions is critical for anticipating future changes in forest understory composition. Furthermore, models that predict the landscape patterns of vulnerability for intact forest can 65 help target locations where control is likely to be warranted and effective. Species distribution modelling is a common ecological tool for examining species’ responses to environmental conditions (Austin and Meyers 1996; Midgley et al. 2002; Matthiopoulos et al. 2004) and can contribute to our understanding of invasive movement and establishment. In its most simple form, this approach assumes that a species is distributed 70 according to environmental conditions, and that individuals in a population have equal chance of arriving at all locations in a specified study area. Important ecological processes (e.g., 3 behaviour, dispersal, reproduction, competition and predation), however, are likely to affect distribution patterns in addition to environmental factors (Wagner and Fortin 2005). In the case of invasive plant species, invasion is an ongoing process. Even if a species has covered 75 the extent of a region at a broad scale, it is likely to be absent in certain areas because propagules have not yet arrived in sufficient numbers to become established. If an invasive species is not well established across a landscape one would expect to find high spatial structure that is not accounted for by environmental variables in a species distribution model (Henebry 1995; Wagner and Fortin 2005). This may result in absences in 80 favourable areas predicted by the model, because the species has not yet arrived in those locations. Alternatively, high propagule pressure may lead to presences in areas predicted to be relatively unsuitable. With regard to inference, spatial structure excluded from statistical models can lead to inflated type I error rates (Cliff and Ord 1981; Lichstein et al. 2002) or erroneous inference on model parameters (Kühn 2007). If modelled appropriately, however, 85 inference on model parameters should be correct (Bannerjee et al. 2004; Wagner and Fortin 2005), and spatial structure can provide insight into biological process (Legendre 1993; Palma et al. 1999). For an invasive-plant-species model, residual spatial structure should indicate a lack of equilibrium and the spatial scale of establishment around a focal source of propagules. Existing vegetation survey data could be a valuable resource for detecting invasion 90 patterns, especially in habitats where species may be inconspicuous and spread slowly. The feasibility of such analyses is also improved because new statistical approaches provide methods for testing predicted relationships among variables and quantifying residual spatial structure in data even when sampled occurrences are sparse within a large data set. In this study, we developed Bayesian models to analyze vegetation data that were collected in intact 4 95 forests over seven years across a 16,000-km2 mountainous region for which presence of a non-native invasive herb was recorded. We modeled the spatial structure of the species occurrence in relatively undisturbed forests to identify plot- and landscape-level covariates of present presence and to quantify the spatial scale of the invasion process. Our focal species was Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus, (Japanese stilt 100 grass), a C4 annual grass native to Asia (Barden 1987). It was first recorded in the eastern United States in 1917 (Fairbrothers and Gray 1972) and is now widely distributed (Redman 2008). Microstegium vimineum is shade tolerant (Winter et al. 1982) and can become the dominant herbaceous species in invaded areas (Barden 1987; Cole and Weltzin 2005; Redman 2008), altering community composition (Fairbrothers and Gray 1972; Barden 1987) and 105 ecosystem processes (Kourtev et al. 1998; Ehrenfeld et al. 2001). It is primarily gravity dispersed and has limited dispersibility (Cheplick 2010). At fine spatial scales, it forms dense, discrete patches, and evidence suggests that this pattern is influenced by mid-story canopy cover and soil pH (Cole and Weltzin 2004, 2005). We used a region-wide analysis of presence/absence data collected in natural undisturbed forests to address two questions: (1) 110 what local and landscape factors influence the probability of presence of M. vimineum?; and (2) what is the scale of spatial structure in the data that is not accounted for by the environmental variables? The establishment of M. vimineum should be influenced by propagule pressure and suitability of growing conditions for herbaceous species. Consequently, we anticipated that 115 the probability of presence would increase with increasing proximity to human vectors for propagules (roads and development) and decrease with increasing intact forest cover. At the scale of this study, we expected invasives to do well in environments where native herbs do 5 well (Lonsdale 1999; Stohlgren et al. 1999; Sandel and Corbin 2010); therefore, we expected a positive relationship between native herbaceous species richness and the probability of 120 presence of M. vimineum. In particular, increasing soil pH and cation concentrations should facilitate establishment of M. vimineum (Peet et al. 1998; Peet et al. 2003; Adams and Engelhardt 2009). Shading by trees and shrubs is not expected to inhibit the shade-tolerant M. vimineum; however, an increasing local abundance of acidophilic Ericaceae shrubs, and hence decreasing pH, should correspond with a decreasing probability of presence. Finally, because 125 of its limited dispersibility, we expected M. vimineum to not be at equilibrium in the environment, (e.g. not present in all areas predicted to be suitable), and that this would be reflected in the model variance. Explicit modelling of the spatial structure of model residuals (errors) was expected to provide accurate inference on biological parameters and insights into the scale of local invasions. 130 Methods Study site and data acquisition Data for this analysis were collected in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the southern Appalachian Mountains in western North Carolina, U.S.A. (Figure 1). The region is 135 largely forested and characterized by high topographic variation (250 m – 2,037 m asl). We extracted data from the database of the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS), which collects comprehensive data to characterize the natural vegetation of the region (Peet et al. 1998; Peet et al. 2005). CVS sampling sites were located across a range of vegetation cover types that were deemed to represent natural vegetation. A standardized sampling protocol recorded 140 vegetation composition and structure within a varying number of adjacent 10 x 10 m modules. 6 Most commonly 10 modules (1000 m2) were recorded as a 2 x 5 array. We extracted data collected on M. vimineum from 1995 to 2001. The presence or absence of M. vimineum was recorded at the site level and found 26 occurrences out of 434 sites. The number of modules sampled varied between 1 and 10. Some of the modules were sampled in “aggregate”, which 145 means that only a single presence or absence record was available for multiple modules within a site. Our response variable, consequently, is the presence/absence of M. vimineum across all modules at a site, which we relate to a suite of landscape- and plot-level covariates (Table 1). 150 Plot covariates Plot covariates were those that were collected by the CVS. At each site the CVS quantified the native herbaceous species richness, basal area of woody species, and soil conditions. Species richness is scale dependent (Fridley et al. 2005), and because the number of modules varied by site, we calculated the mean richness as the mean number of species per 155 100 m2 module. Shrub and tree basal area is the basal area of woody vegetation with a diameter at breast height (dbh) of < 5 cm and ≥ 5 cm, respectively, divided by the area sampled. The basal area of ericaceous shrubs was also extracted separately from the CVS data base. Soil pH, and concentrations (parts per million) of calcium, magnesium and manganese were measured in samples collected from the top 10 cm of mineral soil from each sampling 160 module (after removal of litter layer; Peet et al. 1998; Peet et al. 2003). Mean values for each soil chemistry attribute across all modules at a site were used in the analysis. While soil chemistry can vary at multiple spatial scales (Ettema and Wardle 2002) we were interested in the relationship between broad-scale patterns in soils and the presence of M. vimineum. 7 165 Landscape covariates Landscape covariates were those derived from GIS data and thought to influence the distribution of M. vimineum. Elevation, slope and aspect were created from a digital elevation map obtained from the National Elevation Database (Gesch et al. 2002). Aspect was transformed to “southwestness” (sw): 170 sw = sin( + 22) + 1 where is aspect. This index represents the directional deviation from the sun at the warmest time of the day (Beers et al. 1996). We calculated an insolation index (s): s = sin((/90) * 180) * sw which incorporates slope () and the transformed southwestness variable (sw) (Gustafson et 175 al. 2003). We created a relative-slope-position index, which is a continuous measure of the height of a pixel relative to its neighbors in a 7 x 7 cell neighborhood (Homer et al. 2004). This index varies from 100 if a pixel is on a summit or ridge, (higher than all neighbouring pixels), to 0 if it is the lowest in the neighbourhood, such as in a valley. The 7 x 7 cell neighborhood (4.41 ha) was selected because it captures the relative slope position well in this 180 mountainous terrain. We used the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) (Homer et al. 2004) to create variables describing forest cover and human development. We calculated the percentage of cells with forest cover in the 7 x 7 cell neighbourhood surrounding each site. Fragstats (McGarigal and Marks 1995) was used to calculate forest-edge density in a 7 x 7 cell 185 neighborhood around each site. Impervious surface and human development were quantified as the percentage (ranging from 0-100) in a 7 x 7 cell neighbourhood. Lastly, we used GIS 8 data on roads obtained from the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research website ( to quantify road density in km/km2 in a 7 x 7 cell neighbourhood and to calculate distance to nearest road. 190 Modelling approach Because of the high number of landscape and plot-level covariates and the inherent multicollinearity, we used principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the variables to orthogonal axes. The PCA was conducted separately for landscape and plot variables so as to 195 facilitate the differentiation of local and landscape effects on M. vimineum. Markov chain Monte Carlo was used to make Bayesian inference, which is an effective means for modelling small sample sizes (Clark 2005) and residual spatial autocorrelation (Wagner and Fortin 2005). Due to the limited number of occurrences of M. vimineum and high computation time, we explored 4 a priori models (Table 2), which were restricted to 2 or fewer covariates. 200 Data analysis We modelled the presence/absence data (yij) across sites (i) and years (j) as a Bernouilli process: yij ~ Bernouilli ij 205 logit ij X i j i i where θij is the probability of a presence, Xiβ is the product of the environmental covariates and the associated coefficients, αj is a random year effect, and γi is an offset variable equal to the natural logarithm of the number of modules sampled. The offset variable has a coefficient fixed at 1 and serves to account for the differing sampling effort among sites. Environmental 9 210 covariates were scaled to have a mean 0 and standard deviation 1. A logit transform was used to constrain the Bernouilli-distributed probability to the range 0 – 1. We included a powered-exponential spatial covariance error structure (Cs) to account for spatial autocorrelation not explained by the environmental covariates: i ~ N (0, Cs ) 215 Cs 2 e (d ) where σ2 is the variance, φ is a correlation-distance parameter, d is the distance between sites, and κ is a smoothing parameter (Cressie 1993). We employed a Bayesian approach and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to obtain posterior distributions for our model parameters. The posterior probability distribution is 220 proportional to the product of the yij and the θij likelihoods, and the priors. p param eters| data Bin y ij | 1, ij N Logit ij | X i , j , i , 2 , , N | 0,1000 N j | 0,1000 N ln 2 | ln3,1 N ln | ln1,1 N ln | ln1,1 The environmental parameters (β) and year effects (α) were sampled directly from the 225 conditional posteriors, and the spatial covariance parameters (σ, φ, κ) were sampled with a Metropolis-Hastings rejection algorithm. Within-chain serial autocorrelation was assessed to determine the appropriate thinning rate. Convergence on the posterior target distribution was confirmed with a scale reduction factor (Rˆ ) < 1.2 calculated on 4 parallel chains (Gelman and Rubin 1992; Gelman et al. 2004). Convergence for all models was achieved with 500,000 230 iterations, and posterior summaries were taken from 4 chains containing 200,000 samples 10 with a thinning rate of 10 (i.e., 80,000 samples). We used the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) to compare competing models (Spiegelhalter et al. 2002). Results 235 The first 3 axes of the principal components analysis of the landscape variables accounted for 30.8%, 19.2% and 12.5% respectively of the variance (Table 3; Figure 2A). The first axis largely describes the environmental gradient from areas with high human development (buildings, roads, impervious surfaces, and forest edge) to areas with high forest cover and high terrain indices. Axis 2 is dominated by the gradient from high to low 240 southwest aspects and solar indices. Axis 3 describes elevation and relative topographic position with high values representing relatively flat slopes in valleys, and low axis values represent high elevation areas on ridges (high terrain index). Road density was retained in place of distance to nearest road in the PCA as it resulted in a higher proportion of variance explained. We used only Axis 1 from the landscape variable PCA (LandscapePCA1) in our 245 subsequent modelling as preliminary analysis indicated that Axis 2 and 3 were not influential predictors of M. vimineum. The first 3 axes of the principal components analysis of plot variables accounted for 61%, 26% and 12% respectively of the variance (Table 4; Figure 2B). The PCA performed on the plot-level variables captured the environmental variability resulting from the 250 interactions among soils, herbs and woody vegetation. We found that the PCA model that resulted in the highest proportion of variance explained in the first axes included the variables for mean species richness, Ericaceae shrub basal area and soil pH. The exclusion of the cation variables was further justified by exploratory data analysis that showed that these variables 11 had no effect on the probability of presence of M. vimineum. We used only the first axis as a 255 predictor variable (PlotPCA1). This axis quantifies the gradient from low soil pH with associated high basal area of Ericaceae shrubs to relatively high pH and high mean species richness. Model 1 for M. vimineum presence included LandscapePCA1, PlotPCA1, random year effects and the spatial covariance structure. The 95% credible intervals for random year 260 effects all overlapped zero, indicating a lack of an important contribution. We subsequently removed the year effects from this and all other models. The LandscapePCA1 and PlotPCA1 variables were not significantly correlated (r = 0.16). The 95% credible intervals for regression parameters did not overlap zero (Table 5). The DIC value (1125) was substantially lower than other model values (1163, 1171 and 1223). The intercept-only model (Model 4) 265 had the highest DIC value. The positive regression parameter for landscape PCA1 in Model 1 suggests that as forest cover increases (conditions associated with higher elevation, low edge density, low development, low impervious surface etc), the probability of M. vimineum presence decreases. The positive regression parameter for PlotPCA1 indicates that the probability of M. vimineum 270 presence increased with decreasing basal area of Ericaceae shrubs and increasing soil pH. The probability of presence increased with increasing mean species richness of native species. Model 1 may have the most explanatory power because it captures more completely the influence of both landscape and plot-level environmental factors. Models 2 and 3 examined separately the relationship between landscape and plot-level 275 factors and the occurrence of M. vimineum. The DIC value for the LandscapePCA1 model was lower than that of the PlotPCA1 model, which provides some evidence that landscape 12 factors may be more important in determining the distribution and invasion patterns of M. vimineum. In addition, the LandscapePCA1 and PlotPCA1 variables were scaled to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1, which allows for comparison of resulting regression 280 parameters. Results of Model 1showed LandscapePCA1 parameter estimates were slightly higher than PlotPCA1, however there was substantial overlap in the posterior parameter distributions. The posterior distributions of the correlation distance and smoothing parameters (φ and κ) provide strong evidence for spatial structure in the data that is not attributable to the 285 environmental covariates (i.e. autocorrelation in model residuals). The inter-site distances in this study are relatively well distributed across a range from approximately 0.1 to 250 km (Figure 4A). Inspection of a powered-exponential variogram generated from the posterior distributions of σ2, φ and κ indicate that the probability of M. vimineum occurrence is correlated up to a distance of 3 to 4 km (Figure 4B). 290 Discussion Our study shows that the probability of presence of the shade-tolerant M. vimineum in native forest communities is related to fine-scale biotic and abiotic conditions, and broadscale land use in the surrounding area. In addition, the residual spatial structure in the data 295 suggests that establishment is influenced by the presence of M. vimineum in nearby areas. Our empirical models are predictive for intact native forests, but not for the region as a whole because we did not sample within highly disturbed areas. There is now overwhelming evidence that human land-use practices increase rates of spread and establishment of invasive plant species (Brown and Boutin 2009). Removal of native vegetation exposes the soil surface 13 300 for establishment (Hobbs and Huenneke 1992), roads and trails are efficient movement corridors for propagules (Pauchard and Alaback 2004; Von der Lippe and Kowarik 2007; Albright et al. 2009) and abandoned agricultural and forestry plots have altered soil chemistry (Fraterrigo et al. 2005) and litter that favors invasives (Kuhman 2009). While the effect of roads is substantial, it is often limited to adjacent areas, at least for shade-intolerate invasives 305 (Watkins et al. 2003; Flory and Clay 2006). It remains less clear how shade-tolerant species are invading intact native plant communities, but recent studies suggest that the slower rate of spread may make these invasions more difficult to detect (Martin et al. 2009). The influence of broad-scale forest cover and human-related disturbance on the probability of presence of M. vimineum was captured in LandscapePCA1. This axis quantifies 310 the range of conditions from high forest cover and low development to low forest cover and high development in 7 x 7 pixel windows (4.41 ha). It represents the potential propagule pressure in an area, because a location with little forest cover and high human activity is likely to have greater exposure to dispersing propagules than large forest blocks with little human presence. The positive relationship with LandscapePCA1 demonstrates, as expected, that 315 human disturbance and development facilitates invasive establishment. Roadsides act as habitat and dispersal corridors (Christen and Matlack 2009). Although the vegetation sampling was conducted in natural areas, results show that human activities in close proximity influence invasive establishment. As a shade-tolerant species, M. vimineum is capable of expanding from road sides and areas of human development into adjacent intact forests. 320 High herbaceous species diversity is predicted where growing conditions are favourable and there exists high heterogeneity in essential resources (niche partitioning; MacArthur 1970; Chesson 2000). At very fine scales (generally < 1 m), native herbaceous 14 species richness may offer some resistance to the spread of invasives into intact plant communities via competitive interactions for limited resources (Brown and Peet 2003; Tilman 325 2004; Sandel and Corbin 2010). At broader scales, such as examined in this study (plots ≥ 100 m2), the high levels of resource heterogeneity due to topography, vegetation, light, and edaphic conditions should be conducive for a shade-tolerant invasive (Stohlgren et al. 2006). Indeed, our results indicate that where native richness is high the probability of M. vimineum presence is high (see Adams and Engelhardt 2009). While M. vimineum easily invades areas 330 of high native richness, its presence and eventual dominance is expected to reduce native richness (Adams and Engelhardt 2009; Hejda et al. 2009), and alter soil chemistry and microarthropod communities (McGrath and Binkley 2009). A long-term times-series sequence of native species richness from the time of invasion to the present (if available) would be expected to show a steady decline in species richness as M. vimineum increases its 335 local dominance. Consequently, the high diversity plant communities in this region may be especially susceptible to the detrimental impacts of M. vimineum invasions (Barden 1987; Ehrenfeld et al. 2001; Cole and Weltzin 2004). The positive posterior parameter distribution for PlotPCA1 in Models 1 and 3 highlights the complex and interacting factors operating at the plot level to influence the 340 probability of M. vimineum presence. Similar to many native species (Peet et al. 2003), M. vimineum favours high fertility sites, which are associated with high pH and low basal area of acidophilic Ericaceae shrubs. While evidence exists for an inhibitory shading effect (Cole and Weltzin 2005; Cheplick 2010), our results suggest that woody vegetation, which is dominated by Ericaceous shrubs, may influence the probability of presence by affecting the soil-fertility 345 gradient (see gradient in Figure 2B). 15 There was substantial spatial structure in the M. vimineum data that was not explained by the environmental covariates. The probability of presence at a given location was influenced by the presence/absence of M. vimineum up to a distance of approximately 3 km (Figure 4B). It is possible that the unexplained spatial structure could be due in part to 350 environmental variables that were not measured in this study. It is likely, however, that it is indicative of a patchy spatial distribution due to dispersal limitation from established areas. Although M. vimineum has been in the eastern United States since 1917, it is unlikely that its propagules have had sufficient opportunity to get to all areas of the landscape, especially not to intact native communities. The 3-km spatial structure may represent the average distance 355 around established areas in which invasion has occurred. In conclusion, this study illustrates a valuable use for extensive vegetation datasets that were gathered for other purposes and a methodology that can consider potential sources of uncertainty (e.g., variation among years of data collection) and model sparse occurrences. The goal of the CVS is to describe the natural vegetation of North Carolina, and sampling was 360 not conducted to document the patterns of non-native invasives. This and other similar databases are available to address important ecological questions but are presently underutilised. Using the CVS data we found that intact forested areas in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains that are surrounded by high levels of human activity and reduced forest cover are at highest risk of M. vimineum invasion. Presently, areas within a 3-km distance of established 365 locations are also at elevated risks. The spatial scale of establishment should increase with time as M. vimineum spreads across the landscape (Welk 2004), but invasion should be slowest in low fertility sites with dense Ericaceae shrub cover. Given that M. vimineum is known to form dense mats that substantially alter the native species composition and the 16 abiotic substrate (Barden 1987; Kourtev et al. 1998; Ehrenfeld et al. 2001; Cole and Weltzin 370 2005; Redman 2008; Hejda et al. 2009), the diversity in plant communities in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains may generally decrease as M. vimineum spreads and increases its dominance. Acknowledgements We appreciate helpful suggestions from Jim Clark on the methods used in this 375 analysis. Jeff Diez, Michelle Gooch and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments on the manuscript. This study was funded by the Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Program of the National Science Foundation (DEB-0218001 and DEB-0823293, Coweeta LTER). 380 17 Tables Table 1. Data elements used in analysis Data Elements Description yij Presence or absence of M. vimineum at site i in year j γi Natural logarithm of number of modules sampled at site i Plot-level variables Herb_rich Mean number of native species per 100-m2 module Shrub_ba Basal area of shrubs divided by number of modules Tree_ba Basal area of trees divided by number of modules sampled EricaceaeShrub sampled Basal area of Ericaceae shrubs pH Soil pH Ca Soil calcium concentration Mg Soil magnesium concentration Mn Soil manganese concentration PlotPCA1 PCA axis 1 of plot-level variables PlotPCA2 PCA axis 2 of plot-level variables PlotPCA3 PCA axis 3 of plot-level variables Landscape Slope Slope steepness in degrees variables Terrain Terrain index indicating slope position in 7 x 7-cell Impervious Percentage of 30-m cell covered impervious surface window of human development in 7 x 7-cell window Developed Percentage ForestCover Percentage of forest cover in 7 x 7- cell window Elevation Elevation in meters Southwest Aspect transformed into “southwestness” Solar Solar index accounting for terrain and southwestness RoadDensity Road density in 7 x 7-cell window DistRoad Distance to nearest road EdgeDensity Forest-edge density in 7 x 7-cell window LandscapePCA PCA axis 1 of landscape variables LandscapePCA PCA axis 2 of landscape variables 1 LandscapePCA PCA axis 3 of landscape variables 2 3 385 18 Table 2. A priori models. Models Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model elements Intercept + LandscapePCA + PlotPCA Intercept + LandscapePCA Intercept + PlotPCA Intercept 19 390 Table 3. Results of principal components analysis of landscape variables, including relative importance of the first 3 axes and the loading values for each variable within the 3 axes. Importance of components Standard deviation Proportion variance Cumulative proportion Loadings: Slope Terrain Impervious Developed Forest cover Elevation Southwest Solar Road density Edge density Axis 1 1.82 0.31 0.31 -0.14 -0.22 0.25 0.46 -0.49 -0.12 Axis 2 1.38 0.19 0.50 0.11 -0.69 -0.69 Axis 3 1.12 0.12 0.62 0.27 -0.56 -0.16 -0.12 0.14 -0.72 -0.12 0.40 0.49 20 395 Table 4. Results of principal components analysis of plot variables, including relative importance of the first 3 axes and the loading values for each variable within the 3 axes. Importance of components Standard deviation Proportion variance Cumulative proportion Loadings: pH Ericaceae shrubs Mean species richness Axis 1 1.35 0.61 0.61 Axis 2 0.89 0.26 0.87 Axis 3 0.61 0.12 1.00 0.60 -0.46 0.65 0.48 0.86 0.17 0.64 -0.21 -0.74 21 Table 5. Posterior distribution summaries for parameters included in Models 1, 2, 3 and 4. The DIC values for Model 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 1125, 1163, 1171 and 1223 respectively, 400 indicating that Model 1 best explains the data. Models Model 1 Intercept LandscapePCA1 PlotPCA1 σ2 φ Κ Posterior Median Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI -11.60 1.84 1.50 24.30 1.13 0.70 -12.90 1.05 0.83 15.50 0.93 0.61 -10.20 2.62 2.18 34.80 1.35 0.81 Model 2 Intercept LandscapePCA1 σ2 φ κ -6.53 1.79 25.20 0.95 0.91 -8.55 1.17 16.60 0.75 0.72 -4.69 2.25 33.50 1.11 1.09 Model 3 Intercept PlotPCA1 σ2 φ κ -7.01 1.66 26.45 0.98 0.95 -8.93 1.23 15.45 0.72 0.83 -4.99 3.02 34.62 1.20 1.05 Model 4 Intercept σ2 φ κ -2.75 32.54 1.06 0.98 -4.25 15.62 0.78 0.86 -1.18 44.81 1.20 1.10 22 Figure Captions 405 Figure 1. Location of study in western North Carolina in the eastern part of the U.S.A. Vegetation plots are indicated with black dots. Figure 2. First and second axes of the principal components analysis for landscape (A) and plot-level (B) variables. 410 Figure 3. A) Histogram of inter-plot distances, and B) a variogram of residuals of model 3. Median is shown with solid line and 95% credible intervals are dashed lines. 23 Tennessee Asheville North Carolina 415 Figure 1. 24 0.2 A) Elevation Impervious Development EdgeDensity Slope Road Density Forest cover 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Solar Southwest -0.8 Principal Component 2 Terrain -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Principal Component 1 0.6 0.8 Ericaceae basal area 0.4 pH 0.2 Species richness 0.0 Principal Component 2 1.0 B) -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Principal Component 1 Figure 2. 25 420 5000 2000 0 Frequency A) 0 50 150 250 20 40 60 B) 0 Semivariance 80 Distance (km) 0 2 4 6 8 10 Distance (km) Figure 3. 26 References Adams SN, Engelhardt KAM (2009) Diversity declines in Microstegium vimineum (Japanese 425 stiltgrass) patches. Biological Conservation 142: 1003-1010 Albright TP, Anderson DP, Keuler NS, Pearson SM, Turner MG (2009) The spatial legacy of introduction: Celastrus orbiculatus in the southern Appalachians, USA. 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